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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. oh...wait..." prosecutorial discretion"...I forgot.
  3. Jimmy James ... the arbiter of who has "lost credibility here" still hanging on like a scorned bitch. take the loss, pussy. your "credibility" on this matter is laughable and your idiotic assumption of ability to assign "credibility" on to others, while yours has been destroyed and you insist upon digging the hole deeper is as amusing as your party's answers moving forward. The orange haired moron in office is there and will remain there because of the Jimmy Jameses who are spinning around in the grief cycle. Thanks for ensuring that no qualified President will ever be elected in either of our lifetimes, you unbelievable moron.
  4. "rigamarole" is a solid old person word.
  5. sorry for your loss, Diablo
  6. Chamber of commerce day out there right now man. Perfect day to visit the University and the surrounds.
  7. there we go....personal attacks and complete lack any real interest in this report is the default position of the morons doubling down on this losing proposition, to the further decay of the Democratic Party's chances at ridding the country of Donald Trump. Taking your lead from your media stooges who won't let it go either, because so much of their emotional psyche was wrapped up in this farce actually working as some sort of salve for their butthurt from Nov 2016 ...you are now Kavanagh-ing Barr, who is actually doing his job and scaring th shit out of you, because he is not on Lynch's tarmac and WILL now investigate the investigators. The post was in response to the "not enough attention is being given to the Mueller report" idiocy, while it is clear that NO Democrats are interested in that report at all anymore as it doesn't contain shit that they hoped it would. And to listen to any complaint from them or posters here about "redactions" at all is hilarious from the same crew who LOVED redacted Lois Lerner "investigation" reports and had a fucking parade when Holder flipped off Congress and their "subpoena" to show up and testify. Ok...." less redacted"....still not interested in reading even that because they know that it won't help their cause at all. None of this is to verify that our President wasn't a foreign asset, as we were assured here and everywhere....a cause of celebration for any true American....you are crushed that he wasn't....but you knew that all along, you hoped that this two year "investigation" conducted by a political hit squad would turn up something, at least..and to attempt to neuter half of his first term, hoping that it would stop all Executive Branch successes. You'd think that at least one "outraged Dem" would be at least a little interested in gleaning from the parts that were unredacted. No.....not one. Nope, nothing....just that you really, really, really wanted there to be something. There are some parts still not privy to even Congressmen the private viewing setting.....THAT must be it!...THAT is where the poison pill is! Libtards doubling down on a 7-2 off suited and doing the same shit that brought us this Orange headed moron in the first place and doing it again. Enjoy Barr's look into the folks who weaponized the Justice Department for political gain, "Strock Insurance" or whatever the fuck y'all support as a means of proper governance. We all suffer, but at least y'all continue to lose and lose and lose. Well done.
  8. the full, un-redacted report is on display at the Justice Department for Congressmen to come and view. Exactly 0 Democrats have been by to give it even a cursory read......and only two Republicans. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/30/mueller-report-redacted-1295105 lol......nothing but wall to wall coverage of this nothing burger for 2 years, 24 hours a day ...not to mention your entire life's energy for just that long, and it "isn't getting the attention it deserves"
  9. not to mention, Karen, an NCAA teams' benefactor contacting recruits is a giant violation that aggy is intimately aware of, you know, from the last time they overpaid a ridiculous coach with questionable compliance issues. please forward your new found knowledge on to Billy Lucci and your pal "The Hamm" before one of our savvy SEC mates turns us the fuck in (after following Jimbo around and bird-dogging all of his "evaluations") sincerely, that one reasonable aggy fan.
  10. hey Will.. bout the same... how are you?
  11. so...so good. thank you.
  12. not what I said. Of course Obama's, Holder's and Lynch's Justice Department "investigated" Hillary...they allowed for the destruction of evidence, wholesale, obstructing both hers and Lerner's "investigations" ....there is NO WAY that anyone in that administration would have appointed a "special prosecutor" to look into any of this, Holder ignored Congressional subpoena completely and you were right here applauding all of it and calling those who didn't approve racists.
  13. Golf Clash.. that is all
  14. General Barr... the bane of your existence. You think that you are pissed at him now.
  15. this seems smart. nevermind that no special prosecution EVER would have been allowed to investigate Hillary.. because.. you know. she and Holder were actually obstructing justice... but.. other than that..it is the exact same thing. stick to race baiting.. you suck at this. take the loss, pussy.
  16. while you completely ignore Cicero, Hume, Locke, Jefferson, Adams and all others who expertly rebuke your ridiculous "derp... alz I know is she got more votes" screed.
  17. I did.. I wrote of Cicero in the post preceding.. that you are not capable of simple research is not my responsibility
  18. wow. no wonder you can't win an election. You are more of the problem than I thought... but someone on the View yesterday just said "I have a dream" therefore I believe Whoopi Goldberg largely responsible for desegregation of the South. Literally volumes of this explanation of why and how a direct democracy is unsustainable are in print and ready for study, even these words, almost in Hume's exact plagiarized order, exist, yet much like Jefferson "word for worded" John Locke in the Declaration... you will ignore inconvenient history... hell... not even study it... and insist upon changing the rules because you lost... again.
  19. try "Google Scholar"... at least... dip shit(s)
  20. "Google" isn't always your friend, you under read fucking triggered perfect representation of the problem within academia.
  21. that's Cicero... which I already have cited above.... thanks for trying, tho... and keep on hoping that Hillary might still win
  22. The constitution of the ROMAN republic gave the whole power to the people, without allowing a negative voice either to the nobility or consuls. This unbounded power they possessed in a collective, not in a representative body. The consequences were: When the people, by success and conquest, had become very numerous, and had spread themselves to a great distance from the capital, the city-tribes, though the most contemptible, carried almost every vote: They were, therefore, most cajoled by every one that affected popularity: They were supported in idleness by the general distribution of corn, and by particular bribes, which they received from almost every candidate: By this means, they became every day more licentious, and the CAMPUS MARTIUS was a perpetual scene of tumult and sedition: Armed slaves were introduced among these rascally citizens; so that the whole government fell into anarchy, and the greatest happiness, which the ROMANS could look for, was the despotic power of the CAESARS. Such are the effects of democracy without a representative.
  23. You said majority. Majority do not want this. the electoral majority sure as fuck does. and, sorry, we elect our government upon *gasp* the electoral majority.
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