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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 1 hour ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    Exactly how do you arrive at the conclusion that you would now dominate if you played those same teams today? Because no one can disprove it? 

    This sums up the Aggie satisfaction with being in the SEC perfectly. We are their ultimate measuring stick and the source of their vast inferiority complex as we're objectively superior in basically everything other than those sciences involving the manual manipulation of animal genitals. The more Aggies can play in the subjective, the easier it is to avoid coming to grips with that inferiority. 

    • Like 2
  2. weird people who raise their kids in non-traditional ways and then embrace the child's decision to adopt a disorder lifestyle when xe grows up doesn't validate the way the kid was raised, it proves the opposite point

  3. 6 hours ago, SpiralOut said:

    I think you can encourage not killing each other and still have it be football.

    why risk it

    aren't we better than this, as coastal Americans? I mean I already know I'm better than the kind of people who like high school football, but why is anyone allowed to be this way.

  4. 19 hours ago, NowThis said:

    so i guess the chances for WSU Leach to CFP are nil.

    suppose tOSU beats Michigan and wins the B1G CCG to go 12-1.  OU loses to WV, so no Big12.  Bama, Clemson, ND are solid 3 spots.

    WSU beats UW and Utah goes 12-1 also, only loss a close one @ USC with some very bad officiating. tOSU has a quality win vs. Mich but lost to Purdue badly.

    So, WSU vs. tOSU, they'll pick the Buckeyes right? 

    you only have to add one more step to your scenario to get WSU in-- Northwestern beats Ohio State in the Big Ten championship game. WSU can get into the playoff, you just need to take the Big 12 and B1G champions out of the equation and that's not hard to do. If Northwestern wins the B1G and the Big 12 champion is anything other than a one-loss OU, it comes down to WSU and the 2nd best SEC team, and I think WSU would get in over a two-loss Georgia (one of its losses being a 20-pt loss to LSU), or two-loss LSU (29-0 loser to Alabama).

    I actually think Michigan can beat Alabama. We will probably find out too because Michigan is going to stomp Ohio State this weekend. Bad. Like 41-14 bad. Ohio State is like the 1980 version of Muhammad Ali at this point.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Scholz said:

    Guaran-damn-tee you Jimbo is taking this game deathly seriously.  A loss to UAB would devastate his first year.

    sure, privately, but A&M likes to think it's the same kind of program that has Cupcake Saturday as Bama, etc. the fans aren't sitting around having gay sex in public restrooms and committing acts of bestiality and saying "uh oh we might lost to UAB". They're saying "we gon' stomp UAB" while doing those other things.

  6. This game is as much an exhibition for UAB as it is for A&M, UAB wants to win their conference and this game doesn't impact that in any way. Thus, they'll sit a guy or guys, plural, who would be playing if the game mattered to the program's goals. 

    If UAB were playing Alabama, I bet it would be all hands on deck. A&M, they're like "meh, let's not fuck up our shot at the Liberty Bowl". 

  7. 1 minute ago, Beau Vine said:

    Anyone willing to put up with Urban Meyer's shenanigans, Bobby Petrino quitting on his job but collecting $14M, Baylor, Penn State, North Carolina, $100+ tickets, etc etc etc, should be able to stomach a few players sitting out meaningless bowl games for their own good.

    That is the way you think it should be, not necessarily the way that it actually will be.

    I don't think anyone likes the constant commercialization of the sport or the scumbag behavior of some of those that work in it, but the players sitting games out says "these games aren't important" in ways that coaches' salaries, conference realignment, ticket prices, Adzillatron, and win-at-all-costs cheating do not. Fans are willing to put up with an awful lot as long as they are invested in the games. If the fans begin to think that the games don't really matter, THAT is what will harm fan interest in the sport in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I'd rather return to being a dominant team that whips pretty good teams regularly. I don't want a cakewalk schedule.

    other than 2005, which is the outlier among all outliers, I think the most enjoyable seasons are those where you expect to win every game but worry about losing to a third of the teams on your schedule. 2008 is a pretty good example, there wasn't a single game where I thought "well we will definitely lose that one" but the grinder of Missouri/Okie State/OU/Tech were all games that concerned me, as was the bowl game

    right now most of our games feel like tossups

  9. 4 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    If it wan't Ed Oliver the player would have already been kicked off the team for that..

    He didn't see too hurt when he went after Applewhite as well.

    That's because he's not injured, he's just "hurt"

    If the point of football is strictly, or primarily, to maximize your earnings potential, then he's doing the right thing by sitting out his semi-pro team's games at this point. 

    Most fans don't look at it that way. It will be worth watching what happens to fan interest if players continue to take a primarily economic view of the game.

    • Like 1
  10. sad to see Notre Dame lowering themselves to that level... of course even their regular uniforms are all kinds of fucked up since they changed the gold

    I read something interesting a few days ago that said the reason you see so many teams wear uniform pants that are flat colors instead of the shiny metallic you saw in the 90s is because the metallic material was MUCH heavier than the material used to make the flat-color pants. 

  11. 9 hours ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    I apologize if this has already been addressed since I'm catching up but, uh... The South Florida Strong Bulls Horns don't concern me, Maryland be dammed. 

    well, first, I don't think I said I was "concerned" with them, I think I said they were a solid non-P5 opponent that I didn't want to play. playing solid non-P5 opponents is a no-win situation. I'd rather play a 3-8 Tennessee or a 5-6 Miami than an 8-3 USF or UAB or Nevada.

    second, you're welcome to say "Maryland be damned" but until we go unbeaten in non-conference play a few times, I'm not going to put it past us to lose to another suckass middle-tier team like Maryland or Cal or Ole Miss or BYU. I'm not particularly worried about how we'll handle the Potato Farmers, but this also isn't playing New Mexico State.

  12. Just now, TexasBeta said:

    For me you have to add Cedric Benson - that kid in high school was unbelievable - strong / great lean / always falling forward. 

    Sure, absolutely. Adrian Peterson too, but that was 15 years ago. When you hear about a five-star running back now, they just don't compare.

  13. 2 minutes ago, TexasBeta said:

    Not a single running back we have on campus remotely looks like him physically. Maybe recruits like Cain with S&C could.

    I don't think they make 'em like that anymore. Who was the last hyped-up running back you were truly impressed with? When I was young we got Herschel Walker, Bo Jackson, Barry Sanders, Marshall Faulk, Ricky Williams. Nowadays it's guys like Derrick Henry (slow), Leonard Fournette (about as shifty as Eddie George), Marcus Lattimore (never impressed me) Mark Ingram (we had three running backs better than him on the 1996 team), whatever shithead Wisconsin is handing off to 40 times this year. 

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