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Foggy Notion

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Just ran across this on Reddit. Someone earlier today posted a bunch of previously unseen VH videos from 78-84. A mix of live clips and backstage footage. Speculation out there is that the videos came from Noel Monk’s personal archives. These might get taken down from YT soon. You can see all the videos on this guy’s page: https://youtube.com/@jamestvega?feature=shared Here are a few videos to get you started… ^^^ Check out Eddie warming up backstage at the 4:26 mark. ^^^ with Ozzy and Sabbath
  2. If he’s here, he probably posts in the guitar thread. That’s Willie Pipkin, guitarist from the South Austin Jug Band and the Little Elmore Reed Band. According to discogs, he also played guitar on a couple tracks on the last Charley Crockett record.
  3. If you can get a shot of the back of the headstock, that might offer some clues as to the age. Those look like Waverly tuners. If they were made before 1948 the tuner plates should be plain. If they were made after 1948, they should have diagonal hash marks stamped on the tuner plates.
  4. Here’s an AP article on the overnight firings: https://apnews.com/article/trump-inspectors-general-fired-congress-unlawful-4e8bc57e132c3f9a7f1c2a3754359993 And here’s a CRS piece that discusses the 2022 amendments to the Inspector General Act that increased removal protections for IGs: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12363/2
  5. I’m feeling this. We should all buy walnut hollowbody Gibsons.
  6. I ran that rig in a couple different wiring configurations at different times, but it was both. I had some pedals that went only to the Vox and others that went only into the Marshall. On some songs I’d play through just one amp on the verse or quieter parts, and then hit the A/B box to turn on the second amp with a distortion or overdrive pedal on a crunchy chorus or other louder parts. But one of my favorite sounds was when I would use a Dunlop TS-1 tremolo pedal that would pan the tremolo in stereo out to the amps. It was like sound in 3-D. You could actually feel the tremolo pulse hitting you from different sides.
  7. I was playing a mid-90s Epiphone Riviera. The Korean Rivieras from that era came with full size humbuckers instead of the mini humbuckers found on most Rivieras. Basically a 335 with a frequensator tailpiece. It doesn’t have a stereo output, but I used an A/B pedal to send the signal to both amps which made it easy to play through either amp or both for a total of three different sounds. And I hear ya on the weight. Both amps were/are in road cases with casters which added to the weight, but made it easier to get them in and out of venues. But yeah, getting them in and out of the van was a two-man job.
  8. My favorite stereo amp combination for a hollow body with humbuckers was my last gigging rig: a Vox AC-30 top boost and a Marshall Bluesbreaker. It’s a little much for small rooms, but glorious when cranked.
  9. Thank you, sir. I’ve been checking this thread daily in anticipation of the reveal, and it was worth every minute of the wait. It’s beautimous. I hope it plays and sounds as incredible as it looks. I’ll add that I’m not usually into gold hardware, but it is just perfect against the walnut finish and black guard of this guitar. Classic and classy. You done good.
  10. Cut the funny business, Mr. Fuck. Where’s our new guitar?
  11. Newest beat dropped five days ago. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  12. He can vote in Florida which defers to the law of the state in which the conviction occurred. New York allows felons to vote if they are not currently incarcerated. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/05/politics/can-trump-vote-2024-election/index.html
  13. This is true. He was in LA for over a decade where he hosted his Kill Tony podcast and built a reputation as an insult comedian. He moved to Austin in 2020 after Rogan moved here. After Covid, Texas opened up its venues before California so Hinchcliffe and others were able to do their standup here and make a living here which they couldn’t do in LA. My GF and I went to several Kill Tony tapings here in Austin because we enjoy comedy and we were going stir crazy during the pandemic. I’m very familiar with his brand of comedy. It’s meant to offend in many ways including racial humor. I’ve laughed at his jokes before while putting money in his pocket, but never again. Fuck this guy. He’s saying the racist shit that they can’t say out loud, and he’s saying it at a rally in MSG. And then say he’s just joking.
  14. Every player in the Texas football locker room knows this song.
  15. Fuck Tony Hinchcliffe. He walked out on stage to Texas by BigXthaPlug and told the crowd they were gonna hear from someone else from Austin, referring to Elon. Tony Hinchcliffe is from Youngstown, Ohio and claiming Texas. Fuck that puto.
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