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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 5 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    do you want us to publicly drag Herman to court because he is a profligate

    we're not supposed to call them that anymore

    say "Herman's a queer" if you're going there

  2. 56 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    I mean, orange is our primary color. Not sure how you interpret them as "Clemson knockoffs." 

    because it looked exactly like fucking Clemson?

  3. 4 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    There's also the reality that redlining an agreement is more detail-oriented and time intensive than agreeing to key points and terms. It's banal, but just getting that stuff locked in with the lawyers could take a few days.

    Especially in COVID/post-COVID contracts. The question of "do we have to pay our coach/coaches even if we don't play football games because of pandemic" was probably elided under very broad force majeure language. Betting both sides want that question understood and very explicitly documented. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Don't mind me. I'm gonna go make a leftover Thanksgiving turkey (or BLT) sandwich with a shit-load of Duke's mayo on it.

    check on the Invisible Fence too while you're up, those ninth-graders are a handful

  5. Just now, C-Man said:

    Was ztejas talking about Brady? I just read his response and must've missed the post he was responding to? Fuck me -- got too many things going on apparently and this thread moves fast as fuck.


    I can Cliff's Notes it for you-- I think Harbaugh represents the struggles any NFL coach would have in college; ztejas thinks because Harbaugh had success at Stanford, he doesn't really count. Just idle discussion, there's no way to prove either position.

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  6. 9 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Huh? His one year as a QB coach in the NFL? 

    You appear to be interpreting that sequentially when it's meant in terms of his notoriety. He was better known or more often characterized, i.e. first and foremost, for his success with the 49ers when he took the Michigan job. In my opinion, anyway. He was an NFL guy taking a college job, in shorthand. 

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  7. 10 minutes ago, tx ind said:

    There's a coach out there who has coached 10 years in college, has rings as a coordinator, is from the Belichek tree, and is currently a head NFL coach.  

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    Mark Blackgino?

  8. 23 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I mean maybe Harbaugh is a decent example but he started in college so not really.

    I think Harbaugh is widely known for his NFL success first and his build job at Stanford second. I actually think he's a pretty good example. And he's been a failure in college since he got NFL'ed up. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    I'd rather have Harsin than any NFL assistant.

    Recruiting and relationships with HS coaches are such critical components of running a college program. I think the vast majority of NFL coaches would fail miserably at those two things. Neither of them is as facile as throwing your Super Bowl rings on the coffee table and bragging about "how we did it in New England".

    And there's no "touchdown button" in the college game-- the idea that any of these guys are so brilliant that they have a decided schematic advantage over guys who've never been in the NFL is laughable in all but a few cases, so don't expect an NFL guy to come in and whip a bunch of selfish, lazy 4* players into a juggernaut through game-planning and playcalling.

    And yes I know anyone who's inclined to disagree with the above will say "Pete Carroll Pete Carroll Pete Carroll Pete Carroll". Pete Carroll is a Grade-A psychological masterpiece of sociopathy and pandering. If you watched the 60 Minutes piece on him and read about his time in LA, it sounds like the next time he takes a hard stand with a recruit or player will be the first.

    The closest we could get to him would be Eric Bienemy. Good luck with that culture fit. I would vote Bienemy "most likely to leave a 5-game losing streak behind by returning to the NFL with two games left on the schedule."

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  10. 53 minutes ago, Tailgate said:

    I don’t know this for certain, but I suspect there are moments when he’s tempted by the prospects of being back in it as a coach, striving toward building and running a powerhouse being wired for how all-consuming that is. And then there probably are other days when he’s very comfortable with his situation now.

    the difference is that he can do that TV thing whenever he wants between now and his mid-70s

    the longer he stays on the sidelines, the less likely it is he'll ever coach at a program commensurate with his stature again-- if he waits until he's 64 and decides "I HAVE TO COACH AGAIN", he's not getting a job like Texas or USC

  11. 1 hour ago, Juicy said:

    I think the Jets will definitely call. I don't know why any coach would want that job, but they will call. Harbaugh to the lions is interesting. AA to Oak Park is about 40 minutes, not a terrible commute for him. I would take him as the lions coach to get rid of him at UofM

    Harbaugh to Lions makes so much sense that I'll be surprised if it doesn't happen. His NFL bona fides are, IMO, not diminished by his failure in Ann Arbor. In the NFL, you're not (realistically) trying to hire a guy who'll stay 20 years anyway*. If he takes the Detroit job and just gets them into the playoffs three times before weirding out, that's huge success. 

    * that's always the college coaching fantasy, i.e., "Bob Stoops is only 40 and just won a national title in his second year, he'll coach another twenty years here and win four more!" or "Ryan Day can rewrite the Ohio State coaching record book between now and his 70th birthday!"

  12. 19 minutes ago, Gravy Train said:

    Ironically, unfucking the parity, substandard officiating and illogical scheduling (round robin + CCG) of the B12 might be the most significant agenda a new coach should bring to the program.

    prepare for two disappointments, then, regardless of who we hire

  13. 1) Ohio State fans and worse media are pretty funny about this. "LOLZ Texas thinks they can get Meyer, there's no way, he doesn't want to coach again and he has health concerns that will keep him from ever coaching. Plus he'd never want to go to UT/Austin and he doesn't want to coach in the era of the transfer portal and name/likeness compensation.....

    ...but if he does LOLZ he'll get whipped by Ryan Day because he's old."

    So we shouldn't go after him because of every reason you can think of, but even if he does it doesn't matter to Ohio State. Right. Whistling past the graveyard. 

    2) I keep seeing people saying that he retired over health concerns. Not so. At least, not entirely. He also retired because he felt like the Ohio State administration threw him under the bus during the Zach Smith ordeal. There were a LOT of Ohio State people, ranging from internet dipshits to BMDs to people in the administration, that felt like Meyer's suspension was scapegoating him. Meyer felt that too. So this idea that it's just his poor broken brain that has him on the sideline-- nope. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    But with everything that is going on, if UM wanted to bring that fucking loser with him, do you really think that would be the sticking point to the hire? Not a fucking chance.

    Disagree. That dude is toxic, currently unemployed, and didn't have a good reputation as a receivers coach in the first place. I think if Meyer made his hiring conditional on bringing Smith, Texas would balk. Imagine if we were trying to bring Mack Brown back and he insisted Cleve Bryant be part of the package. 

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