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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. this being Surlyhorns.com, I believe it should be "getting the hammer UP YOUR GAPING ASSHOLE"
  2. if you're going to complain about a few explosions in your backyard, don't move to Beirut I guess
  3. Same. I really think something like CC-Indiana or CC-Florida would be illuminating.
  4. extra plastic, more like "NOW WITH VALTREX! CURES STDs AND TASTES GREAT"
  5. kind of like how Tom Herman is a better coach than Charlie Strong
  6. I use Audacity (free) and a $50 Blue Snowball condenser to record from a close-mic'ed Katana amp isolated in a closet. I don't do anything direct, which is probably dumb but oh well. My setup lets me multitrack by playing back through monitor speakers on my desktop-- the amp is loud enough that I can hear it fine without having to mess with real-time playback/playthrough. Same setup for acoustic guitar, but I move the laptop and mic to the master bedroom closet upstairs and just play with the sound hole close to the mic. I have never tried recording vocals. Maybe next year. Audacity has a lot of mixing and mastering stuff built in, but I don't really know how to mix or do any of that producer shit so I just guess. I'm just lucky when I get the levels right and everything sounds relatively equal/appropriate. So my shit is totally bargain basement, but the end result is what I consider decent lo-fi. It may sound like shit to someone with better ears than mine, and/or someone who understands mixing, but to me it's effective enough to produce multi-track song stems I can share.
  7. this is the worst page in Surly history
  8. how many people have to die before you listen to Tom Cruise not just about COVID either
  9. that is exactly what Shaka told them at halftime
  10. It's fucking Bleacher Report, you dolt. I don't fisk Stormfront articles either.
  11. you gotta lock him up, he's red hot, they just made the Pac-12 Championship Game
  12. if that's too much money, we should cancel all of our capital projects
  13. one writer from Bleacher Report do you even consider your sources?
  14. Doubtful. Much more likely they licensed it.
  15. then we should cancel all of our capital projects
  16. that was sort of my point although I see what @Bevo14 was getting at in terms of upside
  17. wouldn't you take a fifth-stringer from a program like Ohio State or Alabama over most of our guys, if you were drafting in the 6th or 7th round? Most of the scrubs at those programs were highly recruited, stuck with their program, and got four or five years of really good coaching at the college level.
  18. I am also interested in what @BearSchlong told his sponsee. I know what I would say, short and simple: "for this program to work, you have to believe that whether you drink or not is life or death. If you do believe that, then you're basically risking death being around a bunch of people who are encouraging you to drink. And your alcoholic brain does not need any additional external stimulus to convince it drinking might be a good idea." I don't mean sever, but I would encourage him to limit in person contact to times and places where booze isn't involved... which may be harder with some families than others.
  19. Tennessee sucks but I would wait until the Aggies run out of time before giving them the W there
  20. the fire department, pssssh, they kill more people than they save
  21. that was just the administration hazing him, they were joking when they said it and no one actually thought he would do it, but he was kind of an idiot
  22. Lots 37 and 38 can fuck right off. that fountain and green space, too, fuck that shit!
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