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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. but enough about Texas A&M
  2. Agreed-- I'm just glad I didn't go into sports media and make it a career given how little I ended up caring about everything sports-related besides UT football and basketball. It's really hard to assign "blame" to the "why" behind that change. As w @DNAGuy, I have other stuff to think about and do, all of which takes precedence over sports. But I also decided a long time ago that my interest in sports was going to be on my terms, and the political hectoring wasn't welcome in my living room. When I tuned in for a diversion and was presented what felt like an attitude of, "no diversions allowed, what are you going to do, not watch?", my answer was "yes". I do not, however, pretend that mine is as simple as "GET WOKE GO BROKE". My interest had already waned to varying degrees, for varying reasons. The need to signify politically-- it wasn't the only factor, wasn't even the primary one, and would not have driven me away in 1994 or 1999. I told myself a long time ago that I could easily pull the ripcord on anything but Texas football, and that's been true.
  3. man I fucking miss REM
  4. I can't roll my eyes any harder. Stop.
  5. with all the cancel culture and people revealing private conversations that they think will harm other people, can we REALLY not get an email thread or something from Liucci released, where he exhibits normal Aggie racial attitudes? I"m honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet
  6. Doctor: "Well, good news, the tests came back and they're all negative. No cancer!" King: "Well, OK, but could you just prescribe me some chemo anyway?" Doctor: "Son, no, you don't understand, you don't have cancer, you're not sick, you don't NEED chemo." King: "No I think it is YOU who doesn't understand, I'm the inspirational leader of the Fightin Texas Aggie football team! And you, you're not going to stop me from BEATING CANCER!" Doctor: "Which you don't have." King: "What's the best way to GET cancer, since you say I don't have it." Doctor: "You could take up smoking. You already look like a four-pack-a-day Chesterfield man." King: "Consider it done."
  7. "Doesn't every ex-jock get a job on TNT????"
  8. nothing about this surprises me
  9. Thank you, Judi, I would very much appreciate that, YOU WORTHLESS ROADWHORE
  10. with that name, could there be any doubt?
  11. I'm using the wrong term for that stage. It wasn't the "OK, go home, see you 3x/wk and if you don't show up, we'll notify your insurance and you'll be on the hook for the cost of treatment" stage of outpatient treatment. It was the "OK, insurance doesn't want to pay for you to be in in-patient anymore, time for you to move to a sober house for lodging and then come to our facility from 9 to 3 daily for treatment" stage. I always forget what that's called. So we were still technically in in-patient (where the rules are far more strict), we just didn't live at the in-patient facility anymore at that point.
  12. They should have made Flynn and Max the Horse romantic rivals for Rapunzel in Disney's Tangled. That would have subverted expectations! especially if she picked the horse
  13. I asked about it in early sobriety as a thirty-year old who wasn't in any way ready deep down to actually give up alcohol. The wisest answer I got was, "Non-alcoholic beer is for non-alcoholics". I remember somebody in outpatient rehab getting in trouble for drinking two non-alcoholic beers. The lengths this person was willing to go to in order to insist that regardless of what our rehab program's rules explicitly said about drinking them, and regardless of anyone else's experience and regardless of what the big deal about rationalizing stuff into "not a big deal", she knew in her heart that she could handle non-alcoholic beer. Of course she did have two of them, not one. And she did say "I wanted to try <some IPA> but I had the willpower to order a non-alcoholic beer instead!" So. Hope she's sober wherever she is.
  14. more concise: oh that's your argument? well it's bad and dumb, like you, therefore QED I win this CR shit sounds pretty easy-- positions I disagree with are incoherent and dumb, therefore wrong. Because I said so.
  15. yes that accurately describes either of our two political parties-- support the one that doesn't have politicians who want to interfere in your life and man I miss when stuff happened and we had a President that didn't MAKE those things political, those were the days what days were those again?
  16. violent rhetoric, meat-tosser! I hope the football team kicks your ass!!!
  17. "only dumb people disagree with me!"
  18. early rough mix of South Bound Saurez-- this really sounds better than the album version IMO, more energy maybe?
  19. and I guess to add, post-edit-window, I'm sorry you're having a hard time with depression and anger. I know what that feels like, even if I have no idea what your specific circumstances feel like.
  20. it's politically incorrect and offensive to say something's is "really gay" nowadays, right?
  21. yeah that was the problem, not coupling "man I'm having a hard time, this is difficult" with "oh and FUCK YOU to anyone reading this who thinks differently than me about politics" let me as you a question, did it occur to you that there might be people who see the thread title and click in here to see what's being said about stuff they feel like they're going through, and among the first five or ten posts they come across, one is a big "FUCK YOU" for stuff that's not even related....?
  22. have you heard the phrase "monkey with a machine gun"....?
  23. "Washington" needs to be changed too.
  24. I'm almost afraid to mention... this means they'll need to change their fight song, too yes I know The Eyes of Texas is not the fight song, play along for once in your miserable life
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