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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. They're millionaires several times over and this isn't a permanent term thing for Urban-- less than eight years, probably. She can split time wherever the fuck she wants. Who even knows if she's been to Austin, she might find she likes it here a lot more than either of those places.
  2. Brian D in Arlington thinks if he tries to sound erudite and clinical, Stewart Mandel will take him seriously and respond to his question. Brian might be a fucking dumbass when it comes to hiring and firing football coaches, but he knows himself some Stewart Mandel
  3. yes, that to me was one oddity of Gorman's book, he was just head over heels in love with Band and while I thought it was better than Three Snakes, to me it had the same sort of uneven feel to it. But I am not sure the word "Warpaint" even appears in the book. I know he said after 2006 he thought of the band as his job, not his band, but they hit such a creative high on Warpaint.
  4. flush twice, it's a long way to College Station
  5. Warpaint was a great record. I'm in a minority on this one but I think it was absolutely better than Three Snakes, which basically killed their career.
  6. y'all are going to be sorry for being sarcastic Sammies when half the Florida team is dead in two weeks
  7. The Cotton Bowl is an NY6 bowl, so no chance there; the Alamo is in the next tier so likewise no chance. The Sun Bowl is locked into the ACC and Pac-12 and the Armed Forces and Frisco bowls both have non-B12 tie-ins so they're out. that leaves the Texas Bowl and the First Responders Bowl I can't wait to see how our team shows up for either of those games. They're so full of Texas pride, you just know they'll give a good account of themselves.
  8. how dare you
  9. I wanted us to go for two, but I also thought there was a higher probability of Rattler turning it over in some disastrous way than Sam. which explains why you'd go to overtime, but not why you'd choose to extend overtime after OU stuck in up your defense's ass twice in a row I don't agree with this, but I can at least see the perspective of "we have these bitches on the ropes!" at the end of regulation and thus thinking "so let's finish them off in overtime", expecting them to go three-and-out and your offense to score on its first possession. But after the game had clearly turned again in OT and OU scored TDs on both possessions, how could you NOT think "let's get the fuck out of here with the win right now"...? How could you possible think "nah, let's play another OT where we'll both HAVE to go for two" and think that the optimal way forward? "you" meaning Herman, not "you" meaning Bill Lumbergh or B00M
  10. if he didn't love UT as much as he does, it wouldn't have shocked me if he'd opted out of the rest of the season after that bullshit.
  11. I see people saying this but I don't agree that the first overtime was the time to go for the two-point conversion since we had the ball first. At least that's not how I'm thinking of it. I'm thinking of it in walk-off terms. End the game at the end of regulation, or if you don't have the sack for that, the end of the 2nd OT since at that point it seemed obvious that our late-game hold on OU's offense had been broken. Anyway. Fuck Tom Herman. Hire Urban.
  12. to play with this group of team-first winners for free? he'd be a grade-A moron NOT to come back!
  13. put yourself in Herman's shoes at those moments and ask yourself, "in what way is our chance of winning preserved by prolonging the game?". it becomes even more inexplicable. he thought, at some level, for some reason, we would be MORE likely to beat Oklahoma by keeping the game going instead of converting one two-point conversion I don't give a flying fuck what anyone's carefully curated chart says about anything, the moment to win that game was at the end of regulation-- or, as soon as OU showed it could start scoring on the defense again, at the bottom of the 2nd overtime
  14. he ought to be worried about his own ass we can win all the softball national championships he wants to, but if football and to a much lesser degree men's basketball can't stop being embarrassingly inept, it will end up on his desk at some point
  15. man, his wife is a total Karen, he's probably going stir crazy being around her this much "Is that pesto? Is that pesto? Oh! Oh, it's asparagus! I thought it was pesto!"
  16. there's a word for children that get treated like that I'm not disagreeing with your overall premise but this entire program has been spoiled rotten for years
  17. oh don't worry, look at how resilient they've been so far
  18. it is, and that person should stick to their humor day-job
  19. Totally guilty of being too prideful to change anything he did, ever. He thought the same shit he did to recruit and coach the kids who were seniors on the 1983 team would continue to attract enough talent and whip his opponents. By the 1984 collapse, it was already too late to change.
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