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Chili dog

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Period. End of story. I’m sorry.
  2. Maybe not, but we should be smart enough to use a period.
  3. So OU is basically just morphing into Washington State. It’s a strategy…
  4. I hope it takes them as least as long as it took us. It seems like a great time for all the Sooners who’ve forgotten the post-Switzer era (which is most of them) to have a sequel to that little period in the wilderness.
  5. No kidding. It wasn’t the divorce or the loss of his furry best friend. Perhaps an inventory of priorities would be prudent. I have to say, I could not have been less shocked to discover this dude had a major drug problem.
  6. I think they (Mills and Fasusi) may both be guards. But I haven’t watched a ton of either in pass pro.
  7. This has to be incorporated into a new thread title. I’ll offer “Texas Recruiting Notes 2025: Duck Calls and Asian Poon Wars,” but I’m sure one of you clever bastards can top it.
  8. This one hurts them. They were over the moon for this kid.
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