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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. be the change you want to see!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Cool, will check out. I've always liked reading the original unedited manuscript to see what had to be changed-- it had a lot more of a "DO THIS OR YOU'RE FUCKED!" tone
  3. You're way out ahead of me. It only occurred to me last year I might want to share these with anyone, thus the SoundCloud, but even that is 100% private (I only send out links to a few people for advice/affirmation, and post stuff here sometimes). Just hearing "hey that doesn't suck" was a good start, but I haven't thought much about what else I might do with any of it.
  4. I would rather empower you idiots to build an army of artificially intelligent killer robots
  5. have not even touched it-- mostly because I had "finished" it something like six months before I posted it here, so the desire to work on it further isn't there right now I did see your offer to retreat the track(s) and am genuinely appreciative of the offer, and may take you up on it at some point.
  6. that's exactly how I sing it!!!!
  7. I've been dying for a lap steel for a long time and, well, who likes dying? Bought yesterday.
  8. the SEC thought so too
  9. that would be pretty Star Wars of them
  10. we lost 500,000 Americans to COVID and Brando's fat, syphilitic ass wasn't one of them?
  11. "whooped 'em, too, 13-19! ever'one thought they's gonna beat us real bad like 42-14 or somethin but we was only down six when we run outta time!"
  12. still a lot of politics on DT IT'S BEEN TWO HOURS
  13. quintessential A&M-- who in the fuck else ever comes up short on a capital campaign? I don't follow these closely but whenever I hear about them, it's always "surpassed goal" and "record fundraising".
  14. cute not the point
  15. yes, from an athletics standpoint, I'd rather be Ohio State than Stanford Ohio State has teams in tons of sports (they had more than thirty varsity programs at a time when we were capped at I think 20) and competes nationally in most of them, but "ooh we're really good at water polo and our girls teams won five national championships last year" will NEVER mitigate "our football team went 8-4" there.
  16. never underestimate an Aggie's ability to outbid himself "hey, y'all wan' come coach our baseball team?" "no" "well lemme ask another way, there, boy-- how much would it take to git you to come coach our baseball team?" "ten million dollars" "MAKE IT ELEVEN MILLION! NO TWELVE, TWELVE'S A MAGIC NUMBER!"
  17. Silly comparison one, and no they don't, two. Both of those things get miniscule television ratings.
  18. "the big 12 does relatively well relative to national perception", says the nationally published columnist who has an influence over the outcome of said perception
  19. Notre Dame and Clemson are in the CFB playoff regularly. Why would either of them want to change their current situation?
  20. no half measures!
  21. I don't personally think Haynes King will be better than Kellen Mond over the courses of their respective careers, but sure, he could. This season? He'll be better than Mond was in 2020...? I mean.... the chance of that isn't zero, I guess, but when you analyze what might happen, you tend to focus on logical potential developments. Our revenue growth target for 2022 is 11%, unless we invent a pill that creates a 24-hour continuous orgasm, in which case I would revise that slightly upward to 11,000%. Bob, we make industrial machinery. Well, yeah, but it could happen.
  22. well, to be fair I never believed the "too much baggage" thing in the first place. They fired Marc Ford in 1997 and then he was writing songs with Chris Robinson less than five years later. Chris jettisoned the band's $1m V2 record deal in favor of his solo career and Rich, supposedly, told Jimmy Page "no thanks" to his songwriting ideas and yet they got almost the entire original band back together in 2005. Marc Ford quit the band two days before the 2nd leg of the 2006 tour via fax, but was in the Magpie Salute with Rich. Clearly grudges aren't always held as long as we think they might be. I think they didn't want to go into a person-by-person rundown last year when the SYMM tour was announced, but it was simple. Most of the people who have been in the Black Crowes didn't matter anyway-- your Greg Rzabs, Adam McDougalls, etc. Of the ones who did matter (Marc Ford, maybe Sven Pipien initially), there were probably some hard feelings about the way Rich torpedoed The Magpie Salute, but they weren't going to admit THAT. And obviously bridges were permanently burned with Jeff Cease and Johnny Colt and especially Gorman, so they were sort of artificially lumped into the first category of "former employees". And old weird Ed died, so he's out. So they said "too much baggage" but what they meant was "who the hell cares about anybody but the two of us being in the band?" I was just laughing at how transparent they're being at this point. It doesn't mean the tour won't kick ass. I just draw amusement from what they say publicly and then what they do. At this point, I'm just hanging out waiting for their next record. I'm very interested to see what they come up with and what impact working with George Drakoulious has on it.
  23. it was a serious question, your posts in this thread have me concerned sir
  24. so last year it was "it's an all new band because there's too much baggage with any of the former members" but now Sven Pipien is going to tour with them lulz
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