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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 25 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    Football is the opposite of social distancing.

    Covid is not just going to burn out, no matter what the non-experts want.

    No cure No play.

    we just have to convince the experts that these large social gatherings are valuable to the general public health, and then we're good to go

  2. 14 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    Roger Goodell just apologized for not listening to players when they took a knee

    he hasn't apologized for not embracing gay marriage earlier, I don't think this is enough

    but it should be enough to get the "extra draft pick for minority coaches" idea rekindled

  3. 5 hours ago, Drew said:

    But not surprising since quite a few of you flat out boycotted The Athletic because they were associated with aggy...which was a very aggy thing to do in the first place.

    It is not "aggy" to refuse to patronize i.e., give money to an ostensibly impartial news source that republishes material from Texags.com. You either don't understand what Texags.com is, or you don't understand how that alignment flat-out contradicts how The All-American was marketed when it launched. 

    • Like 3
  4. 19 minutes ago, Ignatius said:

    Horns played TCU right after this game ended

    And it was on pay per view, and my roommate and I dragged our TV to his girlfriend's (much bigger/nicer) place and had a watch party there. So I remember the day, but damn I cannot place where I was when I first saw the play.

  5. I do not give a flying fuck what you as a corporate entity think about COVID or George Floyd and I didn't ask. You do not need to email me to tell me you care about him, It, Them, etc, because not only do I not believe you but also, again, I didn't ask. 

    • Like 8
  6. They are probably retrenching, the same as a lot of other media outlets. I personally would think that along with Notre Dame, Ohio State, and Michigan, the traffic and interest generated by a Texas beat writer would pay for the writer, but maybe not.

    It probably doesn't help that any Texas fan paying attention isn't willing to subscribe and underwrite Texags. I cancelled my subscription the minute that shit was announced, and I bet I was one of the first thousand subscribers when the site launched. 

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  7. 45 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Edit: OH, not to mention "cancel" culture is a bullshit snowflake issue. Fromm isn't being cancelled from shit. 

    then it seems like you have an issue with the nomenclature, because even if you want to take the word "cancel" as literally as you possibly can in order to pretend it's not actually a thing, the outrage culture is an obstacle. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Because as long as you were joking, it isn't racist!!

    What do you think was racist about saying, presumably jokingly, only white people should be able to buy something? If he didn't actually mean it, what was racist about it, in your opinion?

    Whether anyone found the joke funny or not, it is a combination of tongue-in-cheek and gallows humor. I don't know what's in his heart or mind, but the joke looks to me like someone sending up his status and the widespread assumption of white privilege. 

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