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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. yes I'm sure none of those 100% universally effective things were being done by those involved
  2. Michigan can't expect to accomplish any of its goals until it can recruit effectively nationally. I thought they were pretty good at that in the 90s, signing skill position guys from California /Texas/Louisiana, but right now they don't seem able. The old chestnut of "Ohio State needs to lock down Ohio / Michigan has to recruit Ohio effectively" is totally dead. Ohio doesn't produce enough top tier talent to build even one regular national championship contender anymore; that's why Ohio State only has three native Ohioans starting on offense and two on defense. Ohio's important, but not in the way it was when Michigan was going to Rose Bowls five times a decade. So the question of "how do you fix Michigan" isn't just "go back to what works". That shit doesn't work anymore. If Michigan locked down Ohio, signed 75% of the state's best players every year, they'd have a hard time competing with Ohio State.
  3. you should learn to say it more often
  4. Six hours from LA, almost six from San Diego, more than ten from the Bay Area. You might as well say "why isn't UNLV relevant", it's the same kind of community-college-attached-to-football-stadium act. California talent has tons of options much closer to home without leaving the state. Hot chicks, man they're falling off trees out there. Division I athletes don't have to trundle off to Tempe for that.
  5. There wasn't a lot of real intel around Ohio State actively pursuing Meyer during the 2011 season, meaning stuff from actual media outlets or data, plane trackers, leaks about talks, etc. It was obvious they would want him, and as that season went further and further off the rails, all the fans cared about was "can we get Meyer", but I don't remember a lot of solid reporting on the subject, just speculation and logical deliberation until Eleven Warriors broke the story in mid-November claiming Meyer would be the next coach, and things went public in a huge way. Again, the FANS wouldn't shut up about it but in terms of "this is what's happening", there wasn't any evidence even though you didn't need Deep Throat to assume the obvious. I don't know whether we're really pursuing Meyer or not. I think there's a decent chance that Randolph Duke's fainting couch routine isn't just one idiot on the Internet but represents enough of a common opinion among actual influential administrators that Meyer won't be a candidate. But, thinking logically for a minute, we probably are talking to Meyer, gauging his interest and roughing out what our offer to him would look like (UT is not going to make a formal offer to him until and unless we're sure he'll accept). I'm pretty sure that everyone involved knows how to keep this level of discussion out of view of the public until they're ready for that. All of that to say, the silence is predictable and normal, but we won't know for some time what the silence actually means.
  6. this isn't Who We Are as a university or a football program, Alabama can have the end zone as long as we have the moral high ground #DefeatWithDignity, #EthicsScoreboardForever, #ItsNotWhetherYouWinOrLose,
  7. listen alla y'all it's a SABATOGE
  8. Chip Brown just admitted he's one of the causes of 2020. KILL HIM
  9. Orangefans.com is such a cesspool
  10. I know we'd like to think so, but everything post-DKR indicates he's probably right. Urban Meyer is Not Who We Are as a university and football program, that sort of thing. We don't want to be compared to horrible places like Alabama or Clemson or Ohio State or Oklahoma where they just win all the time at football and nothing else good ever goes on there and everyone knows they're totally guilty of breaking NCAA rules. Better we go with someone like Josh Heupel or Luke Fickell. It's time for Texas to make its typical grand gesture and condescend to the G5 flavor of the month and say, "Welp, you're gettin' called up to The Big Leagues, son" and then explain How We Do Things Here, and then win sixty percent of our games for four years as the dust grows on our whopping total of 3 Big 12 football trophies ever so we can repeat this stupid cycle again. For all the talk about Mack Brown, two of his four best seasons didn't even result in Big 12 championships, and he very nearly got himself shitcanned in 2003 before any of the "yeah but" peaks happened. We were that close to being oh-fer in hiring coaches since 1976. When you've gotten one hire right in 40+ years and your best hire won two whole conference titles in his fifteen years, it is totally reasonable to then assume that the people in charge of your hiring aren't going to run out and get the best available coach if squishes like Randolph Duke think he's somehow icky. Mack Brown is the best coach we've hired since Darrell Royal retired. Mack fucking Brown! I'll believe we're serious about Urban Meyer when he's introduced as our next head coach.
  11. season 2 of the Umbrella Academy is pretty good-ish, I guess, but man it needs more gay romance subplots
  12. hey negative posts are bad for recruiting, stop it
  13. guys if you would just shut up and let Randolph Duke make this decision, he's never been wrong about a coach before and he has the perfect solution all figured out
  14. was it from swinging a sledge hammer
  15. what about a grown man's rep count
  16. hey yo Dre, stick to producin
  17. when I want to build an ethical national championship football program, my first call is to old what's his name, David uhhhhhh Mayer
  18. That Urban Meyer piece on what's wrong with losing football teams-- item #3 is the most deeply-ingrained long-term problem with Texas football. It's why we have so little to show for the past forty-plus years. Something about our culture breeds selfishness in the football program in a way that I don't think happens at OU or Ohio State or Alabama.
  19. the credulity with which your program's permanent, delusional, "this is the year of the sleeping Aggie giant!" shit is treated by actual sportswriters like Stewart Mandel says otherwise the only reason Kirk Herbstreit turned on you guys was because he was tired of getting bitten when he went to sniff your ass. Fool Kirk eight times, shame on him, but have him pick you for something outlandish a ninth time only to finish fourth in your division.... well he's not just an airhead ex-jock. He'll notice.
  20. we can go lower we can always go lower
  21. There is zero reason to expect Nebraska to ever win another national title. Right now, it looks like the national title is going to rotate between a few SEC powerhouses plus Ohio State and Clemson. When you say "oh but <Program X> will insert itself", Program X has to have a few things going for it to make that a non-nonsensical statement. It has to be in a talent-rich recruiting environment (or able to recruit truly nationally, not "we signed 8 three-stars from the West Coast") and it has to have a winner-takes-all, who-gives-a-fuck attitude towards football. It needs to have a reputation for putting players (especially prominent ones) in the NFL. It needs to be in a P5 conference. After all of that, you can start talking about facilities, the size of the fan base, flashy uniforms, or being on TV. And lastly, as relevant as sprinkles on a donut are to its nutritional content, you can talk about the winning tradition, stuff that happened before HD or ESPN or integrated rosters or WWII or the forward pass. So, among the programs that have won a least a share of a national title in our approximate lifetimes, here's who's in and here's who's out. In means yeah, you might win one in the next 40 years assuming the sport continues on its current trajectory towards the elimination of amateurism and a full-time, semi-pro NFL prep model. Out means you're not winning one IN: Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, LSU, Auburn, Georgia, Texas, Southern Cal, Florida, Florida State, Miami, Oklahoma, Notre Dame (barely), Tennessee (even more barely) OUT: Nebraska, Michigan, Colorado, Georgia Tech, Pitt (if you're old enough), Washington, Brigham Young, Penn State I should live another thirty to forty years. Absent a huge change in the structure of college football, and I'm talking about one we don't currently even see coming, I'll be shocked if a school on the OUT list (or not listed at all) wins a national title before I die.
  22. you really don't spend enough time here on the football board, so I'll correct all the misapprehensions in your post one, Coach Orgeron is a fucking genius. all the best people pointed out how LSU won all its games last year and said so two, have I mentioned they were unbeaten last year. and won a Heisman I think that was the sum of the arguments in his favor.
  23. I don't know what it means to me but it looks like to a lot of people it means "I'D RATHER BE RIGHT THAN HAPPY"
  24. I've heard a lot of crazy conspiracy theories about COVID, but the CFP and ESPN manufacturing the whole thing to engineer an Indiana-Texas A&M national championship game.... that's not crazy, that's just the way it is, bro.
  25. no, I think the Big Ten has been itching to give Indiana the benefit of the doubt and put them over
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