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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. On 7/19/2018 at 6:16 PM, Anton Chigurh said:




    If this didn't already get answered, it was sort of hinted at in Joe Nick Patoski and Bill Crawford's biography of SRV-- the Vaughans were going to tour behind Family Style, in Stevie's case without Double Trouble. The book doesn't say anything more about their plans beyond that, but there's a light implication that Jimmie didn't want the record and tour to just be a one-off so who knows what might have evolved from that.

  2. 11 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    That's a talking point glossed over on dirt as well, as no Longhorn or Sooner administrator would be willing to take a loss (for 6 years) just to join the slow lethargic B1G west...

    Nor will they have to if it comes to that. Oklahoma and most especially Texas have a lot more leverage than Nebraska could ever hope to. Neither is taking a partial share of anything in order to join that conference.

    I really think what the Big Ten would be best off doing-- and oh my God, I'm talking realignment again-- is jettisoning its worst programs in the East and West divisions and trying to come up with a 12-member format that eliminates dead weight. Of course that also kills a lot of traditional matchups (I refuse to call some of them rivalries, get that Illibuck shit out of here). 

    I get that there are CIC and traditional matchup considerations in play, but you can't tell me the Big Ten is better off with Illinois, Purdue, Indiana, Rutgers, and Maryland versus Texas, OU, Kansas, Syracuse, and Pitt. Not in the era of cable-cutting and the incipient heat death of the cable subscription revenue model. 

    What I'd prefer to that is to rebuild a 12-member, two-division Big 12 that as closely mirrors the circa 2010 version as possible by poaching Arkansas and Nebraska. Never happen, but that would be my preference to joining the BIg Ten or Pac-12.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I don’t really agree with this.  At all.  

    When you hire Shawn Watson and Vance Bedford as your coordinators, you’re pretty much fucked and going to make the talent look much worse than it is. 

    And if you have a hole at qb or ol, there are these things called transfers both grad and juco 

    I don't blame him for the roster he inherited. And if he hadn't been so shit-lickingly inept as a coach, he'd have gotten more than three years to build his own roster. I blame him for his choice of assistants and the strategies he employed both macro ("Derrr I don't know what offense Shawn is implementing") and micro ("Derrr you can take the ball both halves UCLA"), which are kind of important for a head coach to do well.

    So fuck him. 

  4. What do you as a fan care what the conference pays out, though, past the point of being able to properly reinvest in its athletic programs (which Nebraska could easily do in either the Big Ten or Big 12)? Texas is #1 in revenue every single year (other than those in which A&M gets to add in one-time donations as "revenue"), but none of that money goes in my pocket. I don't want us to "maximize revenue streams" at the cost of traditional rivalries.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, UTEX_ME said:

    every 5-10 years or so, aggy is due for a "win that will change the culture, program direction.." etc. The last three I can think are: 

    - 2018 "7 OT Thriller to end losing streak to 'rival' LSU"

    -2012 "Johnny beats Bama in their house, moon doesnt control the tide.."

    -2006 "12-7 ending losing streak to defending National Champions and hated rival Texas.."

    One thing to notice is if each of the those games were played ten times, aggy would lose eight. They never just beat the fuck out of someone. All those games came down to controversial and / or fluky circumstances. Then they regress to the back to the mean. 

    In 2010, they beat Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Texas in the same season for what going off memory must be the only time in their history. That was supposed to springboard them into national championship contention in 2011. Instead they went 7-6 and left the conference as quick as they could. Oops!

  6. 1 hour ago, Cornfusion said:

    In my opinion, the quality of competition from top to bottom in the Big Ten will be greater than or equal to that of the Big 12 most years.  C-USA would not provide that quality of competition, and I put a higher premium on interesting games rather than easy wins.  So if we can play in a conference that provides greater than or equal competition and pays more money with a nice network...shouldn't Nebraska be content with that?

    Nebraska can be content with whatever arrangement floats the boats its land-locked ass doesn't have. I will remain baffled by how one of the top 10 programs from 1970-2000 is "content" being an afterthought in a conference where its rival is Iowa. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    Why doesn’t aggy want to play us in a Bowl game? All I hear from them is they hope we play someone else in SEC, but not them.


  8. I really don't get that. I think Texas football has been slightly diminished by not playing Arkansas and (to a lesser degree) Texas A&M every year. Those games that you want to win but HATE to lose are what makes college football so gut-wrenchingly important in a way no other sport can match. We now have one: Oklahoma. Nebraska has, if I can speak for Nebraska, zero. I mean, I'm sure you don't like losing to anyone, but I doubt losing to Iowa or Wisconsin or Ohio State feels nearly as bad as losing to villainous Texas or lawbreaking Oklahoma.

    I'm not a Nebraska fan so I can't tell you what to think but the idea that who you play doesn't matter baffles me. Why not quit the BIg Ten and play in C-USA, where your odds of going 12-0 increase dramatically? Oh, right, you want your athletic department to make Teh Most Moniez. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Cornfusion said:

    The Oklahoma game used to be HUGE every year...and that was it.  The Big Ten has more competition from top to bottom than the Big 8 or Big 12 did.  So we traded more money for playing teams like Penn State, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio State, and lost Oklahoma and Kansas, Kansas State.  I'm okay with that, you might not be if you were a Nebraska fan.

    Most Nebraska fans are looking forward to settling accounts with Iowa and Wisconsin, hopefully next year if we can get some defensive backs that don't play terrified and look for the ball every other tenth time.

    Playing-- you mean losing to, right?

    Good luck on settling the score with Iowa! and Wisconsin! hopefully next year. My how the bar has been lowered in Lincoln.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Someone needs to inform this person that the weird there is not .5% outliers of the fan base.  The weird there is 99.5% of the fanbase, and only 0.5% are what the rest of us would deem normal.

    Exactly. Which of the following behaviors, which fans of other schools mock, would "99.5%" of A&M's fan base disavow?

    * Allowing students to build a gigantic bonfire, unsupervised

    * Not having female cheerleaders

    * Having a fight song that's mostly about another school, one that you no longer even play

    * Attacking anyone who runs on your non-war-Memorial, Astroturfed field including girls

    * Having your animal mascot be the literal, ranking head of the Corps of Cadets

    * Retroactively putting national championships on the wall of your stadium

    * Putting division championships up as "conference" championships

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Cornfusion said:

    A lot of Nebraska fans missed traveling to games, which is now harder in the Big 10.  I do believe that outside of this faction, most Nebraska fans have settled into the Big 10 comfortably and playing Oklahoma every year is growing dimmer in the rearview mirror.  

    On the plus side, more money and the Big Ten network.  Most fans are euphorically optimistic with the improvement they have seen on offense with Scott Frost.  They have a "let's wait and see" philosophy with Frost's defensive coordinator Chinander.

    As for our record, I am sure everybody here can relate to how hard it can be to consistently beat a Big 10 teams like Ohio State...or Maryland.

    Let me translate and you tell me if I'm wrong. This is how I understood your post. "We stopped playing Oklahoma but that's OK because our athletic department makes MORE MONEY by not playing them". In other words, you're cool with a third-tier program like Iowa as your rival as long as someone who isn't you gets more money for it.

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