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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Richard.Simmons as a aggy yell leader should make for an interesting one.
  2. Thanks girls! I was working up a good pissed off start to the evening.
  3. Slight delay while they try to sober up the Tech staff?
  4. I read about it 😉
  5. Apparently you missed the Summer of Love and the flower children…but yeah.
  6. You don’t need one with a mug like that.
  7. Nothing is too difficult when it’s out of the question to begin with.
  8. Yeah, he has more of a when will it ever stop look.
  9. That’s not something one would expect to hear from Genghis.
  10. Astros SP is a real “grab bag” this year. You never know, but expect nada.
  11. Going to be much more hilarious when they play like they did against Appalachian State this year.
  12. And that was when they were buying the top of the prospects at every position against a handful of programs that were attempting the same. NIL “killed the radio CFB star”.
  13. I thought Bill in Sinton had expired.
  14. Arch’s first official start should be quite the media event. The media attention when that day comes will be large to say the least. Texas should tie up the media minutes exposure for CFB for most of that day. Dad and an uncle or two, Game Day most likely. Hopefully we kill it on the field to put a cap on it.
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