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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. First question: does CDC want to fire Herman? Second question: does CDC have to fire Herman? I believe the answer to both is "no". We might not see it this way but there are tons of influential people close to the decision makers who see the COVID-truncated 2020 season as worthy of a mulligan (and the decision makers themselves might feel that way, too). CDC is not an "off with their heads!" type, he is averse to creating churn through change, and it would be easier on him and much cheaper if Herman worked out. Herman still meets all of the unwritten but ever-important "We're Texas" requirements for keeping up appearances. The kids win some games, we never get embarrassed on the scorboard, they don't get in trouble off the field, and there's not even a whiff of scandal around the program. Why, a lot of the kids are showing that they're leaders in the community! Unless there's a total on-field collapse, there is nothing currently going on with this program that will get its coach fired. We all think the situation is totally unacceptable, but we're wrong. It's totally acceptable to our decision makers.
  2. Very. That trailer didn't hit anything right. It's going to be shit.
  3. I definitely blame Urban Meyer for that
  4. Herman is an undisciplined arrogant dumb shitbag of a coach, completely incapable of doing the Texas job. He deserves to be fired today. but if I see one more person say or imply he's "just as bad as Strong".... Jesus Christ, people. What's the worst loss we've had under Herman? 17 points, I think? We've had what, two double-digit losses in four years? Strong's second game was a 34-point home loss. In the fifth game of his second season, we were down 30-0 in the first fucking quarter. Herman is an unremarkable coach doing a poor job. Strong was a titanically inept dipshit.
  5. it took them all of four (winning) years to go undefeated again after Meyer left
  6. Everyone knows about Florida. That has nothing to do with my question. You said he left scorched earth in two places, and now apparently you're saying Ohio State is the second place where he left it. Here's where he left Ohio State: they won the Big Ten his last two years while going 25-3, closing Meyer's tenure with a 7-0 record against Michigan. The first year after he was gone, they went unbeaten and won a third straight conference crown before losing to Clemson in the playoff by a touchdown. If that is scorched earth, fucking sign me up. Texas hasn't come close to any of that since the 2009 season.
  7. he's a reliable front runner you don't have to check the scores to know if A&M wins a meaningful game, you just have to look for trolls on Texas sites
  8. what is the second place he left in turmoil?
  9. the Garlique chick is clearly not a UT fan if her blood pressure is only "borderline", as she's told us once every single commercial break
  10. awesome way to treat one of the 3-5 most valuable/talented/useful players on the entire goddamned roster, Tom
  11. who cares? the point is in firing Herman
  12. you should be starting on our defense
  13. couple more first downs and the defense will pack it in, too
  14. we don't ever get the benefit of calls like that
  15. I used to think that, before a bunch of relapses, before it felt like I had lived my life down to a pencil point. I was entirely certain I could and would stop drinking, the first 1-2-30-75 days, every single time I quit-- up until this time now, when it has literally been an "I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow, ask me then, but today I am sober" type of proposition. I didn't have a single second of pink cloud this time. I gradually, steadily, developed a confidence that working the program could and would deliver me from obsessive thoughts about drinking. Over time, I began to really see the distinction expressed in the saying of trouble, "that was my day, (but) that's not my life". I got truly serene in the "AA acceptance" sense of the word-- not happy and sunny and positive, but calm and rational. In the past, I didn't necessarily have to do hard work to stay sober early on; the pain was still fresh and it provided enough motivation to stay away from the first drink. The pain was newer, the scar tissue wasn't as thick, so I was easier to scare. The bottom wasn't as low emotionally, spiritually, or in terms of consequence, so there was a much more positive "dead cat bounce" from just stopping the alcohol intake. And consequence here isn't really a term referring to jail or divorce or unemployment or bankruptcy. I mean it in terms of how much of my soul I'd lost. By the end, the relapses were really turning me into something I didn't recognize, and each time it was much harder to feel like "I can change back to <what I think of as the real me>". I started to feel like "welp, now you've done it, you might as well see it all the way down" (and that thought will be with me, lurking, until the day I die; it's waiting for something truly catastrophic to happen so it can say "you tried, it didn't work, you can finally give up"). Also, my attitude was good but misguided, too. I might have SAID "I"m sober today, that's all that matters" but in my heart of hearts, that wasn't how I was approaching it-- I still treated the days like I was entitled to good and bad ones and the bad ones called for all my the intentional manufacture of misery that I had learned as a drinker. I mistook serenity for happiness; I thought that when I felt positive, I was serene, and if I felt negative, then I had to follow those emotions forward because they were obviously genuine. That's why somewhere in the PAWS peak of 90-180 days, I got really vulnerable. Glad that at least in that regard, maybe our journeys are different.
  16. it's not an audience recording or anything, it came from the KLBJ truck which I always assumed meant it was a soundboard recording (it sounds like one) I always thought the recording was really solid, though that might be because it was a really great performance featuring stuff that dropped out of SRV's repertoire in his later career
  17. I am amused by the faith Lunardi puts in UT hoops to capitalize on a one-and-done and get a 3 seed out of the season
  18. or, are no longer willing to fight through adversity now that they've accomplished all they want to at UT by getting a UT scholarship and all that comes with it, and are already mentally onto Phase 2 ("when I'm in the NFL")
  19. I don't understand your response. It reads like you think you're correcting me.
  20. I don't disagree that it IS possible, I just don't personally think it's going to happen. In my heart of hearts, I had allowed a weed of irrational hope to grow after the Tech game-- "maybe this is one of those national championship teams that just wins games all year long where you walk away thinking 'how the fuck did they win???', like Ohio State in 2002". But the TCU loss just reinforced what most of us think about Herman-- for whatever reason, he coaches a lot of coinflip games, even though he's not smart enough to put his finger on the scale to tip them in his favor the way Jim Tressel or Mack Brown were. If you're constantly in one-score games but don't have any real facility for winning them, then best case you're going to lose a bunch of them, and that's our ceiling with Herman. For the Mack comparison's sake, though, keep in mind though that Mack's fourth team was the 2001 squad. That team was miles better than our 2020 team and we all knew it was a strong team from the outset. There was no wondering, even after the OU loss.
  21. I kind of thought the same at the time, when I got my red quarter-- when you're locked up in an alcohol-free environment, those days don't feel like they "count" the way it does when you have money, car keys and a liquor store within easy driving distance and you decide to go to a meeting, call your sponsor, etc, until the craving passes. I don't actually think that way, but that's how it felt taking that thirty day chip @ Bouldin-- "well ACKSHALLY...." Very grateful today that I got that enforced separation.
  22. there's this whole thing called the NFL that would be perfect for you
  23. one of the worst things about this, from an interview he did with Billy Corgan (asking the question below) in Guitar World back in 1996 One of the things that struck me after listening to all your albums is your fearlessness -- you've never been afraid to go where you've wanted to go. You 've played blues, you've played crazy music, you've played synthesizer music… I think my desire to do my own thing came from my dad. He was a real soulful guy. He played sax and clarinet like a motherfucker. Unfortunately, he was also an alcoholic who died when he was 66. But he lived a full life. My mom, on the other hand, is 80, but she doesn't live. So I'm trying to find a balance between them. I don't want to be like my mom and live to be 80, and not live. And I don't want to die at 66 like my dad.
  24. it's perfectly natural to want to "christen" a new piece of furniture by having sex with your spouse on it, you get a new bed or new couch, of course you're going to want to break it in that way it's less natural to ask other people if they've broken in new furniture that way
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