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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 29 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Add a Rose bowl win in modern times; something aggy has not even sniffed. 

    The Rose Bowl is the Rose Bowl, but even if you're irrationally inclined to be fair to A&M, you can say "won a literal BCS/NY6 bowl" and burn them even worse. 

    In other words, the Rose Bowl itself has some extenuating circumstances. If you're not in the Big Ten or Pac-12, it's pretty hard to get there most years. But to never win ANY bowl that was Alliance/Coalition/BCS/NY6 affiliated at the time, going all the way back to the early 90s.... man, that is some amazing incompetence. Plenty of programs that we don't think of as top-shelf have won those bowls, like:

    Boise State






    Georgia Tech

    Ole Miss


    Oklahoma State


    • Like 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This is a lot like business owners saying we should re-open the economy.

    Not necessarily. They're saying what they think WILL happen. They're not taking a "should" position, at least in the survey being referenced, which i know is weird since that's de rigeur in this culture. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Iceman said:

    Didn’t it say last Sunday night ( or maybe I read it online while researching the theories last weekend?) that MJ shorted one of his gambling debts to the tune of about 1-to-3 versus what was allegedly owed.  At a certain point, gambling creditors are gonna make a statement if you feel like you can take liberties with them, regardless of capacity to pay.

    Kill dad.  Then mom’s next, mofo.   Y’all are thinking waaaay too nicely for a bookmaker/ crime thug.

    I don't know what movies you're watching, but it's more likely they would have kidnapped and conscripted James Jordan into sexual slavery aboard an Albanian yacht

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    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Evidently, in fish camp, the rednecks were taught to believe the reason the UT/ aggy game was moved was because of "great fear of the mighty sleeping giant" than ran rampant through UT administrators and alumni.

    "Our only hope to stop this runaway train is to move the game up three weeks!"

    I guess it worked though, we kicked their dicks in the dirt the following season and won 11 of the next 16 before they hightailed it out of the conference

  5. 18 minutes ago, UTDD said:

    I hear it's looking good but you never know with kids.  A person I know pretty well that seemed really connected really swore by the running back Noah Cain and he's at Penn State.  I'm still amazed at some of the talent we have gotten recently with absolutely no results to show for it.  However, our prior recent talents were quite different by position/skill set, etc.

    I read a post by a guy here who says it's happening, so I'm certain he's coming to UT

    • Haha 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    By the time his father was murdered Jordan was worth well over 100 million dollars. What sort of gambling debt could have forced his creditors to kill his father? 

    101 million dollars?

    But I agree. In all my years of watching TV and movies, I am pretty sure that Jordan's father is worth more to the gamblers alive and under threat than dead because having Michael Jordan shaving points could have been worth a lot. That far-fetched scenario makes more sense to me than just outright killing him. 


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  7. 5 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    I guess I mean that, if the Jerrys had assured him that they were going to take care of him after he played out his bargain contract (like they did with MJ), Scottie would have been much more content making "peanuts." But they offered him no light at the end of the tunnel.

    Maybe, but it never seemed to me like the players trusted anything out of Krause's mouth. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Extra Anejo said:

    I don't see many Pac12 games being played when Big12 games are airing, so flipping over to the random Pac12 game rarely if ever happens in my house.

    maybe you're not as depraved as I am, but I promise you, the negative scenario I dreamt up above would happen to me.... when I watch, I am only ever glued to Texas or a huge 1v2 type national game, otherwise I'm flitting around from channel to channel

  9. 10 minutes ago, CurlyDumps said:

    The question is, do people give him a pass now when comparing the two?

    I personally don't think so. The major criticism of Jordan was "you can't win playing the way he plays, he's too much of an individual scorer to win a title". After he won six titles, that criticism stopped, for what are hopefully obvious reasons. That's not getting a pass. 

    The criticism of Lebron James wasn't "you can''t win playing the way he plays". The most common criticism* of James was, "the best player should be able to win without changing franchises to stack the deck in his favor". That didn't abate until James went back to Cleveland and won a title, again for obvious reasons. 

    I guess other than that, I don't follow the sport closely enough to know if there's some illegitimate criticism of James you feel he's still getting, where Jordan didn't. 

    * granted, the other criticism of him I heard a lot was "he's an amazingly talented, completely phony, pretentious mouthbreathing hairplug pussybitch whiner" and that one may have stuck but I'm not addressing it here. 

  10. 12 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    Yall should watch the YouTube links I posted earlier. Jordan had come directly from the golf course with Ahmad Rashad. I imagine that they'd already been drinking, in addition to the glass that the Director alluded to being refilled during the interview.

    I find it interesting that at one point, Jordan told reporters he had "fear of failure" type nightmares where he was literally an alcoholic and had lost everything. Oddly specific fear to express itself in a dream like that. 

    Who knows if it's true (it's true that those stories came from Jordan to the reporters, it's not necessarily true that Jordan had nightmares like that)-- Mickey Mantle used to tell a bullshit story about having a nightmare where his tombstone said "BANNED FROM BASEBALL" after the casino business in 1983 but later admitted he made it up. 

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