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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. this is my new favorite Stevie Ray clip of all time-- his strap comes loose, and you get to see both the totally-human "oh shit" face, and also the guitar-god recovery and grin after his tech does a quick fix
  2. god, rematches are the fucking worst
  3. oh, NOW let's NOT listen to the players and value their opinion....?
  4. I don't think you inferred the right thing from my response, but I do apologize for the racial slur
  5. there's your problem, fishbulb
  6. I'm no fan of the SEC or the SEC "lifestyle" generally speaking, but I have to reluctantly join them on this one.
  7. This is precisely what is going on. The Big Ten and Pac-12 want to cancel because that is the "safest" response. The Big 12 and ACC are ambivalent. The SEC is like "fuck you, we're playing".
  8. No. You guys seem to think the Big Ten has any influence whatsoever on what the SEC does. And that is bullshit. They're going to play.
  9. B1G: "Hey, we're not going to play in 2020." Pac 12: "Sounds great, us either!" SEC: "OK, well, good luck with that. We's playin"
  10. trying again
  11. this fucking site
  12. playing off the quote
  13. I cannot emphasize enough how much I am literally unsurprised that there are Aggies who think this way. Total wins, win percentage, national titles, conference titles, bowl wins, Alliance/Coalition/BCS/NY6 bowl appearances and wins, head-to-head record, we have a winning record ON THEIR FIELD all-time, fuck all that shit! Aggie Joan says tu isn't superior in any way! Get the fuck out of here with your facts and evidence, this is 2020!
  14. I don't agree with either of these suppositions. If they hadn't played Alabama and given Bama its only loss, the BCS title game would have been unbeaten Notre Dame versus unbeaten Alabama. In that scenario, "unbeaten" A&M (which I don't agree would have existed anyway) wasn't breaking up that TV exec's wet dream of a BCS title game. We can get into "would A&M have been unbeaten in the Big 12" in another post if you're so inclined, which I truly doubt.
  15. Ohhhhhh Without looking at Mr Umluang's timeline, I am betting a lot of Aggies made that same response. Maybe Phlegm was right, maybe I AM an aggy.
  16. wasn't that a Hoobastank song?
  17. aka the "Screendoor on a Submarine" unis
  18. "I know it's gonna be a shock, Ags, but this year I only have us #2 instead of #1. Rebuilding year, y'see. I still expect us to win the national title but we'll do it wearing our road uniforms."
  19. back in the day my issue with that would have been "why aren't there seven beers in a six pack?"
  20. um, 2012?
  21. Likewise, and to some extent I agree that Michigan and Texas is kind of a facile comparison. I do think it fits better than you're allowing though, but that's just an opinion based on the fact that I think I'm more familiar with Michigan football than you are. The main difference in our positions is that I think you think a lot more highly of Texas football's place in the CFB hierarchy. I think when it comes time to negotiate TV deals or the CFB Superconference, we will have the most important seat at the table. We're the flagship university, program, and brand in one of exactly two states in America that is football-mad and rapidly growing (Florida being the other). We matter, I'm pretty sure we always will. We don't win like we should matter this much, though. The program took a wrong turn in the mid-70s and it has never fully recovered. Every year that goes by without us actually winning something, the numbers just get more astounding. Six conference titles in 30 years doesn't even work out to one per four-year recruiting class on average, meaning there's a good chance you can sign with Texas and never win a conference title. One national title in fifty years-- I mean, when you take in aggregate our win percentage and the resources of this program and state and this is all we can muster*, what is your explanation for it? Do you think it's just bad luck? * meaning either our total success over the last fifty years, or even Mack Brown's fifteen years here if you want to limit it to that, take your pick-- Mack Brown should be the floor for our football program, not its ceiling.
  22. One, I think you're taking some things a bit too literally. Change it to three national titles, or two, if that works better for you. I could not care less how many times we coulda shoulda or secretly were the best team in the country. As a program, we've won one national title in fifty years. We've won six conference titles* in the last thirty years, three since the formation of the Big 12 in 1996. We don't win enough. Two, I'm not arguing our players are too nice, although I think most of our teams since the mid-80s have been disproportionately filled with talented pussies. I'm arguing that football has a comparatively reduced importance at Texas and Michigan compared to our rivals. We have that in common, as well as the reason(s) why it's so. Lastly, Michigan's last national title was eight years before our last one. Their last conference title was six years before our last one. Over the last thirty years, they're the 11th winningest program in the country; we're 16th. Great, we have a bunch more bowl wins than them, thanks to our proclivity for dominating the Holiday, Alamo, and Texas Bowls, respectively. Leaving the hyper-specific on-field ways in which Texas and Michigan's records do not perfectly align since 1998 or whenever, my point was that both programs are too easily satisfied with finishing second as long as they can tell themselves that finishing first requires compromises both illegal and merely unethical and We're Above That. We are a university with a football program; we tell ourselves OU is just a football factory with a shit school attached to it, to make us feel better about them winning the Big 12 every year. Michigan does the same thing with Ohio State. Go out to MGoBlog and spend a few minutes reading about what they think about Justin Fields' course load at Ohio State. Then go over to any Ohio State site and see if their fans seem bothered by the implication or accusation that there's something wrong with having a semi-pro semi-student at QB. * counting the bullshit 1994 five-way tie for 2nd behind ineligible A&M
  23. It was sarcasm, and I threw in 2017 because if you talk to any Michigan fan, that was "practically a win if not for John O'Korn, WE WERE AHEAD 14-0 IN THE SECOND QUARTER!" I don't have a lot of respect for Michigan's program, or ours at this point, because neither is serious about winning the way the Big 5 (Bama, Clemson, LSU, OSU, Oklahoma) are. You can probably throw Georgia in there too. It's not OK to go 10-3 at Ohio State, even if you win the Sugar Bowl and split two games with your arch-rival. It's not OK to go 11-2 three times in four years at OU, even if you win the Big 12 and a couple Sugar Bowls. Those programs are fucking serious about winning. We're not, and neither is Michigan, so it turns out that all of the pinkie-extending, tut-tutting, prison-pussy-facial-hair Gen X enablers in our fan base got what they squeed about in the lead up to the 2005 Rose Bowl ("we're just like Michigan!!!! they're just like us!!!!! OU is Ohio State, Ohio State is OU!"). We are indeed Michigan. We're a bloated, fart-sniffing, "man weren't the 1970s great" blueblood happily ensconced on the second tier of CFB programs, happier to Lose with Dignity than get down in the mud and compete, and even more happily counting our revenue championships.
  24. The people that make the decisions at Michigan think Jim Harbaugh does things The Right Way. He doesn't lower himself to Ohio State's level. And he still nearly beat them twice in five years. Michigan doesn't do the terrible bad cheating things Clemson and Alabama do. Michigan does The Right Things. How did Mack Brown coach here for as long as he did? He didn't do the terrible, bad cheating things Oklahoma (or USC or LSU) did. He did things The Right Way. And we won one national championships and TWO conference titles and a couple more BCS bowls doing it The Right Way. That's way more important than NOT doing it The Right Way and winning four national titles or running up a fifty-point win over your rival. Way more important. Michigan and Texas are peas in a pod. That's why both their fan bases feel like the sport is leaving them behind.
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