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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 11 minutes ago, NoName said:

    Personally, I've never understood the point of lying about stuff that can be refuted with a 2 second google search

    I was just telling Brad Pitt that yesterday right after I walked in on him doing Jennifer Anniston in her pooper

  2. 7 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I skimmed the thread pretty quickly and didn't see any description that rang a bell, but a long time ago on ToS when I was a lurker there was a member who owned a very large Rottweiller and he would post the most adorable pics of his dog. I love that awesome thread, really brightened my day when I was sick and undergoing treatment but I haven't noticed his pup on there. Since there was quite a bit of time between when I lurked, the old Shag turned into a dumpster fire and I discovered Surly I never knew what happened.

    People come and go on the internet, but this poster came to mind because I think he lived in Detroit and they've been hit pretty hard by the virus. I hope he and his loved ones are okay. Don't remember much about him, other than what I've written above, but it's funny what sticks in our memory when we're undergoing a low point in our lives and what makes it resurface.

    hey Mrs Wiggins, I got a very large Rottweiler for ya

  3. 1 hour ago, hiphopfroggy said:



    Iowa St




    Michigan St


    Ohio St
    Penn St

    Rutgers? Maryland? In the Big Ten???? Come ON man

    • Haha 2
  4. On 4/3/2020 at 6:42 PM, Sejjr said:

    It is still too early for the talking heads to start talking about canceling football. That shit is not helpful right now.  

    talking about the worst possible scenarios in the most earnest, empathetic-yet-sober tone, shows how serious a person you are

    it's helpful to my ego

  5. I figured, and was actually kind of hoping, that the dude had gotten Coronavirus when I saw this bumped. 

    I mean I'm not actively rooting for it, but when I saw it bumped, my thought process was "there must be news about Zach Smith, oh it must be CV related, well I hope he's got it".

    That wasn't very nice of me though!!!!!

  6. 23 minutes ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    Think I remember someone for a few weeks back saying that he got expelled from his earlier HS because he punched his teacher

    I am sure there is a bullshit mitigating factor there! but you'll have to wait for the kid to sign somewhere else before you hear an Aggie refer to it as bullshit

  7. On 4/4/2020 at 4:27 AM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    people would clearly prefer to die of an infectious disease than discuss contemporary American politics on a sports message board in the current events forum

    have you ever considered that rather than wanting to die, some of us just do not care about the political opinions of anyone who posts here?

    rule #1 to get me to care enough to consider your opinion on contemporary American politics is, don't post it on a sports message board

    • Like 2
  8. On 4/1/2020 at 11:49 AM, TexanTraveling said:

    Don't necessarily believe it, but it is a theory/stream of consciousness that has crossed my mind....anybody else?


    The Corona Virus is earths way of fighting back. The earth is a living breathing thing and our ability to exponentially increase our population, deplete every resource, and essentially kill this planet demands earth to fight back. It releases a virus and darwinism essentially takes place. Only the fittest survive and long term this is actually beneficial for our society as humans as we reset and remind ourselves what is important.


    I think the Earth is a robot. It runs off the power created by humans. The Moon is also a robot and it hates the Earth, so it made the virus to kill the humans so Earth would start dragging energy-wise and the Moon could finally beat it in HORSE and one-on-one. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    In our junior year he was in a horrific car accident. His treatment included jaw surgery and replacement teeth and he was hospitalized for several weeks. Using the band connection, someone in the administration got  Eddie to give him a call in the hospital and sent him a signed photograph

    he was just trying to score some Percocet off your buddy

  10. On 4/3/2020 at 10:41 PM, Braff Zacklin said:

    Old-school Texas fans will probably always hate Sutton for his pig years

    can't hold a candle to Nolan Richardson in terms of hate generated, and that is saying something. It's not like it was birthday cake ice cream competing against Sutton. Richardson was just a sick human being. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Um, how 'bout an aggy funeral?  I related this story on TOS, so apologies if you've heard it before.

    My cousin died of a heart attack 3 years ago.  His three sisters and he were aggys --- despite the fact that none of them actually went there.  (I think maybe one of his sisters attended for a semester.)  Anyway, the service was aggy themed.  Maroon everything.  They actually played the aggy war hymn at the end.  As soon as it was over, one of his sisters turned to me and yelled across the room, "That's for you!!!" 

    I responded in my best Garth Algar voice, "Thank you".

    that's a close second to dry wedding, but nice story

    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    So, if its not played, do ESPN, FOX etc pay out the TV revenue?  Do the schools pay the coaches?  

    The networks don't have to pay for content that isn't provided. There will be a force majeure clause in there, and that clause is probably favorable to the schools for very short-term things but not so much if an entire season goes away. The contracts are not pay-for-play, meaning they don't pay on a per-game basis and if a single game or even weekend of games goes away, the network still probably pays out most of what it owes, but if the entire fucking season goes away, the schools are SOL. A hurricane comes along and blows away 2 or 3 ACC games, that's one thing. The ACC takes 2020 off, that's different.

    As to the coaches, they're employees and they have a contract. The only way to not pay them is to ask them nicely or go to court.

  13. just checking back in to say that Title Song might be the single greatest unreleased track in rock history

    but I'm taking alternate suggestions-- and by "unreleased", I mean, it was never on a studio album or b-side, so something like "Hey Hey What Can I Do?" by Zeppelin doesn't count

  14. 20 hours ago, 2300 Nueces said:

    The PAC has been completely mismanaged.  It doesn't matter the name on the sign.  In the real world, losers get divided and consumed.  If they want to hang out as academic institutions, great.  They won't be hanging around in Power 4 football in a few years.  Most of the schools in the PAC are on par with Rice.  Rice is a great school but not for football.  The PAC, if it stays intact without changes, will be earning the same revenue as the AAC schools.  The PAC is ripe for a hostile takeover.

    the Pac-12's weakness is that its weakest programs (Cal, post-Leach Washington State and Oregon State-- Oregon would be on that list too if not for Phil Knight) don't have nearly as much money to invest as the weakest programs in the Big Ten (Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, Rutgers, Maryland). 

    Purdue is never going to be Penn State but they can invest in their facilities and pay to keep their head coach. That shores up the bottom of the Big Ten, it keeps the Big Ten's relative top-to-bottom strength from getting too out of shape; the Big Ten is going to end up with fourteen programs that can reasonably expect to be in a bowl game every year (they won't get 14 bowl bids, but they'll have 14 programs that go into each season either expecting to go to a bowl or change coaches). The Pac-12 will end up with real detritus at the bottom if current financial trends continue, programs that can't invest to attract and keep winning coaches. 


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