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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 6 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Will the "I'm gonna be an alcoholic" people be allowed to post here?  Could get pretty damn busy...

    this is probably the 2nd best thread for them to be in, behind only the JUGS thread

  2. 35 minutes ago, futureman said:

    I don’t post here much so sorry for the drive-by.  I haven’t gone to any meetings in the last few weeks because of all this and I just want to verify that on-site meetings are off?  or are people still going?  I’m in austin.   I drove by northland last saturday morning and it was fucking packed.  I know a lot has happened in the last six days. 

    It varies by locale-- in Lakeway, the Serenity meetings @ The Lakeway Church are off because that facility is closed, but I think (I haven't been in > a week) that the Keystone meetings @ Emmaus are still on for the time being, just VERY sparsely attended and they've largely been replaced by Zoom meetings that are circulated word-of-mouth. So we still have some in person and some that are cancelled. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    One of those years, I think, we got lucky and got coppin state in round 2 after they had a big upset- 13 over 4 type. 

    that was two years later-- in 94, we lost to Michigan's Fab Four (Webber had gone pro), in 95 it was Joe Smith's Maryland team, in 96 we beat Michigan when they (no shit) called a timeout they didn't have and then lost to Wake Forest w/Duncan, and then in 1997 got to the sweet 16 by beating Coppin State by a point. Lost to Louisville in the Sweet 16. 

  4. 16 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Just from watching this game - if there was anything wrong with KD that season - it's that he was too unselfish. He should have had 30 shots a game. I'm going crazy over here saying to myself HOLY SHIT JUST KEEP THE BALL AND SHOOT IT! FUCK YOUR TEAMMATES!

    I don't think coaches understood efficiency the same way back then. A lot of the hoary Norman Dale shit turns out not to apply to a generational talent like KD-- while I grew up with, love, and applaud the sentiment of five players on the floor functioning as one single unit, team team team, no one more important than the other, if the team's total offensive efficiency is X and the individual players is X+1, then you should feed the individual player unless and until that spread converges. 

    I don't even particularly like watching the Houston Rockets brand of basketball vis a vis James Harden, but on balance it's a smarter way to play than "make sure Kevin Durant doesn't take some arbitrary number that feels like 'too many shots'". 

  5. 14 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    So still no Texas basketball on tv then?

    the 09/10 UNC game wouldn't be out of place, nor would the 03 regional final against MSU or the regular season win @ OU that year

    or when we were an inexplicable 11 seed in 1995 and bitch-slapped Oregon in the first round

    winning at Kansas in... 2011? What year was it where Jordan Hamilton was being kind of a chucklehead and we won there anyway?

    Texas-Utah in Austin during the 1993-94 season, I'm not even going to explain that one if you haven't seen it

  6. What a great post, @Reagan1k   

    since I don't have meetings at which to share my inanities, you're all going to have to read them. Or put me on Ignore. 

    It occurred to me today while fumbling through a guitar passage that whether or not I'm good at anything in sobriety, I am better at everything. That's really all you can ask for.

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