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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Love that OSU fucked OUsux twice in their final season in the same conference.
  2. Well yeah, it’s obviously nice to have help.. At this point in the season, we just need to take care of business, win and not worry about anybody else. After all, what else can you do? I think this team will do fine in the CCG regardless of what happens with OSU.
  3. It does if we beat whoever we face.
  4. This is why you always take care of your own bizzness. Can’t rely on anybody else. We’ll be fine as long as we do that.
  5. Need a plant foot slip and kick the holder.
  6. Which Auburn recruits are we still in for?
  7. For sure. Like most here, I prefer Okie lite next week. We have plenty of opps to fuck OUSUX going forward.
  8. Some of our worst experiences with B12 refs has been against Okie lite.
  9. I doubt he wants either to get it. Given no choice I am sure you are correct.
  10. Okie lite helping Yormak realize his nightmare.
  11. I was wondering that as well, for a minute. Then I realized I don’t give a fuck.
  12. Quinn needs to get much better at stepping up in the pocket. That last hit was on him.
  13. Be a good time for a football game to break out.
  14. We need to draw up a “Mar Play” at halftime.
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