That is the hypothetical. I think this whole thing is hypothetical. It goes back to your conjecture that we've got him and he's just biding his time so as not to upset Ohio State's applecart. I mean, I can't prove that's not true, and I hope it is. I just don't think it follows that silence and/or lack of action can be explained away as "he loves Ohio State too much to hurt them" or any variation on that.
Or to say it another way, I don't think that Urban's deep and abiding love for all things Ohio is the most likely explanation for the silence/lack of action. Right now there's no job opening at Texas, so that to me explains it. When there's a job opening here, I would expect a firm answer from Meyer within 48 hours even if that answer is a total lie. Once we have an answer, IF that answer is "he's coming" AND he wants to fill his staff with current Ohio State people, THEN I think his attitude towards Ohio State will be "tough shit". His own offensive coordinator was Houston-bound during the 2014 National Title game. That's just the way the game is played. He's not going to do Ohio State any favors-- they're going to be one of his biggest targets if he takes the job here. He can't afford to be sentimental towards them.
And again, this is Urban Meyer. I'm surprised I even have to opine that sentimentality won't cloud his killer instinct.
it's all moot anyway, he's not coming.