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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. On 3/22/2020 at 6:31 AM, mulletpelini said:

    All the fans that left the Cotton bowl that day surely thought, "Well, we got our asses kicked, but we're still National Champions!"

    all the fans walking into the stadium thought "we already won the UPI National Championship, let's kick Notre Dame's ass and keep the 30-game win streak alive". 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Sir Ulrich said:

    While the jury is still out on this guy and his source, what would happen in this situation since Texas would not have enough games remaining to reach the Big 12 championship?


    that's one way for Herman to protect his job

  3. On 11/21/2020 at 7:08 PM, Parliament said:

    If he's moving backwards, is that illegal motion?  I dunno.

    I think in general that type of play can get flagged. Didn't Cleveland try something silly like that with Manziel in one of his first games, and it got flagged for something like unsportsmanlike conduct because of the chicanery aspect of it? I may not be remembering that right, it was (giggle) a long time ago that Manziel was taking NFL snaps.

    It wasn't a two-point conversion AND it failed, but I always liked the design of the play OU ran on fourth down against us in 1994, a sort of reverse action to James Allen out of the backfield. Stonie Clark made a great stop and he wasn't the only defender there, but they ran it from the four yard line and got down within inches of the goal-- it very nearly worked. 

  4. Just now, TXSG8R said:

    Clemson fucked up by allowing a symptomatic guy to keep practicing. 

    It's really hard. He's symptomatic, but he had multiple negative tests during the week. I don't really know what a team is supposed to do in that situation-- I guess it would come down to "do you have any of the specific COVID symptoms" like impaired sense of taste or unusually impaired respiratory performance. Otherwise, it could just be seasonal allergies or something. 

  5. On 11/21/2020 at 12:06 AM, Patricio Swayze said:

    I had to block a bunch of people in the past few weeks because LinkedIn shouldn’t be a place for politics.

    How dare you. It's important that we're exposed to people's political opinions all the time everyplace. In case you didn't notice, THERE'S AN ELECTION GOING ON

  6. On 11/11/2020 at 9:12 PM, DonkeyCigars said:

    Heck even when I went to UT-- at a much, much higher rate of tuition then I hear some wizened folks talk about it-- she was just starting to hint at what would become her stride years later as an academically and as a national, nay, global reputation.

    UT these days is a premium priced school for premium students of great ability.

    that's one way to interpret the cost increase

    an extremely credulous one

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  7. 6 hours ago, Tex Pete said:

    You never can predict it? I predict it every year. Y’all beat them even less frequently than we do. 

    yeah, I had the game on in the background and glanced up to see it was 21-0, and was struck (again) by what a silly nickname the series has

    it's not Bedlam when you expect one team to win 100% of the time and they come through 85% of the time. I loved 2001 and 2002 but those are the only real Bedlammy games I can think of as a disinterested outsider

  8. Just now, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    Wade seems to have lost a shit ton of money by opting back in....

    he can be an effective nickel in the pros, but he gets abused on the edge by anyone with NFL athletic ability. I mean he just gets rag-dolled any time the receiver wants to be physical. I guess Ohio State doesn't do enough contact in practice for him to get used to real-life games not being 7-on-7 two hand touch

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  9. 17 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Minus that pick 6 they just had.

    plus Shaun Wade getting thrown on his ass for a fifty-yard touchdown

    their secondary is soft, they are ripe for any team that can run Four Verticals. Not saying Indiana's not any good, just that they're not good enough to make a legitimate national title contender look this bad. Ohio State is a fraud this year. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Juicy said:

    It has the biggest stadium, the most wins, an insane money canon, and top notch facilities.

    That's fan talk. Biggest stadium, most wins = totally irrelevant as long as you have a big stadium and the coach can reasonably expect to win (e.g., no coach is going to look at the Michigan and Florida jobs and say "I pick Michigan because they have 900 wins all-time"). Michigan's fan support is definitely a plus but I don't think it gives them any advantage over most places national championship caliber coaches consider. I do think Michigan's culture, its insistence on doing things the right way and comparable lack of academic shortcuts is attractive to some coaches. If Florida State and Michigan both went after David Shaw, or Pat Fitzgerald, or a hypothetical non-alumnus Harbaugh, the culture would be a huge plus for UM. 

    Top notch facilities are a requirement anywhere; I don't disagree Michigan has them but that's like having a bachelor's degree when you're applying for a job. 

    The money cannon is the biggest thing Michigan has going for it. Michigan doesn't put nearly as many guys in the NFL as Alabama or Ohio State. It's not a place where you can sell a kid on national championships. It's no longer a place where you can sell him on Big Ten championships and Rose Bowls. The stuff you CAN sell Michigan on-- I guess I'm just surprised that Harbaugh couldn't translate that into better recruiting. He seems almost content with three-stars who really "get" Michigan, but I don't really think Michigan is such an anomaly that you can only take guys that "get" it. It's not West Point. 

    I guess-- I don't disagree it's among the 20 best jobs out there. I just feel like CFB is stratifying in a big way and Michigan looks like it's getting left behind the current Big 3 and a select few bluebloods. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Humphries told school investigators that Barber and Parsons threatened him, telling him they were "making me a b---- because this is prison" and that Barber said, "I'm gonna Sandusky you," referring to former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky. He also said they would try to place genitalia close to players' faces and simulate sex acts and attempt to touch him in the shower, according to the report. He said the three players would wrestle him to the ground while clad only in their towels.

    One player interviewed in the report told investigators that Barber, while naked, overpowered a teammate smaller than him and simulated sex acts, targeting him almost daily. The player said he didn't see Barber do that to Humphries and, in his statement, questioned Humphries' character, saying he lies for no reason, the investigator wrote in the report. The teammate who was said to have been targeted also spoke to investigators and said he was wrestled to the ground by Barber but that they were both "always fully clothed" and no one took it seriously.

    Another player said Barber would dance around in the locker room naked, chase guys and give them hugs while he was naked or in tub shorts, the investigator wrote in the report. He also said he saw Barber wrestle and simulate a sex act with a teammate. On one occasion, that player said, Barber mimicked masturbation, the investigator wrote. Humphries described similar incidents. The player did not say whether he ever saw Humphries targeted by Barber and said he wasn't aware of any issues involving Humphries and other teammates.

    boy that kind of sounds a little bit gay when you write it all out like that

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  12. 18 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    It's important to remember that alcoholism is a progressive disease.  I started out in college as a daily pothead who binge drank on the weekends.  I ended up stumbling into an AA meeting at 36 because I knew that if I didn't, I literally would not make it to 40.

    I was similar. The stuff that I told myself "well at least I don't/at least I didn't" when I first tried to get sober at 30 came and went in a flash. Well, at least I don't drink in the mornings turned into the entire point of my existence is to drink, there's no reason to put arbitrary limits on it like "daylight" or "morning" or "not knowing what time it even is". That reflexive drink on waking, the point where you could no longer keep your eyes closed to try sleeping, that's the closest I have come to hell. 

    The movie Leaving Las Vegas came out when I was about twenty. At the time, I interpreted Nicolas Cage's portrayal of alcoholism as just over-the-top goofball acting, no different than his Southern accent in Con Air, because who in the fuck would or could drink like that? By 2017/2018, the behaviors that seemed so ridiculous and alien in 1996 looked a lot more familiar. But that realization wasn't enough to slow me down for even a second. The only thing that stopped me was thinking about what my daughter's life might be like if I succeeded in drinking myself to death before her third birthday. That made me willing enough to try a real inpatient rehab, and it kind of flowed downhill from there-- I was just barely willing enough at every stage of the process to say "this is probably bullshit, this probably won't work, but I'm going to try it for her". Miraculously, every inflection point where I shrugged and just tried the next right thing for my little girl's sake has worked out, and eventually I really did achieve the upward momentum to rely on the program and my Higher Power first and foremost anytime I was challenged-- I have grown to where I want to be a sane, happy, healthy, sober person for me and me alone first, and I am then able to enjoy the blessings of being that person for all the people around me. 

    My ON and OFF switches were both broken. They're still broken. The grace of God is the only thing keeping them in the correct position. 

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