Is this the part where you put your fingers in your ears and yelll "yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaayayayayayay.....I can't hear you" while clearly ignoring your writings on this thread alone promising, nay, "knowing" the opposite conclusion would be forth coming....if only we would wait and stop all other legislation in Congress and reporting in the, know, just until Mueller is NOT fired and is allowed to show us the burning bush that makes all of this better?
That was you, and those like you....right here on this thread and other places who have now some how doubled down on what would be an embarassing miscalcualtion for any reeasonable are going back were right damn it.!.....TURN THOSE MAMACHINES BACK ON!!!!!! TURN THOSE MACHINES BACK ON!!!!
pro tip-----you think you hate Trump now, wait until he is a 2nd term lame duck and his fucking insanity really show up, a position you and your pals in denial are rushing him towards at warp speed now.