So you're just talking out your ass. Got it.
what are you talking about? I have never made any statement about the relationship between Trump supporters and Nazis.
If I had to guess..since there is a two party system firmly entrenched and the left insists upon identity politics driving the narrative, that those who are not in favor with the left are now galvanized in an equally ugly way in a fight back, and they outnumber the leftist white guy "enlightened" assholes who have NO skin in the game, are going to elect someone like Donald Trump, in a landslide, ....twice......mostly out of hate and leftist white guy "enlightened" assholes with nothing to lose will remain convinced that doing the same shit, no matter how many times Lucy pulls back the football, is their best play and we will start looking at specious attempts at impeachment and removal of the electoral college....cuz that must be it.