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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 15 minutes ago, DFW Horn said:

    I say "aggy" because I know it pisses them off and is a rebuke of their using "tu" for UT.

    Plus, it helps us differentiate them from the other Aggies at NMSU, NC A&T, Cal-Davis, etc.

    totally!!!! it's also even FUNNIER than "t.u." as an insult hahahahahahaha

  2. 30 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Glad not to have anything to do with A&M any more. 

    which is too bad, because the A&M-Tech series was one of the highlights of the season from about 1995 until Leach was shitcanned

    The 59-28 win over Franchione's bunch was so disappointing because (as I recall) going in there was legitimate hope that Leach would try to run up 80+ on those sorry bastards. I really thought he'd do it.

  3. Just now, taybo20 said:

    It’s been 10 long years of suffering...idk if I can do it anymore. So I’ll take 2 please

    you don't have to suffer 

    just go to any freeway overpass in Austin, there are dozens of homeless who will hug you

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Reese Bennett said:

    No. Health, family, Ohio legacy, family has enough money, loves being a TV analyst. It's so badly written and constructed it makes me want to read that Wescott guy for the next 48 hours.

    that and "we don't care where he goes cause we're fucking great, but here are 46 reasons there's NO WAY he would want to go to Texas and another 19 why he WON'T go to Texas and also it doesn't matter if he does cause but he won't."

    It's insanely childish. I think their reaction ought to be:

    * he just retired, it seems far-fetched he'd turn right around and take another high-pressure job

    * unless he really felt like he was pushed out at Ohio State (which we don't really know)

    * Texas is one of the few jobs that he could plausibly take

    * Whether we know what's happening behind the scenes or not, it seems obvious UT would to gauge his interest in the job because Meyer's one of the three best coaches of his era, so there's not really any good reason to sit here and go HURRRRRR TEXAS FANS when clearly UT is going to pursue him 

    * Coming up with a list of why you as an Ohio State fan wouldn't leave your NCAA 2014 dynasty to coach at Texas is a waste of time, it has no bearing on what Meyer thinks or wants and he is admirably tight-lipped about what he might want to change about his life, which is a weird dynamic to soyboys who emote on Twitter/etc all day

    * Since so much of this depends on what goes on between Meyer's ears, none of us really know jack shit about what he's going to decide so we kind of have to wait and see


  5. 35 minutes ago, sidis said:

    i don't think the no home game is a big deal.

    it's their turn to host. it will still be their "turn" the next time the teams meet, and if that meeting takes place in a universe where fans are allowed at the games again, it becomes an even greater loss than not getting to host in a year where they're not allowed

  6. 1 hour ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    The Pony Excess 30/30 documentary

    was, stop me if you've heard this one, 90% horseshit

    Both the article and that documentary let the people involved describe themselves and then presented it uncritically, no different than asking Texags to tell the story of Texas A&M. That's why poor Grant Teaff was surrounded by cheaters even though he wanted everything played fair! And everyone started turning everyone else in only when little ol' SMU started winning games. And everyone was cheating, everyone except Rice. 

    Etc etc etc. I get what you're saying about nostalgic entertainment value but frankly hearing the prevaricating cheaters make the unchallenged claims they do just turns me off. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    I wonder what the Big Ten does with the Ohio State-Michigan home/away split. I assume they'll just tell Ohio State "you have to go to Ann Arbor twice in a row, tough shit about your home game", but kind of bullshit that Ohio State loses a game in Columbus because Michigan can't play. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Dutch said:

    IIRC, don't conferences need at least one private institution to prevent their business from being subject to FOIA requests?  

    That is a myth, right up alongside the idea that Bob Bullock told the University of Texas "YOU BETTER TAKE BAYLOR OR YOU WON'T GET ANY MONEY!" and our reaction was anything other than "we'll see you in court". 

    That article is 90% horseshit. 

  9. the same way a lot of our fans want to be in a conference with Tulane and UNLV because of the fun road trips!!!!!!!!, let's hire Mike Leach or Lane Kiffen. Enough of the dour shitshow, let's have a colorful fun shitshow. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Yep. Been awhile since we had a top 10 basketball team. Win against UNC and we probably get there.

    we've never been ranked in the Top Ten under Shaka Smart, not for one single week. we've only made 12 poll appearances in all his seasons (including this one) combined

    we just needed to be patient I guess!!!!

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