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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 2 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    ***One source told me that  Kerry Coombs, known for his DB development, would not likely join Urban. I personally think that’s a pretty big blow.

    well, to that, no fucking shit that Kerry Coombs is not going to leave Ohio State for Texas

  2. 1 hour ago, Juicy said:

    If Michigan could get bieniemy  Venables or steal Urban Meyer from Texas that would be great.

    you have a better shot at Bob Stoops than Urban Meyer

    Bienemy seems like a perfect fit, though, as an opposite-guardrail/overreaction to Harbaugh's failure. I hope he ends up there. 

  3. On 10/31/2020 at 4:57 PM, Blotto said:

    I struggle to see how this team doesn't perform well enough to buy Shaka another year, but then again Shaka has exceeded my pessimism routinely in the past. 

    Esp since "well enough" means "win 20 games and make the NCAA Tournament". He doesn't have to win the Big 12 or make a deep post-season run over even put together a 27-win season w post-season flameout. He just has to go 20-10 or thereabouts and make the tournament. We can finish 6th in the conference, even.

  4. 3 hours ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    First, I'm confused about why the offense has regressed so much because several of our resident tigah fans assured me that the offense was not Brady's and that his departure would not significantly impact them.

    there were also plenty of idiots around here lauding Ed Orgeron's coaching acumen

    after all HE WON A NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP PEOPLE only the great ones do that

  5. 8 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Science cures illnesses (or not). Doctors simply apply the science.

    There is also a science to mathematics. As in financial mathematics.

    In the end, the science always prevails.

    so you now you want to argue the precision of simile

  6. 1 minute ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    No man. You can’t replace a CEO that is tanking a company and driving its stock price to $0. Its the worst time to do that, especially when there is a CEO available that has turned around 2 companies previously and driven them to record profits. No company would possibly have the strategic vision to invest in that turnaround.

    but what if the available CEO wasn't a nice guy?

    • Haha 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    People think football is the cash cow of UT Austin and UT athletics. It isn't. Donors are the cash cows.

    that's like saying medicine doesn't cure illness, doctors do

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  8. 25 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Im not confident the people who are pushing “St. Urban the Innocent” as the next head coach aren’t the same ones who pushed for “St. Thomas the Intellectually Enlightened” a few years ago. Or “St. Charlie the Pure” before that.

    I'm always sure that the people who want something I'm against were also wrong about everything in the past

  9. 14 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    If I can accept my degree(proudly) while looking at statues of Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee, there better not be one muthafucka who’s degree is tainted by CUM!!

    I don't know if Randolph Duke is tainted by it, I think he just got some in his hair

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  10. 2 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    The short answer is "no."

    I can't imagine many people would be willing to even bring up the question with either Hartzell or CDC.

    Just a question - are you familiar with CDC's early upbringing? Do you know anything about him as a person? My estimation is that should any such arrangement as you propose be approved, CDC would resign, rather than participate. Your scheme would also require the hiring of a puppet AD to play waterboy to the football coach. You might as well plan to name Urban head coach and AD.

    Neither Hartzell nor CDC are they type of individuals willing to sacrifice even a shred of integrity simply to help the football team win one or two more games each season. You also seem to forget the Tom Penders chapter at UT Austin. As well as the Bill Powers chapter.

    It is a well established principle (thanks to Powers) that the prerogatives of the president of UT Austin are sacrosanct. Powers set the standard for not allowing Regents to interfere in hiring decisions when he nixed the hiring of Saban over interference from the BOR. If the Regents were stopped from contravening the authority of the UT Austin president, it would be unthinkable for the current school president to subordinate his own authority and cede complete control of the athletics program to the school football coach. Also, should Hartzell demonstrate his weakness as school president in that he was unable to properly manage the athletics department, he would be summarily removed.

    The faculty infighting and politics far exceed any pressures Hartzell will ever feel from the alumni over the football coach. People seem to have a misguided impression of the influence of the football team over the university.

    The egos on the UT campus are substantial. Bringing an even bigger ego (with horrific personal baggage clouding his personal integrity) and telling that person he was accountable to no one would have ramifications. The academics would prevail and would push for changes that would seriously affect Bellmont.

    Baylor proved the arrangement of the head football coach not being held to any standards of conduct and accountable to no one can provide one or two more wins each season for the football program doesn't operate effectively.

    The thought that Jay Hartzell's first major decision as UT President would be to turn UT Austin into Baylor doesn't seem likely.

    People wanting Urban Meyer at UT need to brace themselves for Tom Herman surviving at least through the 2021 season. CDC showed at TCU that he can play the long game quite well. Some people don't seem to have grasped there is a new sheriff in town.

    you continue to present this as a false dichotomy, because you are a shrieking hysteric

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 9 hours ago, Hate said:

    Holy crap...his head is exploding right now I’m sure.

    you don't have to be a crazed nutball to have your head explode over how this country is responding to COVID

    but in numbers' case, I guess it doesn't hurt

  12. 2 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Its as a dumb as the poster on IT trying to claim that Carrington was burning everything down knowing he was on the way out. Then Gerry Hamilton and others completely shot it down. Its dumb. Like insanely dumb.

    The only part I find slightly plausible is the "he did nothing to salvage the situation" part, because Herman is a gigantic butthurt pussy and it wouldn't take much for him to blow it off and essentially say "what's wrong with you, you should know better than to believe that stuff" if Ewers heard something he didn't like and wanted clarification. But that's way too complicated to seem likely.

    The much more likely explanation is that Ewers committed when he thought he was joining a program on the way up, one filled with talent that was finally going to be properly utilized under a competent OC, and he's now had five games to see that he committed to a mirage (and to hear from other elite recruits about what a mirage it was/is).

    He can go to Ohio State and win fifty games in four years and get drafted in the first three rounds, or he can come here and win fifty percent of his games and end his seasons in the Alamo and Texas Bowls and probably get the shit knocked out of himself doing it. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Hank_Hill said:

    You got any valuable info to go with this diatribe?

    I've done this once before, but sure

    I talked to my insider within the program over dinner and many drinks last night. The fact he's willing to pound 'em during the season should tell you what a lost cause it is. 

    "Swanny, I've never been part of such a dysfunctional staff before, and I was on <redacted to protect the witness> staff at <redacted> when he quit back in 2010. We've just lost the locker room. It's totally divided. There's no buy-in, and maybe there never was even though we had what seemed like good morale after UTEP. It's not just The Eyes, it's everything from young guys not respecting the veterans to guys feeling like other position groups aren't working hard to fights over girls".

    My guy went on to say that the coaches assume that Herman is toast and they're as busy with networking and resume prep as they are opponent prep. "We out-talented Baylor, with just the most vanilla shit for our gameplan," he explained, "because the players don't care and the coaches are already one foot out the door. You're not gonna see any bells and whistles other than <a couple specific trick plays he named> if Yurcich gets frisky. We're not gonna outthink anyone, we'll just win the ones where our Jimmies are that much better than their Joes".

    None of that totally shocked me, but when I brought up recruiting, it got ugly in a hurry. "We're toxic as a program right now. Coach Herman has rubbed seemingly every coach in Houston and Dallas the wrong way, and the ones he still has some rapport with where we can get in the door, the only kids that are listening are the borderline four-stars and the ones with their hands out."

    And no, we as a University, athletic program, and coaching staff are not playing THAT particular game, my source assured me. 

    About the only bit of good news my guy had, other than his two young kids are healthy and back in school, is that Sam Ehlinger is taking a wait-and-see approach to a potential return next year. "Don't listen to a thing the Ehlingers say in public, it's a totally fluid thing," my guy said. "If Coach Herman goes-- and I guess I'd go with him-- then Sam will want to see who the next guy is before he decides on coming back. He's ready to move on if that's the right thing to do, but he really burns for UT, he really wants to win something meaningful here. He could be back in 2021".  

    And who might that be? Has my guy heard anything? He was coy on that question, thinking he might be able to finagle a job if the biggest fish out there (who he's worked for before) were to take the job. The only thing specific he had to say in regard to the coaching search was, "We're not hearing anything. Chris (Del Conte), you can just feel the icicles when that guy comes to the football offices."

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