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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 43 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    That and all of the other QB recruiting fuck ups that transpired after Vince left. The amount of Texas born and bred QBs that absolutely crushed it for other teams between 2005 and 2016 was absolutely sickening.

    You're in Austin, Texas and you don't have an elite college QB under center 100% of the time? Inexcusable.

    And no I didn't forget about Colt - Colt was a 3 star that almost didn't make it. Mack lucked into another 5 years of coaching when Colt turned the corner and became full Texas legend status.

    Recruiting at QB or really any position should be, you take a pool cue and break it in half and toss the two halves on the floor in front of 3-5 guys and say "Tryouts! I got two scholarships open. Good luck."

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Napoleon said:


    Mack just loaded up his iPod and came along for the ride.

    After Mack choked away another fucking game to OU VY's sophomore year, Vince went to Mack and said "Coach, just let me play." And Mack stopped coaching (or strangling his coaches & players) and Texas never lost another game with Vince as QB.

    yeah Vince did an awesome job coordinating the defense and teaching the DBs their technique

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    • Haha 1
  3. On 11/29/2018 at 7:39 AM, aggie08 said:

    I'm a casual Star Wars fan. I think the series is largely overrated, and I don't give a shit about Luke's lasting legacy, what's canon, and diversity quotas. I just want to be entertained.

    ...I thought Last Jedi sucked donkey balls purely from a boring, horribly written, ridiculously stupid, mess of a movie perspective.

    to say it another way, if someone hasn't seen it, what fucking part of that movie can you legitimately, honestly say "oh, you HAVE to see <thing/scene>, it's so great/amazing, it makes up for all of the terrible parts"....?

    They ran out of interesting ideas for Star Wars in 1983. Everything since then has been a steaming green pile of horseshit.

  4. 18 hours ago, satyanash said:

    That's crazy. I had to check to be sure; the 1995 Nebraska team only had one win under that 22-point threshold, a 14-point win against Wazzu in Week 5. Same with 2013 FSU, a 14-point win against Boston College in Week 4.

    1995 Nebraska played a more difficult regular season schedule than 2018 Alabama. They played three conference opponents that finished ranked in the Top 9. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Hellraiser97 said:

    The cupboard wasn't half as bare as the Charlie lovefest wanted us to believe. 

    I used to make fun of the Mackolytes that said "IN MACK'S LAST SEASON WE WERE TIED AT HALFTIME OF THE DE FACTO BIG 12 CHAMPIONSHIP GAME" because a) it never felt like that team had a prayer in hell of actually beating Baylor that day and b) not only did we end up losing by 20, we lost by about that many points five times that season, so the implication that we were just soooo close to the BCS was laughable.

    But our 2013 team would have whipped any of Charlie's three teams. I couldn't believe we REGRESSED, I thought for sure he'd make us at WORST a 21st century version of the 1991 team.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Fondren & Main said:

    He does hold a grudge.  He never forgot about that bullshit they pulled in ‘99.

    I'd like to believe that but 2006, 2007, and 2010 say otherwise. Hell in 2009 we gave up 39 points to those motherfuckers. 

    I never thought Mack was ruthless enough in his attitude towards our rivals. We never even came close to paying Oklahoma back for 63-14-- maybe 2005, but leading 38-12 late and incidentally tacking on a defensive touchdown isn't anything like what OU did to us in 2000 or especially 2003.

  7. 1 minute ago, TornACL said:

    I want a Big 12 Title. I want to stomp Kyler's bitch ass again.

    As the Black Sheep said, "this" and "that"

    FUCK Kyler Murray, I hope we beat them and he has one of those "OMG HE'LL NEVER WALK AGAIN oh wait, he's fine" injuries and sits out their bowl game.

  8. 12 hours ago, BoomMF said:

    Just ordered the Patoski book. I'm an easy sell.

    You won't regret it. It's probably the best one out there. Keri Leigh's book is really good too but it leans heavily on Caught In The Crossfire. It does have a lot of great photos though.

  9. 9 hours ago, Valmy77 said:

    Yeah...and going to the Sugar Bowl because we lost to OU would be shittiest Sugar Bowl berth in history. 

    yup, laughing at OU for getting blown out in the playoff is aggy and going to the Sugar Bowl if we lose to OU is aggy and I guess rooting against OU in the playoff at all must be aggy 

    but hopefully rooting against them this weekend isn't too aggy for those of you who don't want to offend ChiTownDoc who's a super cool dude, otherwise I guess we're all rooting for OU to win the national championship so as not to be aggy?

    jesus fucking christ

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  10. 3 hours ago, Zombie said:


    This was probably already addressed, but 538 projects Texas would have a 53% chance of making the playoffs if OSU loses to NW, Georgia loses to Bama, UCF loses to Memphis, Washington loses to Utah, and of course if we beat OU. Is that completely absurd?

    I don't think in any of my scenarios that I considered Memphis beating UCF. But in the scenario there, Alabama would have to absolutely skullfuck Georgia for us to jump them. But man... if everything in your post happens and Bama wins 52-10, then... shit yeah, I think we go.

    Let's revisit after the rankings come out. That will tell us more.

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