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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 14 minutes ago, VinyVango said:

    I'm of the school where I think it can be very beneficial analyzing and discussing an opposing player's tendencies, preferences, strengths, and weakness... The whole "Fuck that guy... I'm doing what I do" answers cited the article above, IF TRUE, is pretty stupid... it's weak sauce if it's meant to build confident or team unity... even if you are Lebron James' level and can dominate most players with minimal prep time.

    I get that it wasn't truly meant to indicate that was the extent of the scouting. But there was something really grating about how contrived it sounded after the 3rd or 4th guy did it. It would be like Super Bill Bradley saying "it don't make a shit" to every single thing he was asked instead of saving it for the coin toss against A&M in '68. 

    It's also not a great exercise for a group that comes across as barely coached half the time anyway. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    Maybe if we ran something like...


    Most of the players could get in, contribute, give up some fouls, get some steals, and run the other team into the ground.


    Oh, stewardess? I speak jive. Here's how he explains that:

     “(Our system) was never going to be (Havoc) (at Texas) just because of the makeup of the guys that we have,” 

    Got that? He gets better players so he can't run that system because they won't. Or something.

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    You don't have to read Steve Gorman's book to see how Chris Robinson became a caricature.  That's very publicly obvious.

    Rich's issues, however, are far less obvious and I've been more likely to question the one-sidedness of it.  In regards to Chris, anyone who ever paid attention could see a fairly high level of accuracy in Gorman's portrayal.

    what's interesting to me about your post is, I don't feel like I learned anything I didn't know or wouldn't have guessed with regard to Rich with the single exception of him telling Jimmy Page "nah that's OK" re: songwriting help with Lions. With Chris, there are multiple things in the book large and small that flabbergasted me. 

    And as we've discussed on prior pages, to me it's Gorman's depictions of Chris that felt disjointed, like there was a step missing in how things played out. I have a hard time understanding Chris' behavior as depicted (it not being enough IMO to just say "addicted/high on drugs/bipolar")-- his design of the Amorica or Bust stage show and reaction to Pete Angelus' rework are hard to really believe. Quitting the band in 2002 even knowing it would kill their V2 deal with $4m still to come, is just hard to understand. But, the way Gorman described Rich, even the response to Page, I feel like I understand why he did what he did. His ego and greed were never hard to discern, and he was totally fickle towards everyone in the band. 

    I think the truth of the Crowes at this point is, the creative spark that started their music came from the Robinson brothers but never would have gotten off the ground without the contributions of Gorman, Johnny Colt, Ed Harsch, and Marc Ford. So they've really just been varying degrees of a tribute band since August 1997, those degrees influenced by how bought in (or not) the brothers were. By the time Luther Dickinson left the band, any real hope of getting new, interesting music from them was gone. They were and are a full-on tribute band. 

  4. I personally don't modify my behavior any between open and closed meetings, so it wouldn't or doesn't really bother me if the non-alcoholic types come to meetings.

    Unless they want to talk.

    • Haha 1
  5. Calling it now: we're going to get an 8-game college football season, no post-season, two cupcake out-of-conference games, six conference games, A&M won't play Alabama, they'll beat 5-3 LSU in a ridiculous slopfest kind of game to finish 8-0 and ranked 7th behind unbeaten Clemson, Ohio State, Alabama, Georgia, Notre Dame, and Oregon, and bingo. "WE'S THE 2020 NATIONAL CHAMPS"

    • Like 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    "Tell me about Devon Dotson."

    "Fuck him. Tomorrow I'm going to have unbelievable conviction."

    The fuck?! The fuck are you even talking about dude? Our team is a like a bunch of little kids who just repeat all of the retarded shit that their parents tell them without actually knowing what any of it means or why/if it's useful. Seriously fucking embarrassing. 

    hey, that's the scouting report! not "he always goes left off of ball screens" or something useful. It's "fuck him!"

  7. I should say, I haven't read Smart's contract. I'm going off what I read second-hand, which is that if he's fired, the balance is due him over the duration of the contract. He doesn't get the $10m today, he gets his regular paycheck for another three years. If I'm wrong about that, then yes, sure, it changes CDC's calculation.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Well CDC also has to deal with how to fund the other sports of football revenues tank. That $10 million could go a long way somewhere else in his mind 

    One, it's not $10m, it's Smart's current salary, $3.2m, plus whatever bullshit bonuses he manages to eke out minus the offset from whatever job Shaka cons his way into next. CDC doesn't need $10m today, he needs $3.2m plus escalators minus offsets, for three years.

    Two, and maybe this is changing the subject but I don't mean it that way, our athletic department is epically mismanaged if on revenues of $240m, it cannot afford to pay the balance of $3.2m minus the offset, on a temporary basis, to replace a coach who clearly cannot do the job. 

    I just find the "Top Tens and championships" rhetoric completely hollow if we're keeping a coach around who has proven he cannot do those things, just because it's convenient.

    Or because God forbid, we dip into our surplus or send a smaller amount back to the University for a year or two (or even three) in order to actually try to meet the standard we claim we aspire to.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Blotto said:


    So lets be clear. Your preference is to take on another multi-million dollar basketball contract right now, even though there is a reasonable chance that the financial engine that drives our athletic department (football revenues) could see a significant reduction next year.  You perceive no benefit in seeing how the next couple of months play out to get a better handle on what revenues and expenses might look like? That is how you would run the AD? 

    That is how I would make this single decision, yes. I can perceive a benefit of waiting; I believe the benefit of acting outweighs it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    The implication is that CDC will extend and act the same as Perrin did and also has low standards.

    Anyway I don't think CDC has a choice as the contract he inherited and the current circumstances leave him almost no option unless the boosters are as mad at Shaka as they appear to be with Herman (and they aren't from what we all know). I think there's no doubt if we were talking football that a change would have already been made. 


    Well, my post above about extending Smart is half tongue-in-cheek, but what do you think will happen if we win 25 games and get to the 2nd round of the NCAAs next year, with Smart down to two years on his contract afterwards? Even in the age of one-and-dones, recruiting can be challenging for coaches on short-term contracts. I'm not saying it's a guarantee Del Conte will extend, but I'm also not willing to blindly say "no way, he's too smart for that". He seems to have a blind spot for Smart. 

    I don't agree with the financial calculus here. Del Conte would not be spending $10m to fire Smart. He would basically be doubling the amount he's paying his basketball coach, minus whatever offset comes from Smart taking another job (so $3m a year for Beliein plus $3m for Smart, minus say $1m for Smart's new job). I get that the gut reaction to that is "oh, no way CDC can do that", but that's why I am reacting so strongly-- if you're serious about winning, and competing for championships, then this investment is justified by the fact that Smart has conclusively proven he cannot do either of those things at the level Del Conte claims to demand. 


  11. 15 minutes ago, Teryor said:

    Sorry but, as pointed out, when LITERALLY NO OTHER POWER 5 TEAM has fired their coach due to the world circumstances.

    I don't care what everyone else or anyone does. The right thing to do was to fire Smart, because there was a preferable replacement available in John Beilein. 

    15 minutes ago, Teryor said:

    The expectation clearly can't be to spend 10 million to fire Shaka.  

    We would not have had to "spend 10 million" to fire Smart.

    15 minutes ago, Teryor said:

    saying that this is on Del Conte is stupid as fuck. 

    Who do you think it is on, then, exactly? Is Del Conte not the athletics director, in charge of hiring and firing?

    15 minutes ago, Teryor said:

    Suck it up because there's bigger things going on in the world than our shitty college basketball team. 

    And is that what we're talking about here? Is that the topic, the bigger things than our shitty college basketball team?

  12. 1 hour ago, Burt Macklin said:

    Yep. Only aggy could not win the conference for 20 years and then talk about how easy it would be to win the second they leave. 

    you oughta see how they'd do in the NFC East

  13. And without going back to edit the post, let me clarify to say that I am cynical about UT athletics as a whole, with CDC being the current focus of it. We talk a big game, and carry a lot of weight at the TV negotiating table, that's about it. 

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