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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 3 hours ago, Sejjr said:

    Considering there is still no vaccine for SARS or MERS, I am not too optimistic this new Coronavirus vaccine will be coming any time soon. My money is on your side of that bet. 

    all the more reason to cancel everything forever

    even if we get a Coronavirus vaccine, something else will come along, and we can't have that-- non-essential things like college football, church, concerts, an economy, these are luxuries we can no longer afford

  2. 6 hours ago, notre dame joe said:

    I think people are reading too much into this. Just because VG isn't doing the details does not mean he's a do-nothing producer.

    I agree. I think he's way too much of a control freak to take both hands off the wheel. I doubt anything significant makes it into a script unless he's OK with it. Some of the jokey-jokey dumb shit that's been in prior episodes was at worst stuff where VG shrugged his shoulders and chalked it up to the personality of the writer(s). 

    I also think that the "so and so wouldn't have done ________" stuff is being stated too definitively. Mike didn't break down crying and try to give Saul a hand job in the cold of night. He made what we see as tactical errors judging after the fact. Some of that might have been to further the specific story they're trying to tell (i.e., they want Saul caught in the desert) but some of it might be human characters making errors in judgment. 

    The best example to me is Mike blowing up the truck as it came up on Saul. I don't think that was his (or Saul's) intent when they started that little gambit, but this was after a full day or two in the desert. It's just the best he could do in the moment. The idea they should have planned it-- sure, of course. Saul, though, is not a mastermind, and he's not in control of his emotions. They're both half-delirious from dehydration and fear.  

    The show would probably be pretty boring if the human characters never acted like humans. If they never made dumb mistakes, never failed, never encountered any problems they couldn't effortlessly defeat without any emotion, this wouldn't be the Breaking Bad universe. It would be a sci-fi show and they'd be the female lead(s). 

    • Like 4
  3. 15 minutes ago, JFKFC said:

    We've been looking for a vaccine for 2-3 months at the most. The experts say it takes around 18 months to have one tested & ready. How can a football season start before then? 

    I don't really think we should start it back up at all. There are potentially many diseases out there that are highly communicable and without a vaccine. 

  4. 14 hours ago, markstanco said:
    On 4/7/2020 at 6:23 PM, lemonandaturd said:
    So if they cancel the 2020 season, Jimbo won't win a fucking game.  John Sharp is gonna be pissed.  The tackle box won't pay for itself.  

    Its not getting canceled but if it did, the contracts concerning this would be interesting to see across the board. 

    Not really, in this case. Fisher will continue to get paid. I promise his contract does not protect A&M in the event of "ain't no foo'ball played this year", and neither does any other coach's. 

    Basically, he's still their football coach and they still have to pay him what the contract says. I guess you could start seeing young, first-time coaches get clauses inserted into their contracts that dial their pay back significantly in the event a majority of the games have to be temporarily cancelled, but no coach with leverage is going to accept that. 

  5. This annoys me:

    "It's good for athletes and coaches to have Non Sports Opinions and to use their platforms and share them!"

    "Unless they think the wrong thing, in which case athletes and coaches should just Stick to Sports Cliches and/or Read The Card."

    • Like 1
  6. Talk about "if" the playoff will expand is just odd, to me. It's going to expand. It'll be eight teams in its next iteration. If a scenario like 2008 had come along by now, in the playoff era, it would ALREADY have expanded. 4 is a silly, artificial constraint. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Over in the "Greatest White Players" thread I ended up talking about AJ Abrams, and wondering aloud why he isn't a bigger star/spoken about more often.

    I can think of at least one reason he wouldn't be talked about in that context

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, jTower said:

    Amongst their many, many concerning issues, aggy AD finances are skewed and screwed.

    From SI article on the football season being all effed.


    "Young and the Aggies have something else to worry about, too: donations. The economy is hammering businesses, including those operated by big-money boosters. For A&M, tucked in the heart of big oil and gas country, that’s especially significant. At most Power 5 programs, donations are usually responsible for about 25% of revenue. At A&M, it’s more than 40%. The Aggies got more than $90 million from donors last year, much of it from oil tycoons."

    not to mention, donations aren't fucking revenue

    • Like 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    You're not supposed to be BUYING groceries at all.  You should be growing and harvesting all of your own produce.  You should also be ranching all of your own cattle and keeping chickens and pigs in your yard.

    Also, you should not be drinking ANY milk at all, unless you are an infant or toddler.

    I have learned all of this right here on the surly.


    I also built my house with my own two hands, so

  10. I play favorites, and I'm wildly inconsistent. I'm a total martinet about some rules but ignore others. I'm extremely irritable and have a temper and take a lot of stuff personally. I hold grudges forever and I build them up without telling people so when they make one minor mistake I hold them accountable for all the other mistakes they don't even know they've made.

    I've never even heard of the concept of grace; I never assume a rules violation is an honest mistake. 

    I've been out of work since Hornfans went under but I'll make this place great the same way they made Hornfans great around 2007. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 2
  11. 54 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Alum, an astringent, was used for the purposes of vaginal tightening to enhance sexual pleasure for the partner, to make the vagina 'younger', or to hide evidence of infidelity.

    does it work on buttholes?

    asking for Greenspoint

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