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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 3 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Well the logic on the ACC not playing would be that ND or Clemson are currently both playoff teams, while one could fall out if that game is played. Between that and the COVID situation, it would be the ACC asking “why play?”

    But of course, TV money.

    Yeah, I think I'm just arguing from personal greed. I would like to see that game played. I'll watch. Logically speaking, the ACC would be smart to spike it and dare the committee to leave Clemson out. 

    Maybe ballsy more than smart. I guess if Notre Dame beats Clemson, we'll all get to enjoy not watching A&M's first playoff game. 

  2. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    then there shouldn't be an acc or big 12 game either.  

    I don't know who's arguing in favor of a Big 12 title game, but the ACC should definitely play one. Clemson's best player didn't play in the first ND-Clemson game.

    I think you're trying too hard to hate on football

  3. 8 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    He's weak until proven otherwise from here. He's hired one FB coach in his career. He's worked to avoid firing Herman. He soft-pedaled firing Plonsky. He's proven that he can watch coaching contracts expire and not renew them, but he's not shown that he can even straight-up fire someone. 

    I don't see how anyone could take Del Conte seriously after he retained Shaka Smart last spring. I have been in "show me, stop telling me" mode since then. You cannot talk about championship expectations and then bring a coach back who finished fourth his first year and then significantly worse than that every year after. 

  4. when you're driving cautiously in a parking lot, manage to surprise a pedestrian who's not paying attention, and they give you a dirty look like you're driving like a maniac and almost ran them over

    because that makes me WANT to run them over but at that point I feel like I've missed my best chance and now you're talking about driving through the front door at HEB to catch them from behind

    and that seems like too much effort

    • Haha 2
  5. Just now, Valmy77 said:

    The longer you stretch out and delay firing your coach the more class and dignity points you get.

    and then you really have to top it off with a dispiriting, third-choice type of hire

    I think the biggest mistake we made with Tom Herman was, we went after a hot commodity. That was really unbecoming and we're reaping what we sowed. 

    How about Dino Babers, how's he grab you guys?

  6. 34 minutes ago, BTW said:


    1) I don't know how to talk about it with our work associates (vendors, customers, partners, etc).  When I've told a few of them frankly what happened, it feels like gossip and it's not my story to tell.  But I don't know what to say when they ask about him.

    2) I've already taken the beers we kept in our work fridge home.  I was thinking about re-stocking it with some NA beers before he gets back, but I don't know if that's a good idea or not.

    3) Should I go to some Al-anon meetings?  Would it help me to read the blue book? I really want him to succeed, and I want to be as prepared as possible to help.

    4) We do a lot of business at Happy Hours and sometimes boozy dinners, etc.  How do I handle that sort of thing moving forward?

    TIA for any input, and like I said, if this isn't the venue, please point me to the appropriate place.


    EDIT to say, I just realized my avatar is highly inappropriate for this thread, no offense meant by it. (but this is surly, and we're all a bunch of assholes)

    All you are going to get are opinions, and they're all worth what you're paying for them.

    1) It's not your responsibility to tell anyone anything. A simple "he is taking some time away from work for personal reasons" is all the explanation anyone is owed. If they press, you can defer them to him-- "he can tell you more if he wants to, when he returns". He can then choose to be as forthcoming as he wants, but what he'll learn over time is that he will intuitively know when it's the right time to broach the subject. He doesn't have to come out of rehab and yell "I'M AN ALCOHOLIC" like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy. He should not feel obligated to "come clean" to anyone, until the appropriate time and place (making amends, helping someone by sharing his story).

    2) Clearing out the beer was good. NA beer is not good. Stock it with Topo Chico or whatever.  

    3) Maybe and yes. Al-Anon is not really about helping recovering alcoholics. At least, not directly. It is about helping the Al-Anons break their codependence, which often times takes the form of enabling the addiction in the first place. Al-Anon teaches you (general you) how to accept that someone's alcoholism is not your fault, not your responsibility, and not something you can control, and how to detach lovingly. That indirectly helps the alcoholic by letting them experience consequences and understand that they and they alone are responsible for desiring and working towards sobriety. 

    4) That kind of depends. Right out of rehab, boozy get togethers probably aren't a good idea, but I don't know how revolted he'll be by the idea of relapse or of taking a drink. This is one thing you do need to address directly with him. If possible, he needs these to be optional until he's got some confidence in his sobriety and I do NOT mean the "I just finished 30 days of rehab and I'm free and I feel like a million bucks!!!!!!!" confidence, I mean he's worked the steps and has a real program in place. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  7. 54 minutes ago, notre dame joe said:

    Once Musberger said Mr Brown had brought the Tarheels to football prominence. 

    which is funny because they were plenty prominent under Dick Crum circa 1980-- I don't know if their ceiling was as high per se but I do know they didn't have any automatic Ls on their schedule back then the way Mack (and Greg Davis most especially) had Florida State in 1996 and 1997. Those UNC-FSU games were "close blowouts", where the final score wasn't astronomically embarrassing but the box scores were. I don't think UNC had 300 yards of total offense those two years combined, and they only managed three points total in the two games. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. On 10/10/2020 at 9:59 PM, ousux said:
    On 10/10/2020 at 9:50 PM, AustinMT said:
    And Jimmy  admitted he treated players he needed differently.  I don’t have a problem with that.  Meyer overlooked 30+ arrests in 6 years at Florida,  and reinstated a player that punched a woman on video after 3 games.  What bothers me most is that he was a complete weasel on the Smith issue.  “If I wanted to erase old texts how would I do that?”  And, bingo, texts are erased.
    But I have to say, even with all that, I’m in on hiring him.  Just be prepared for the fallout in 4-5 years.

    As long as we have at least 3 conference titles and get in the playoffs those years and win more often than not, I'm cool with some light fallout half a decade from now

    What you're basically saying is, you're willing to have an FBS football program. 

  9. 20 hours ago, CooperB said:

    I really want you to be wrong, but...

    Don't worry, he is. He's proposing that North Carolina will surpass Clemson and Notre Dame under a coach who's already 69 years old. 

    Mack's time at UNC is going to be a huge success because at North Carolina, "stop us from losing 9 games a year and get us to a bowl game" is a huge success.

  10. 1 minute ago, Scooter Monzingo said:

    4 years in they both seem to have not had a drop off at their respective programs.

    This is Day's second year, and OU certainly seems to have had a drop off this year to me.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Wiler77 said:

    Meanwhile OU's last 2 hires were coaches with no HC experience, and that worked out pretty well.  Ohio State.  Clemson.

    HC experience is overrated, IMO. 

    I don't disagree that HC experience is somewhat overrated but let's keep some context around those citations. Ohio State elevated someone already on the staff of a program operating at its peak. OU did the same with Lincoln Riley. And Dabo Swinney was a battlefield promotion, initially-- good for them that they stuck with him long enough to build them into what they've become. Stoops is your best example but that was 22 years ago now. 

    On top of that, who really knows? We would all have been just fine with Mack retiring in January 2010 and handing the reins to Will Muschamp.

    I think we're a significant rebuilding job, not in the sense of "we're 1-10 and have 1-10 talent" but in the sense of, recruiting is short-term fucked, the talent on the roster is Charmin soft and spoiled, and this program's culture is absolute shit. We've come full circle to 1997 (although regrettably there's no analog to Ricky Williams on the roster). 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 47 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Priority 1) stabilize the financial impact of COVID, help develop and implement NIL, finish the SEZ and bball projects. Priority 2) evaluate program head coaches, participate in preliminary media rights renewal discussions, participate in realignment discussions.

    That takes us to 2023.

    Jesus Fucking Christ. This is why we're Texas. Even if it's not true, just the idea that we have fans that think doing this would be some kind of uber 4D chess way of operating an athletic department.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  13. 11 hours ago, bullet said:

    Its nice that Diaz is doing it to Miami instead of to us.  He hasn't learned anything since he left Texas.  And Mack remembers Manny's defenses very well.

    All time record for 2 RBs, 544 yards.  Carter 24 for 308, Williams 23 for 236.  Overall 55 for 554 yards rushing.

    it looked like someone set the difficulty level to Freshman on NCAA 2014

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