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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 14 hours ago, 6th Street said:

    Usually when you have to resort to saying "saving scholarships for next year", it is code for recruiting class at said position is trash.

    yeah I never really hear about Ohio State or Alabama or Clemson "banking" scholarships, they just take more 4 or 5 stars and let attrition do the rest

  2. 1 hour ago, RVC2005 said:

    Posting from a new handle since i dont want to out myself.  I am fairly connected to some big guys at the top, and there is real smoke to the Urban Meyer thought, and there has been contact, but not by CDC.  It is going to be a lot of money, but he will be wearing burnt orange.


    1 hour ago, RVC2005 said:

    Main concern is the pushback from the admin due to UM history at UF and tOSU, so that will take some talking.  Just know, any talk you hear about large buyouts, and not being able to afford it is bogus.  We can afford anything, only limited by what they are willing to cut the check for.  And guys, im talking massive contract.


    55 minutes ago, RVC2005 said:

    Make jokes, that's fine, just passing on what ive got. And no, no Briles under any circumstance.  It was mentioned, but only to quickly dismiss it with a hard 'no'


    54 minutes ago, RVC2005 said:

    not even close.  i know what i know because of who i know. take it or leave it


    50 minutes ago, RVC2005 said:

    has nothing to do with losing ewers, and everything to do with WHY we lost him.  The program spiral started over the summer, but was not mentioned by many.


    17 minutes ago, RVC2005 said:

    You are underestimating how important winning football games is to the people with 9 figures+

    You would think that in 2020, people would realize that this "I'm a big secret insider, let me demonstrate that by taking all of the obvious conventional wisdom out there that fans want to believe, and presenting it as firm (but not definite) 'it will happen'" schtick has been done for 25 years on the Internet. But no. We still have fucking retards pulling this shit. 

    If we hire Meyer, this retard can come back and see "see, super insider, I told you". And the "proof" would be that all of the conventional, obvious wisdom about what is likely to happen actually happened. 

    If we don't hire Meyer, the retard has the option to come back and preserve his "credibility" by saying "well things changed" and making up shit to explain it, or coming back and pulling off the dimestore monkey mask to say "GIG EM HAW HAW GOT YOU FAGGIT TSIPS" or just disappearing because he's already milked all of the enjoyment he could get out of pretending to be someone with information.

    Dude, this shit has been done thousands of times since the commercial Internet launched. The odds of you being what you claim to be, having what you claim to have, and posting it on a dumbass cesspool message board, are probably one in ten thousand.

    Tits or GTFO, as the saying goes. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 8 hours ago, CurlyDumps said:

    lol @ Wescott's pathetic fan-shaming.  "One game." As if we're coming off a 15 game winning streak, and not .500 football for going on two seasons.

    Since he can't patronize basketball fans about Shaka anymore, he's gotta pivot back to football for his condescension erotica. What an absolute fucking wanker.

    That, and when the fans freak the fuck out even in the midst of success, they are not axiomatically wrong. A lot of us were fucking furious after the KSU and A&M losses in 2006 and we were "bad fans" for not giving Mack and his fat happy staff his proper hall pass after 2005. But we were also right, because 2007 was a wasted season before significant changes were made to set up 2008. 2006 wasn't "good enough" and just an aw-shucks season, it was a huge wasted opportunity. 

  4. 16 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    Request to apprehend

    I feel like those always need more color.

    "Request to Apprehend Due To Knife-Related Violence", that sort of thing, would get more attention. "Request to Apprehend, MAJOR PERVERT Y'ALL, Like Seriously".  The way they do it now, even if you're inclined to vigilantism, it just doesn't give you enough background to get you off the couch. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 15 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    It’s a good post and I’m glad someone still has the energy to recount various issues of ineptitude. Nonetheless, I start thinking about all of this shit and I just want to go hunt the guy down and whip his fucking ass. He’s purposefully a piece of shit to a fanbase and program that will have paid him over $35million when it is all said and done.

    He’s a little older than me, but he’s not small enough for it not to be considered a fair fight. If I ever run into this motherfucker in person again, I’m inclined to just punch first and often until someone pulls me off or ferries me out of the area and into a ready and waiting vehicle. 

    I like the way you're thinking here, but you forget Herman's towering intellect. Like the mighty sewer rat, he's probably too crafty to let you corner him and will just stay hidden until he senses the danger has passed. Also, he probably bites, and has fleas, and rabies. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:

    I told a bunch of aggys that the corps is not real military, but more of a glorified ROTC fraternity with guys and girls playing dress up soldiers. They got riled up and wanted to literally fight me. Owner heard a few of them planning to jump me.

    Isn't that the plot of the first half of The Accused?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Haha 2
  7. 10 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    This is exactly what I think of every time a friend of mine who lives in the south east or a coworker who went to a school in the SEC asks me about Texas A&M. “Longboard, you’re familiar with Texas A&M right? So please answer me this, what the hell is wrong with those people?!” 

    I was told that everyone has a favorable view of Aggies. They will halp you find teh football stadium! you will leave Bryan -College Station telling your daughter "fuck that Harvard scholarship ,you're going to A&M like all your family should have if we'd have just known better"

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 minute ago, UncleBuck said:

    Fuck giving this guy the benefit of being out of it for the conference championship before firing. If he keeps hemorrhaging recruits and prospects, you think he’s gunna be able to coach the classes he ends up with any better? Gotta save the croots, man.

    hesitation does not prolong a favorable outcome

    all waiting around to fire him does is give him a retarded puncher's chance to do something like lose to Oklahoma State and then fluke-win out-- we're 7-3! we've overcome our slow start which was TOTALLY CAUSED BY COVID and now we got momentum for 2021! Alamo Bowl Champions BACK TO BACK, motherfucker!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Halohal said:

    Not so fast my friend...

    By CollegeFootballNews.com | October 25, 2020 3:16 am


    Valero Alamo Bowl

    ESPN, Alamodome, San Antonio, TX
    Normal Bowl Tie-Ins: Big 12 vs. Pac-12
    Bowl Projection: Texas vs. Oregon


    we fucking own the Alamo Bowl

    and the Texas Bowl







    that's about it

  10. 5 hours ago, ztejas said:

    You're like a miserable divorcee that's thoroughly convinced himself that his ex-wife that he never got over will never fall in love again and remarry. Just let her live her life, man. There's other fish in the sea.


    if I can't have her, no one can

    • Haha 1
  11. 7 hours ago, BearSchlong said:
    10 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:
    I personally really don't want to read this shit when I come to the AA thread. I get that you feel like you've discovered the way and the truth and the life this year, but I'd rather we all stick to the 10th tradition instead of acting like these kinds of little digs are kosher.

    I'd never say something like that in an actual meeting. No offense intended.

    We wouldn't be sitting around talking about a third party either (I am not criticizing that, the information and discussion is both valid and valuable), so I get it, this thread is somewhat different than the rooms. I happen to think the way the 10th manifests is unbelievably brilliant in this day and age and I'm a little zealous about it. 

  12. 11 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    Imo its a microcosm of Trumpism in AA.

    I personally really don't want to read this shit when I come to the AA thread. I get that you feel like you've discovered the way and the truth and the life this year, but I'd rather we all stick to the 10th tradition instead of acting like these kinds of little digs are kosher.

  13. 3 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Sept 1, 2020:

    "These are unprecedented times we are in and all of us in college athletics are facing unexpected circumstances, a lot of change and very difficult decisions. None of it has been easy, and we recognize the impact it's had on so many and are deeply sorry for that. But we also know it's our responsibility to position Texas Athletics to remain solvent, steady and able to perform at the highest level. "

    -Chris Del Conte


    Jan 1, 2021:
    "Fuck it! $40 mil ain't SHIT to us! Bring in Urban Meyer!"

    -Jay Hartzell


    Never. Gonna. Happen.

    You spend too much time analyzing Aggies. It makes you unable to analyze normal human thought processes. No one is saying "$40 million" "ain't shit". 


  14. 16 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Jay Hartzell would have to make the ultimate decision. Jay has ZERO political capital built up with the legislature. Starting in less than 10 weeks, the legislature is going to be pressed to find ways to reduce funding across the board. The publicly funded endowment to the UT System is already greater than all other public universities and colleges (including aggy) combined. The portion of the UT System publicly funded endowment dedicated to UT Austin is about 50%. UT Austin is already funded by taxpayers at a rate double of that of Texas A&M. Total revenue (per full-time student equivalent) at A&M is $31k/yr. At Prairie View - $28k. At Tech - $21k. U of H - $28k. Texas State - $18k. UT Austin - $55k. In total dollars, UT Austin receives about $2B more each year in public funding (fed and state) than A&M.

    At some point during the 2012 legislative session, the political discussion of just how much UT Austin should be funded over every other public university in Texas will be brought up. The disparity is huge.

    If, as one of his first meaningful decisions as UT Austin president, Jay Hartzell decides to blow $40 million to bring in (of all people )Urban Meyer, Jay Hartzell won't last as school president past the end of the spring semester.

    one, unless he gets caught with a dead girl or live boy, yes, he will last past the spring semester

    two, we're talking about hiring Urban Meyer, not Art Briles. I don't know what you think you know about Urban Meyer that would make this such a fainting-couch proposition, but whatever it is, it's not actually true. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Which of course it's not. Lake Travis has its own school district. Just because they're in Travis County doesn't mean they're in Austin. They're in Lakeway. 

    Yup. And Wilson was just one of "those kids". There are a bunch of them in every class. The ones where to one degree or another, it's hard to tell where "I'm happy to be going to <the school I chose>" ends and "fuck Texas!" starts. 

    Ohio had this with kids going to Michigan for a long time, the mostly unspoken but occasionally explicitly stated "the best Ohio players go to Michigan". It's why you can see the bolts in Desmond Howard's neck almost popping when the subject of Ohio State's insane talent advantage over Michigan comes up; that's not the world Desmond grew up in and he has a hard time understanding why Michigan can't just sign the best Ohio kids and bully Ohio State like it's 1991 anymore.

    It changed. Which gives me faint hope that maybe in my lifetime we'll stop seeing Texas kids sign elsewhere and act like the very act of trying to recruit them was some kind of affront. 

  16. 25 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:

    Herman was furious after five-star receiver Garrett Wilson committed to Ohio State in April over Texas, sources say. Wilson played at Austin (Texas) Lake Travis High, just miles from the Longhorns’ campus.

    oh bullshit, that kid was bound for Ohio State from Day 1. We never had a chance. His kid sister is there or going there on a volleyball scholarship, too. That family had no interest in putting down roots in Texas. 

    that story is 100% Ohio State wishcasting-- things are never so perfect in Buckeyeland that they can't be improved with some embellishment. so not only did they sign Wilson but Texas is ZOMG SO BROKEN UP that he didn't sign here.

    why Ohio State fans have such a hard-on for Texas, I'll never understand, but it's there. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  17. 16 hours ago, hundredTT said:

    College or pro. But it cannot be from your alma-mater or favorite team. 

    Michael Vick: Loved him at Vtech, and besides his great plays, loves his comeback story. 

    Barry Sanders: Always been a Dallas Cowboys fan, but he made juking legit. Many recesses spent doing his moves. 

    Calvin Johnson: Would literally watch GT because of him. Best WR I’ve ever seen besides Rice. 

    Tony Gonzalez: Ultimate beast, and with shitty teams. I know people Kelce is amazing, but if Gonzalez had Mahomes during his Chiefs tenure....mother of god. 




    I'm not going to play the "not from your alma mater" part but I'll at least avoid going with the "all time obvious best player from said alma mater" at the positions

    QB: James Brown. Obviously Vince would be the pick here but Brown had that same swaggery "we can win any fucking game he starts" vibe to him, though obviously not the same level of talent.

    RB: Phil Brown. I know this is a WTF pick but I think Brown might be among the most underrated Longhorns of all-time. In another offense, he could have been a 1500-yd rusher.

    WR: Cris Carter. Boyhood hero.

    TE: how about H-back, Frank Wycheck, the first guy to play that position when the Oilers went away from the run-n-shoot

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