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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. On 7/15/2020 at 8:30 AM, Randolph Duke said:

    individuals such as Roland that when calling out others, facts matter.

    Facts have never mattered to Roland Martin. Ironic he's got a bug up his ass about Aggies.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/4/2020 at 11:47 AM, smuggs said:

    Who was the poster on the old site that was stationed outside of Haley Reinhart's bedroom window, desperately rifling through her garbage in search of any discarded items with her scent?

    you're going to have to be more specific

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Off of 2-10 or whatever and a chance at a 2 point conversion to beat Clemson, yeah, that’s a really successful season I’m context. 

    yeah, I mean.... fuck Mack Brown and all that, but UNC's not done, yet. Might want to make sure his ceiling there actually ends up lower than ours instead of assuming it will just because We're Texas.

    We haven't done anything since 2009 that UNC can't do as a program.

  4. 22 hours ago, nnm said:

    Joseph Collins was headed to his summer job on Texas A&M’s main campus in early June, taking the walk he does every day, when a car slowed beside him.

    A white man, who appeared to be around Collins’ age, stuck his head out of the car window and yelled an expletive and the N-word. Collins, an African American man and a second-generation Aggie, was taken aback.

    “I haven’t had any bad experiences (at Texas A&M) until that incident,” said Collins, who reported the incident to university police.

    hmmm, I wonder whatever became of this 

  5. 50 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

    Squandered is right

    new site motto

    50 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

    Many of us experienced "unexplained" cravings for sweets when we dried out and come to find out it was a natural reaction to cutting out the sugars/carbs when we quit.

    I still get a low-key, undefined craving at 5 PM, from (I think) years of opening that first beer after work. Carbs or sugar will fix it, but it's still my brain telling me "insert alcohol here". 

    • Like 2
  6. 32 minutes ago, EE2B said:

    For a couple of weeks I was extremely lethargic. Just no energy to do shit. It seems to be turning around now and I’m feeling pretty good. Is this normal for someone giving up alcohol after so long?

    That's really hard to say. It varies a lot based on age and physiology. Some newly sober people will be extremely energetic, some will want to hibernate. I wrote and deleted a lot of speculative stuff, there are just so many variables it's really hard to say what it's down to.

    But thinking it through, I'm pretty sure you have leukemia.

    • Like 2
  7. 21 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Jimbo really must hate TX kids.  I just can't believe this.   Here's to hoping the HS coaches remember this 3-4 years down the line, when Jimbo is retired and new guy is in. 

    counterpoint, the nicest thing you can do for any Texas kid is steer him away from Texas A&M

    if you are in a position to do so, as Jimbo Fisher is, it is an act of kindness and magnanimity to help kids in this way

    I for one salute Jimbo Fisher for being a good public steward here

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, The Marsellus Wallace said:

    Add me to the list. My interest in everything except CFB has just about evaporated--including especially the NFL. I attribute my general loss of interest largely to the unwanted and unnecessary incursion of politics into sport. The shit going on these days is just about to get me out completely.

    I think if you were younger, you might be inclined to credulously say "oh this is an important issue on which I must listen and engage!" 

    When over the years you learn "engage" in this context means "sit quietly and then agree with everything you've heard", engagement loses its appeal. 

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