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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. hello is this the room of Applewhite? do not think that you will sleep tonight
  2. I have that belief, personally. I can remember what it was like to chug the last of my Skol at 9 AM, drag myself out of that hotel room to go home, and then sit on the bed in our master in tears pathetically begging my wife to let me call off the sober rover before it got there to take me away to rehab. It wasn't even her choice, I just really wanted someone to tell me "nah, you're OK for 24 more hours before you have to change". That was hard. Giving in and going was hard. Everything about the first day, week, month, etc of this recovery was harder than whatever it is I have to do to stay sober today, so that helps me make the decision to do the sober things. When I think about just how hard it was to achieve escape velocity from the active addiction at the end, I am not optimistic I could do it again.
  3. that was my first though too-- one??? you need three, two to do at the same time, and one spare to clean the kitchen
  4. the kind of people who would see the voter registration note on surlyhorns.com and think "hey, I think I'LL register and vote!" are exactly the kind of people I hope don't notice it until October 6
  5. "noisy".... barring a scandal or some kind of catastrophic collapse (sub .500), Herman has nothing to worry about this year re: his job
  6. ska has no redeeming qualities none whatsoever
  7. he sounded like a 60 yr old sitting on a toilet at Taco Bell during the comeback
  8. we got Field Turf after the 2008 season-- the A&M game here was the old grass field's last hurrah, clumping and flying everywhere
  9. TIllman was a hundred times worse during the broadcast. I'm not even sure he knew his mic was hot during the plays.
  10. Bitterwhiteguy isn't writing for Barking Carnival anymore is anyone writing for Barking Carnival anymore?
  11. hey the Cobra Kai kids said some really complimentary things about Mrs. Larusso's car in the Pitch N Putt parking lot
  12. A&M cost Mack plenty, with vastly inferior teams
  13. the essence of "aggy" is a fan base that looks at the LSU-Mississippi State game and simultaneously thinks it's now more likely for A&M to beat LSU but no more likely for them to be challenged by MSU. LSU has gone from "a darn toss-up!!!!!! RAVENGE!!!!!" to "we got this'n in the bag" while MSU remains a sure W. oh Aggies, never change
  14. I guess the refs are still in preseason form too
  15. Freddie Kruger met Rattler once and was like "dude, let me give you some skin care tips"
  16. Rattler met the Predator once and the Predator was like "you're one ugly motherfucker"
  17. Spencer Rattler is the ugliest motherfucker on planet Earth
  18. he's getting old and fat, his go-to now is probably pulling a Costanza and showing them an old of Layla
  19. it would be safer for everyone involved if Shaka Smart could be quarantined indefinitely
  20. with hair, Shaka Smart looks like the Red Lobster kid from Old School
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