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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 1 hour ago, Woodrow Call said:

    Rick Leach was a heck of a player. Ended up playing professional baseball.


    People who don't follow Michigan football don't understand how important Leach was to that program. He probably should have won a Heisman and could have won a national title if either the '78 or '79 Rose Bowls had shaken out a little differently. And that came on the heels of the disastrous 0-3-1 run against Ohio State; Leach's time there completely reversed the rivalry and ended the Ten Year War with Bo on top, 5-4-1. 

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  2. old Big Ten names-- Tim Spencer and Kirk Lowdermilk, Bill Happel and Scott Helverson, Vaughn Dunbar and Anthony Thompson, Chris Zurbrugg, Tony Boles, Blake Ezor, Rickey Foggie, the linebacking trio of Simeon Rice, Kevin Hardy, and John Holecek, Randy Wright, a tip of the hat to a Purdue team that had Jim Everett and Rod Woodson and won like 7 games, and finally the pride of the fightin' but generally winless Northwestern Wildcats, Sandy Schwab

  3. nice collection, I am thinking of adding another two myself-- I keep one in standard, and then I'd like to keep one tuned a full step down, and one in G, because tuning back and forth is for suckers

    just waiting on the rest of the degenerates at this point

  4. 3 hours ago, Lobo said:

    The 2023 home schedule seems like it sucks: 

    Right now it's hit or miss, hit in the years the awesome OOC contest is played here, miss the years it's not. At least we have bluechip OOC opponents on the schedule. There were plenty of years from 09 through 15 where the best game was something like "Oklahoma State's almost in the Top Ten!" or "we haven't played Ole Miss in recent memory!"  

  5. 23 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    No it's the CR cabal behind it, or at least their socks.  I was banned 2x within 24 hours, and still can't get the mods to explain the reason why.  CR Cabal comes into the no CR thread shits on it with back door political posts, get called out, leave, and they don't get banned,  Hmmmmmmmmmm ?????

    It's disappointing to look at that thread from the board level and see "Last Post By <CR Hyena #1>"

  6. 11 hours ago, futureman said:


    pretty clearly has to be a longhorn troll account.

    unless he thinks it's clever taunting to claim a bunch of stupid shit that no one thinks is true

    like is it clever to tell Tom Brady "I fucked your wife and I'm a better quarterback than you!".....? 

  7. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Phlegms posts are among the best ever on this or the Shaggy site, right up there w/ Thujones dick pics.  His use of images to convey post messages is/was hilarious.  If you didn't get them the problem wasn't with him....

    I've seen people laud him, and I've seen who says "that guys posts are worthless, fuck him", and to the extent it matters, I am perfectly happy being in the latter group.

  8. and I just realized I never posted a picture of the Martin after it came home.... I fucking love this guitar. I've said for years "oh my cheap Fender acoustic sounds like a $1000 guitar". Either that was badly overestimating it, or this $1000 Martin sounds like a $10,000 acoustic, because it's fucking beautiful

    and you gotta love an orange capo


  9. 8 hours ago, victory88 said:

    Florida (Post Meyer) and Miami were stepping on their own dicks during his success there.  UGA still had Richt and while they recruited well, they weren’t on the cheating level they were now.  The ACC was also a joke while he was there.  Much easier to recruit kids and pay kids to stay close to home when you’re winning and the programs around you aren’t.  Plus FSU Atleast has some tradition of winning big unlike aggy.

    This is going back a few pages but to this, I wanted to add that Fisher's national champion FSU team lucked into playing an obviously flawed Auburn team that needed two miracles and a badly overrated SEC Championship Game opponent (Missouri) just to qualify for the BCSCG, and then FSU was lucky to scrape by in that game.

    That team was a house of cards. A playoff would have exposed them, as it did in 2014. 

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  10. 14 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    A lot of old fat dudes that pay to have their grass cut vocally posting on the internet about how soft players, millenials, and society are because we let CFB get interrupted by the virus.

    yeah people being monotonous bitches on the Internet sure gets old

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