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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. On 5/1/2020 at 9:21 PM, Gooby said:



    not even the whole month of May, it was back to Deep Tracks today, which I am sure is a fine channel under most circumstances but was a big fuckin' disappointment after getting accustomed to Zeppelin on Ch 27 the past few weeks

  2. 11 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    Or maybe he noticed how many points OU had to average to win the conference the last three hundred years. 

    I'm not sure how it would be phrased better. "Our defense is gonna be so awesome that i figure we can slough off on offense, average 28, and get by" or "I'MA CALL THE TOUCHDOWN PLAY EVERY SERIES YOU AIN'T NEVER SEEN MORE POINTS THAN WE'S GON' SCORE"

  3. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    I knew it obviously, but man, we haven’t won the conference in 11 years. You almost have to try to do that with our resources.

    shit, after 1983, we only won the SWC three* more times in its final 12 years, and we've only won the Big 12 three times in its entire existence

    we're mostly about winning revenue championships


    * counting 1994, when A&M went unbeaten but was on conference probation so we shared it with four other teams

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    I get separated forums for political discussion because it's usually a shitshow. But a global and nationwide pandemic and legislative policy goes hand in hand with the discussion. 

    Unfortunately, I think the attitude people have towards the other team goes hand in hand with those discussions too, and that's what usually sparks the grease fire. 

    X is a problem, Y is the solution is fine, but and Z are a bunch of <use your imagination> that caused X is a frequent detour for threads like Minneapolis and COVID.

  5. 20 hours ago, DougO said:

    Maybe throw in Damon Johnson for good measure, and another lead voice and writer.

    who do I have to kill to make this happen? Damon Johnson might be the most underrated musician of the 90s. I love that guy's work. I might start a Damon Johnson thread. 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, blacklab said:

    I'd like to thank those of you on this thread that have given the moderators support. Also thanks to the others in this thread, I do want your feedback.


    What I hate is seeing 2 pages and getting all excited to read it and then finding out it's a fucking argument about Kap.


    You know one thing I don't really see you do, that other site owners do-- you don't really throw your weight around. That last sentence is as close as I can recall seeing you say "this is what I like, this is what I want". There are plenty of other sites which either start to take on the personality and interests of the owner, or get run by the inmates. This one seems like it's still floating along on the current, which would explain why it is reflecting the turbulence of the moment.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    we also have sooners, isu cyclones, baylor bears, red raiders, horned frogs, and all manner of posters from other fanbases. it's one of the strengths of the board, actually.

    I don't think it is, actually, when (or if) the posters from those fanbases are primarily here as yet another outlet for political bullshit. It's bad enough anyone would seek out a sports message board for political validation, it's even worse when you strip away the common denominator of "at least we're all Texas fans". 

    You have a female Alabama fan with her feelings hurt here. What part of that computes?

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Brandywine said:

    In some ways he’s Mack Brown part 2. How many games did he win on the last play with a field goal? Especially the big ones. It’s like Mack wanted those last minute heroics. 

    I don't really see those two things as similar. Mack's last minute FG stuff generally wasn't Kansas 2019 stuff. It did happen here and there against teams we were far superior than, like 2009 Nebraska or 2007 Oklahoma State after the huge comeback, but there were plenty of those late game heroics when we were the underdog or even money (1998 A&M, the Michigan Rose Bowl, etc). 

    The Kansas game we were bitching about was just about the worst of all worlds. One, we were supposedly way better. Two, we had two solid leads (14-3 and 40-30) get away from us. Three it was FUCKING KANSAS, you would think Herman's antenna would be up after Strong's 2016 debacle. Four, the two point conversion for fuck's sake.

    Sorry, still a little steamed about it.

  9. wow, in case anyone doubted what a colossal shit Rich Robinson is


    When the Magpie Salute veered off the road in February 2019, after two years of hard touring, guitarist Marc Ford returned home to California, knowing something wasn’t quite right.

    “We were all pretty burnt at that point,” he says, calling from his San Clemente home. “We’d gone at it hard and the band was great, but it’s discouraging when you throw everything that you can at it and, for whatever reason, it isn’t working. Rich was making all the decisions with Magpie. He ran it the way he wanted to run it—good, bad or whatever—and it ended up the way it ended up.”

    The “Rich” he is referring to, of course, is Black Crowes cofounder Rich Robinson. Ford did two tours of duty with the Crowes (1991-1997 and 2005-2006) and his renewed friendship with Robinson was the nucleus of The Magpie Salute’s 2016 formation.

    But, after a few successful runs with The Magpie Salute, Ford started to feel that something wasn’t quite right. Beyond financial issues, there was a vibe hanging over the band, which the guitarist still can’t quite describe.

    “We’d been told we weren’t touring again in 2019,” says Ford. “And that’s all any of us knew. Rich and I still talked about things now and again; but, little by little, we were talking less and less. And then, one day, I tried calling Rich and he’d changed his phone number.”

    By the time that The Magpie Salute’s second studio album High Water II was released last October, the band members were starting to wonder what was going on. A month later, they found out the answer along with the rest of the world: Rich Robinson had reconciled with his brother Chris and reformed The Black Crowes with a totally new cast of players.

    “It’s too bad that it was handled that way,” says Ford. “The rest of us were just waiting around for Magpie to start back up—if we’d known there was no future for the band, we would’ve done other things. Nobody else was calling us—as far as they knew, we were busy with Magpie.”

  10. 13 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    You can’t just put it on autopilot and expect 10 wins and New Year’s Six bowl games to just fall out of the sky.

    I'm so fucking tired of hearing that from our coaches after we come up way short. DID. YOU. NOT. FUCKING. ALREADY. KNOW. THAT? Did you know it and just, you know, not tell the players, or more pertinently not just demand enough from them to prevent them from thinking it?

    It means about as much as "We're Texas". Empty words. Show me, stop telling me.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I think somewhere in Gorman's book, probably in the late 90's, Budweiser wanted to sponsor them and everyone but Chris was like "100% absolutely fucking no", and he pushed for it until Pete Angelus talked him out of it.

    I relistened to Gorman's book this spring during planting (still entertaining the second time through) and maybe even more than the first time, I think the biggest "winner" in the story is Pete Angelus.  That guy comes off like a miracle worker.

    heck, it wasn't even the late 90s, it was immediately on the heels of the Miller Lite blowup-- Budweiser (Bud Light) wanted to sponsor their first theater tour after getting kicked fired by ZZ Top. 

    agreed on Angelus, from the book I'm like "how are the Black Crowes the only thing post-VH/DLR that he's known for?" Did he really not have a chance to manage another band at that level? Because it seems like ESPECIALLY for his luck with contracts he'd have had offers. 

  12. Chris and Rich are going to do at least one live quarantined concert here, upcoming, since the tour's been postponed, and....

    ....wait for it.....

    ...it's sponsored by a giant beer company (Budweiser)

    folks, we have truly lived a great circle


  13. 1 hour ago, gmr548 said:





    with a clumsy eleven-play, 46-yard drive to kick a game-winning field goal too

    the only thing that gets me madder than half the COVID posts around here is thinking about that fucking Kansas game last year

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