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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Be interesting to know when we last had nine or more in an inning before that one. Any stat nerds in here have that handy?
  2. Personally, I am rooting for a multiple extra inning game.
  3. That’ll do for starters boys.
  4. This one is one I never get tired of. Classic.
  5. There we go bitches! Keep on keepin’ on!
  6. This is not our standard. By that, I mean…this is not our standard. Jeez man.
  7. Hunter dishing out a little “Brown 25” this inning (feel free to Google). Hope he can clean it up.
  8. Because of optics. Any changes to existing SEC protocol would suggest Texas influence. Something they don’t have. And they’d likely be correct.
  9. WTF!? Nerris: ”I got…I got it…plunk…damn, why didn’t you get it Bregman!”
  10. Heartbeat of the Astros. That’s no. 2 for Tuve. It’s ok for Abreu to hit one next AB.
  11. One of his best plate appearances!
  12. Ok Pressly, don’t barf up more than 2 this inning = profit.
  13. Did Dusty get his Abreu’s mixed up?
  14. Yeah, he’s only getting a bronze star for that on my sheet.
  15. About fucking time! Bregman is in a grove right now.
  16. Not to worry We’ve been told we’d win 80-90% of our games with this lineup.
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