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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 1 hour ago, texaslong said:

    Damn. I just realized that 2% of Texags employees are minority, and he's an intern at that. 50 employees, and you can only hire one non-white person? It truly is an aggy run business.  Also, who is this?


    Miss July in the "Lit Ladies of Bryan-College Station" 2020 Calendar

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    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Ghost of Stevie Ray said:

    I guess my point is, in what world does Texas need aggy?

    100% of Aggie insults directed at Texas are projection. 100%. There is nothing they say about us that they don't secretly think or fear or even wish was true of them.

    This is a fan base that claims their University is a big, swinging dick in college athletics yet believes they had to go to the SEC because the "Hundred Year Decision" was at its root a defensive maneuver to address the fact that we wouldn't allow a level playing field to exist.  

    Or how about "We don't want girl cheerleaders but nothing that happened in college football between the end of World War II and the day we went co-ed counts!"

    Or "Aggies don't lie, cheat, or steal. Jackie Sherrill is a fine man and a great coach". 

    And then there's the whole "gay fag sips" thing. 


    • Like 3
  3. no one who's watched more than fifteen minutes of college basketball in the last decade would even question whether the Big 12 or SEC was the tougher conference. it's never been a debate, a question

  4. 16 hours ago, Thiefery said:

    LOL that aggy hype video.. Jimbo says they are an inch away.. an inch??

    how many inches are there in a 43-point loss? because they had one of those last year

    along with two other double-digit losses

    not even going to research but I'll guarantee there's never been a national champion in the poll era that lost three games by double digits the year before including a 40+ point loss

    • Like 3
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  5. 7 hours ago, texifornia said:

    If you want to read National Treasure Disgrace Billy Liucci's take on CDC and scheduling aggy, it's good for a laugh


    CDC is obsessed!  tu is obsessed! We're not obsessed, here's 900 words and a list of ten reasons to prove it!!!!

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Even if other players were available at the Dixie Classic, Nicholas said, “I don’t think it changes the spirit of what he represented. It was a selling point to bring people together, and the end result has been a tremendous spirit among the Aggies.

    “It’s the overall symbolism of it. The 12th Man tradition is the 12th Man tradition, and he is identified with it and always will be. Maybe there were other players on the sidelines, but when you call a guy out of the press box, that’s different.”

    "fake but accurate"  !

    • Like 1
  7. it is uselessly pedantic to say things like " we all want what's best for America" or to add "we just disagree about how to accomplish that"

    it sounds like the kind of thing a politician says when they want to sound generously even-handed, and it's usually followed by a contradictory knife in the ribs remark about an opponent

    or a bunch of tweets from predictably partisan media outlets, when it's being done on a message board

  8. Just now, HtownHorn said:

    This is an amazing paragraph of stupidity mixed with an inaccurate version of facts.

    1) Jimbo is the least liked college coach in Texas

    2) aggy has lost more HTH's to Texas than they have won. They have 1 RB, no OL, and their defense from front to back is no where close to the talent at Texas.

    3) Herman has finished with the higher ranked team, than Jimbo save 2016, when Herman left UH causing his team to lose their final 2 games when they had just blown out #3 Louisville, the same team that had earlier boat raced Jimbo.

    look, it's like every other Aggie argument, if you accept their premise and leave out factual evidence and reality, they've really got you by the short and curlies

    • Like 6
  9. 45 minutes ago, hullabelew said:

    Chicago Music Exchange did that to me on a pedal (modded Soul Food).  Two months later, it was still showing on their site.   When I asked them about, they were complete dicks..  Fuck those guys.  

    Trying to be magnanimous about it. They said their software inventory system mistakenly told them they had one. I'm really disappointed more than irritated, but there's some irritation too, because I had to ping them to find out. Not sure when they were planning on saying "oops! That great deal we sold you was just make-believe!"

    I haven't left seller feedback yet. I don't know how much of a jerk I want to be about it.

  10. 1 hour ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Nebraska was a huge loss. Yes I know they haven't been close to what they were under Osborne but they are still a blue blood in football and their name, history and tradition still pulls a lot of weight. Miss playing them.

    the Nebraska that was a huge loss doesn't exist any more, it's a figment of euphoric recall

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