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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 8 minutes ago, Extra Anejo said:

    Yup, but it does solve lots of issues. 

    It creates at least as many as it solves by forcing the G5 and P5 together. It's horrible.

    8x8 to get to 64 can work, even though it will have some weirdness around the edges, but there aren't 120 programs that need to be included in this exercise. 

    • Like 1
  2. 55 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    KState players are going to sit out until ONE student who tweeted something racist is expelled. Aggy has a whole fucking message board where tens of racists idiots post blatantly racist shit. Nothing. 


    I stopped thinking racism at A&M would help our recruiting decades ago, around the time I learned that "racist ol' t.u." actually worked for A&M

    I mean, honestly the complaining from Aggie athletes who could have gone to school somewhere else about Aggie racism is darkly amusing. You knew what the scorpion was when you put it on your shoulder, now you're mad it stung you? Bigotry is bad and shouldn't exist, absolutely, call attention to it and try to change it--- but Jesus Christ A&M didn't just adopt it two weeks ago. It's been a part of that culture forever.  

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, hundredTT said:

    I have been slowly tapering off since May, from an every day vodka drinker to finally completely sober - day 5 today. Not been a fun 5 days at all. Sick first 3 days, sleep was a pure nightmare until finally last night, but still woke up like 10 times last night. Been through it before and get it. What is different this time is I'm just sad a lot of times. The last time I got sober, I was loving life almost immediately and felt so upbeat and determined. I've just been very up and down this go around. Like right now it is Friday and I've just been in my bedroom all day fucking around. Have no urge to go outside, no urge to even answer my phone, nothing interests me. I want this to pass so bad, really depressing. But I know it is not supposed to be easy. 

    Glad you're still trying. Benadryl is your friend if you can't sleep, the first couple weeks. If it was easy and fun to quit, we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. I have been there, the "now I'm going to conquer life, this is going to be awesome!" feeling-- it's transitory, it never lasts, it's not real. The flip side of that coin isn't real either-- "my life is over, I'll never have fun again, what is the point", etc. 

    The reality is that you have today. Your best chance to get another today tomorrow is to not pick up a drink today. Your best chance to not pick up a drink today is to use whatever part of the AA program will keep you from doing it. Rigorous honesty, I love this thread and these dudes and I'm sure everyone else (like me) is glad to see you check in, but posting here is probably the weakest tool available to you. You might be surprised at how good going to an AA meeting and blubbering like a bitch actually makes you feel, in early sobriety. It made me feel better.

    When I was in detox in May of 2018, I got suicidal and let it slip to one of the nurses that I had made a plan and acquired a method to kill myself. That got me forklifted over to Shoal Creek, into the loony bin, where in reading the paperwork carefully, I found out that while this whole detox and rehab thing were "voluntary" (meaning I could leave any time I wanted), being at Shoal Creek itself was not voluntary and those doctors could keep me there indefinitely if they judged me a risk to myself or others. I wasn't even allowed to go outside the first 24 hours. I remember looking out the window and being shocked at how helpless it made me feel to know my ability just to go outside was out of my control. I literally prayed to God to get me out of that situation. Please at least get me to where I can fucking go outside so I'm not locked up in a crazy hospital.

    Later that same day, I was discharged to my long-term rehab care and ended up at a Westlake AA meeting. I was sitting in that meeting angry and depressed and thinking this whole thing was just wasting time until I could kill myself and then I realized, my prayer had been answered. I got out of Shoal Creek, out in the sun for a bit, out to an AA meeting, etc etc. I humbly and desperately asked God to get me out of there and he did, practically immediately. 

    That gave me a little hard-won gratitude, which, when I kept it in mind, helped me through some of the harder times that were still to come.

    • Like 5
  4. when a thread you've been reading descends into political shit-flinging and outlives its sell-by date, yet stays at the top of the forum, and when you look at the "LAST POST BY", it's poster after poster you've never heard of, probably all newly registered to Fight The Good Fight that everyone else stopped reading two weeks prior

  5. 15 minutes ago, Texas St. Armadillos said:
    Now that she's back in the atmosphere
    With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
    She acts like summer and walks like rain
    Reminds me that there's a-time to change, hey, hey
    Since the return of her stay on the moon
    She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
    Hey, hey
    But tell me
    Did you sail across the sun?
    Did you make it to the Milky Way
    To see the lights all faded?
    And that Heaven is overrated?
    Tell me
    Did you fall from a shooting star
    One without a permanent scar?
    And did you miss me while you were
    Looking for yourself out there?
    Now that she's back from that soul vacation
    Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
    She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
    Reminds me that there's a-room to grow, hey, hey, yeah
    Now that she's back

    Meet Virginia would also qualify-- Train's first single was really good and everything they did after that was offensively bad

    here's my nomination

    I'm not a perfect person
    There's many things I wish I didn't do
    But I continue learning
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so, I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to knowI've found out a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    And the reason is you

    I'm sorry that I hurt you
    It's something I must live with everyday
    And all the pain I put you through
    I wish that I could take it all away
    And be the one who catches all your tears
    That's why I need you to hear

    I've found out a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    And the reason is you
    And the reason is you
    And the reason is you
    And the reason is you

    I'm not a perfect person
    I never meant to do those things to you
    And so I have to say before I go
    That I just want you to know
    I've found out a reason for me
    To change who I used to be
    A reason to start over new
    And the reason is you
    I've found out a reason to show
    A side of me you didn't know
    A reason for all that I do
    And the reason is you

  6. A&M was never close to winning the national championship in 1975. At their peak, they were still behind Ohio State, and then they lost while Ohio State won. That Ohio State went on to blow the Rose Bowl against UCLA doesn't change the fact that A&M still needed to win two games it didn't win-- Arkansas and then a hypothetical bowl game against a presumably even stronger opponent than the mediocre USC team that shut them out in the Liberty Bowl. 

    Being #2 in November and finishing with two losses isn't coming close. Coming close is losing a BCS Championship game, or a bowl game where you're already #1, or going into New Year's Day #2, losing your bowl game that day, and then watching the #1 team lose later that night. 

  7. 2 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Reportedly they will be replacing the ACT and SAT score requirement with a pulse.

    (John Sharp): "Whoa whoa whoa, egghead, let's not git too far ahead've arselves. Let's see what the parrot says first. Ask 'im." (/John Sharp)

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/19/2020 at 5:49 PM, Walden Ponderer said:

    While as a raging capital 'L' Liberal, this narrative appeals to my id, it misses a fairly important distinction. Both William F. Buckley and George Will hold special places in the pantheon of American conservatism, and neither would be in any way, shape, or form confused for being aggy in any possible universe.

    It's not that they are conservative (although they are undeniably the most conservative university not run by a Falwell), it's that they are ass-backwards racist dumbass motherfucking rednecks who think "intellectual" is an insult and who couldn't outwit the dumbest maggot in the trash pile. Plenty of conservatives from actual institutions of higher learning would agree with me in that assessment.

    I would like to piggyback on this excellent post and remind people that the enemy, specific to this thread, is Aggiedom. Aggies. aggy. Call it what you will. Aggies aren't examples of anything other than being fucking Aggies. They're no more representative of "hurrrrr Republicans" or "hurrrrr conservatives" than they would be of "hurrrr Texans" if a Cal-Berkeley fan wanted to talk shit about our state. 

    That probably seems like asking for a filament-level of distinction to some of you, but I think it's a distinction worth making in preserving the unity behind our anti-A&M animus.  

    • Like 3
  9. 9 minutes ago, Ignatius said:

    100% this. If a baker doesn’t want to make a cake for a gay wedding, a MAGA rally, or any other reason, that’s their right. If enough people disagree with them, they’ll go out of business.

    What if instead of a baker, it's a noose store?

    And what if the owner of the noose store is black?

    And he refuses to sell nooses to a Catholic customer?

    But both he and the customer are gay so they fall in love?

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    This racist redneck is asserting the death rate for aggys during WWII was 300 per thousand, or 600% of the rate of West Point.

    that part, I kind of believe, what with the fragging and all

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