Three thoughts on this.
One, yes, if it was this or disband football for eternity, I agree, doing it once a year in a shit game no one would otherwise even notice would be nice, but that is NOT how this plays out in reality. There is a good chance that "just" wearing them in glorified exhibitions turns into wearing them any other fucking time it seems like a good idea to somebody. Ohio State has worn alternates against Michigan, not to mention Penn State, and that's not the only example of this kind of scope creep.
Two, yes, the black jerseys/trim as shown above are the "least worst" thing I think I've seen proposed, but it is naive to think that's all we'll get once that particular Pandora's box is opened.
Three, the bolded-- responding to this social crisis by playing dress up is the worst kind of tokenism. This would be the football program's "changing the Facebook avatar" response.