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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. not a bad point at all baby... I not a bad point at all.
  2. you can't help yourselves Trump was swept into office as a pushback upon the divisiveness of Harry Reid and Barrack Obama mid terms turned out perfectly for Trump with these four United States of by God America hating bitches..pushing the party further left and forcing the only Dems with a chance to come along for fear of being labled "racist" Keep doing you and we will keep Trump ensconsed You are enabling the very thing that you hate....but the Republicans are "self-unaware".
  3. why....that is exactly why you are losing elections. in fact......"try something else" is precicely why you are losing elections..... *hint....you need more votes than the other guy to effect change.
  4. yep but with a certain "you are acting exactly as I told you would act" infusion. predictable as fuck. You don't agree with my politics and have no real substance in opposition,.....so just attack me personally. Perfection, actually.
  5. yeah. but replace "liberals" with Hillary and Wasserman-Shultz and this is dead on. Jim Webb never had a chance in that rigged deal....that had all of the Russian help and obstuction of justice that it needed and none of you gave one fuck.
  6. 1. run out of shit to say 2. Ad hominem. 3. scream racism anywhere and everywhere 4. ?????? 5. actual victims of racism are marginalized.. 6. Someone like Donald Trump becomes the populist choice and can't fucking lose. well done, dip shit
  7. Trump is a response. the entire point
  8. this is inaccurate. we discussed this years ago.....you and I. long before Trump was even a political actor....my entire message was that the divisiness being celbrated would awake a very ugly part of America that I didn't want to see awakened, but here it is...it is reality...Donald Trump is our fucking President and will be again.
  9. it's actually painfully obvious and exactly why the reality that you refuse to recognize is the ....you know....reality.
  10. not trying to be "helpful" there is only ONE WAY that this jackoff is elected president and it is exactly what you and yours celebrated and apparently continue to celebrate. I gave up once the guy from the "Apprentice" announced his candidacy and was taken seriously....this ship has sailed....watching y'all trying to stop it by doing the same shit, only stronger, is comment worthy.
  11. Hayden....you are moving left as a party with these four chicks and Trump will scoop up everyone that you are moving away from.....including Nancy Pelosi apparently. This isn't helping...you already did this once and are refusing to see it.
  12. look....you are wrong and I know that you won't hear it, while Henry Gondorf laughibly posts about "self-unaware Republicans"....but your race baiting party with its stragey of divisiviness is the reason that this clown is our President and in a position to make these ridiculous "tweets".....it's you, mother fucker...it's you.; You draw upsides based upon race, you better have the majority or you are going to lose. I begged y'all not to, but it was the best pom pom fest ever while it was good, and now where are we? thanks a lot, asshole.
  13. no....I am disappointed in you not running the numbers. I expect you to resort to ad hominem retorts and lauding the race card as you seem to align yourself with those who have run out of shit to say so they do just that as a matter of course.
  14. right back at you
  15. the Dems are destroying us by making this a race baiting bitch fest and not running the numbers. particularly disappointed in Huckleberry, what with his statistical chops. you can't win this stop doing this
  16. I don't know......ended slavery? Reconstructed the Union? Continue to administer over the most robust economies? Y'all are fucked. You simply must side with these four United States HATING women or you are racists. Joe Biden will spen the next year and a half trying to explain how he is not an old white guy and this orange asshole walks backwards into another term. You are KILLING US
  17. FIFY egg zact leigh watching the left collapse upon itself, because of this very shit has me hunting for a MAGA hat. fuck you assholes for doing this to our country https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/abandon-chair-house-floor-chaos-pelosi-speech-trump-tweets?jwsource=cl
  18. this is correct
  19. Her "strength" is that she is a spinner chick bar tender that the media is in love with for the eyeballs she brings. Please don't assign her anymore improtance to anythinng than that.
  20. Jimmy's reckless trading on racism for perceived political benifit has ruined the country for the next two generations at least.
  21. ahhhh...the JimmyJazz model in full swing 1. Completely run out of ideas 2. Recklessly and indiscrimiantly accuse everyone of racism. 3. Allow for those supporting AOC and her pals' "victimization" to somehow fill the void of the vacated "Mueller Report" 4. ??????? 5. Wonder why Trump is the President, will be the President again prior to his daughter becoming the President. My God are the Dems fucking stupid. ...and I really wish that they weren't, but this is off the rails now and it is not getting back on track in my lifetime. Y'all are even canabalizing each other now and calling Pelosi a racist....forcing her to get up in front of the House in order to call everyone else a racist. This is what happens when the JimmyJazzes are allowed a modicum of exposure....the light comes on and the truth comes out. Thanks alot, assholes.
  22. thanks man....I couldn't get that to work. Perfect
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