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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. take the loss, pussy. (Hobbes)
  2. no collusion, no obstruction...nothing but a trigged AG with a completely compliant boss who is going to spend the rest of his time in office coming right at the institutional weaponization of the Justice Department. Do you think that you are pissed now? wait until 2021 while mother fuckers who actually broke the law are actually being targeted by a pissed off fat man with no recourse. you can't help yourselves.
  3. Watching y'all get faced with reality is akin to aggy needing to do the same thing once in a while and there is NO WAY that I don't slow down to watch. fuck you, Jimmy. sorry to break up the echo chamber jackoff session here. wait.....no I'm not.
  4. I know that it hurts....sorry man.
  5. lol Mueller can't comment derogatorily about anyone that isn't under indictment. He gave you a complete reporting of his investigation.You are not going to discover anything under this further "investigation into the investigation. He is not going to un-redact anything that I am sure is where all of the goodies are. You are fucked....this has been a disastrous fuckall by the Dems and the media. Take the loss, pussies.
  6. I like Gil and wished this would have happened to almost any other libtard here, but the demonstration of desperation for confirmation bias here rises to the level of performance art. At least Gil got Tripplehorn worked up for a bit. let me say this again EVERY LIBTARD HERE LOVED THAT HOLDER FLIPPED OFF CONGRESS AND IGNORED CONGRESSIONAL SUBPOENA. unlike Barr, whose only transgression is to tell you what is contained in an investigative report that is now publically available....Holder allowed for evidence to disappear and kept any "investigation" from moving forward whatsoever. take the loss, pussies. and prepare for Bill Barr to piss you off MUCH more in the coming months while Joe Biden kills your chances in 2020.
  7. cuz a rap singer died
  8. take the loss, pussy and quit leaning on the Constitution only when it suits your "victimization" stance one day and be ready to throw it in the trash the next. It's your Constitution too, you have made that very clear. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?
  9. rage... rage at the dying of the light
  10. exactly why he didn't show up... this was never an "inquiry" but a forum for Dems to give political sound bites to their campaign ads. "The report is public... I told you what was in it and there it is for you to see." The committee chair doesn't even have enough game to go after Barr himself and wanted this to be an opportunity for his lawyers to go after him for sound bites and to allow CNN to continue the narrative that has collapsed on them. Perhaps a "Town Hall" with Comey will fix all this.
  11. lol... "link could not be embedded because YouTube is not allowing the embedding of this link"
  12. https://youtube/SuPJ4UZBi3Q
  13. it seems to me that we need to do whatever it takes to hang on to this guy.
  14. you interject racial conflict into almost every argument that you lose where it has no relevance, as a drowning man lashes violently for some sort of life preserver... thus co-opting an actual sociological pathology for your selfish political "gotchya" moment on a message board. All you do with that is marginalize the actual victims of racism and get someone like Donald Trump elected in a landslide. nice work
  15. allowing the race baiter to define race baiting while denying his race baiting seems irresponsible.
  16. I "dunked on a poster?" I am going to need to know more about that....I am staunchly anti-personal attack here until just this last two weeks wherein I have discovered that that is completely acceptable here as a means of "I have no rebuttal" I can palm a basketball and could grab the rim while in college, but I am not sure that "dunking on a poster" makes any sense to me. Unless it was Fooster....I would dunk on his bitch ass any day, any time. The pussification of this board and its movement left are not discrete energies, in my "estimation" But I never said shit about Nazis.
  17. So you're just talking out your ass. Got it. what are you talking about? I have never made any statement about the relationship between Trump supporters and Nazis. If I had to guess..since there is a two party system firmly entrenched and the left insists upon identity politics driving the narrative, that those who are not in favor with the left are now galvanized in an equally ugly way in a fight back, and they outnumber the leftist white guy "enlightened" assholes who have NO skin in the game, are going to elect someone like Donald Trump, in a landslide, ....twice......mostly out of hate and leftist white guy "enlightened" assholes with nothing to lose will remain convinced that doing the same shit, no matter how many times Lucy pulls back the football, is their best play and we will start looking at specious attempts at impeachment and removal of the electoral college....cuz that must be it.
  18. you have in the example given and are anxious to do it again in some insane attempt to win back the populist sensibilities, while the entire thing is backfiring on you, politically.
  19. what? I am neither a Trump supporter nor a Nazi...I have no idea. What percentage of ANITFA are fascists in your best estimation? what percentage of them could actually win a fist fight? take the loss, pussy.
  20. you are doing your best to demonstrate for all of us. how's that working out?
  21. only eight pages. your catalog is strong though....just wanted to keep this specific to this thread and its last few pages.
  22. maintain the echo chamber!...don't hurt our feelings! take the loss, pussies. and, yeah, Jimmy....I promise you I can go back fewer than 10 pages on this thread on this day to find an incidence of your race-baiting. I know that you are struggling with being so invested in this report and having it collapse right in front of all of us, but I would need to "put my drink down" to scroll back. You disgusting bitch. .....take the loss pusssy.
  23. y'all are scared to death of Barr and it is fucking glorious. Not fan of Trump, I wanted Jim Webb to be the President this cycle, but y'all fucked him out of coverage and opportunity much like y'all fucked Bernie, later. I am a huge fan of Barr, though....and watching this cat cause y'all to piss down your leg is the most entertaining political event of the season. He's going to take you down utilizing your own insane bullshit against you. JOE BIDEN TO THE RESCUE!!!!!!! perhaps the Jimmy Jazz strategy of race-baiting with really work this time. thanks again, assholes.
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