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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. you've done your best....you can only hope. but there was never anything here except for your butthurt over the general election....and you had zero compunction about ruining the country while this bullshit investigation was the story, non-stop, for two years. nice try, tho....you still lose and I can see advocating for "literal war" to salve the gash delivered to you between your legs and your eyebrows.
  2. triggered! Study Cicero and the concept of a Republic. Hillary lost by the rules, (well, as much as she couldn't control the superdelegates anymore)...and you want to change the rules. Sorry you live in a Republic which elects their leaders this way, and your beast lost....but you don't get to change the rules until your beast wins.
  3. and it's YOU.....YOU are doing it again. for all those that don't get that the red baseball cap guys are not the people winning this for Trump, just look at the above two posts....that very bullshit is NOT what the majority of this country wants, and instead of self-reflecting that you may have fucked up and need to strategically pivot....you are doubling down and hoping that doing the same thing over and over again is now somehow sane. The guy in the red ball cap became the guy in the red ball cap because of this type of shit.
  4. perfecto. not sure if the "turn those machines back on" meme is more appropriate here than the "Charlie Brown kicking the football meme" is here. either way, enjoy 4 more years of this dickhead and probably his daughter winning after that.
  5. same "Sergeant at Arms" guy that was going to drag Eric Holder in front of this same shit. The word "Russia" came up almost never today...this-this is now about (actually has always been about) a bunch of butthurt "all in" libtards who are hoping to scratch out some sort of something somehow out of the pot they just put their entire stack into. Yeah...those 19 pages that Barr didn't release as quickly as you wanted him to, which are now completely released, is now somehow the demonstration of an impeachable offense for both he and the President. Please proceed with this moronic "strategy"...in the face of all common sense. much love T
  6. it's almost like some of you have never been to church, a wedding, a funeral or a public gathering of any kind where aggy are in attendance. This astronaut thing, while admittedly a new frontier, is not surprising in the least and I would have been actually surpised had it NOT happened just as described.
  7. ellll oh ellll this is the new thing, huh? After literally being abjectly inaccurate for more that 2 and a half years on EVERY THING that you have advanced as fact, on more than one University of Texas Sports' board and God knows where else, you are going to go ahead and let us all know "what is really up, now?" I am going to go out on a limb and guess that whatever happens with this "impeachment" process will both be exactly what you did NOT predict and exactly what you did NOT want to happen thanks again for ruining the Country.
  8. please refute any of this... makes all 7 points without me having to re quote this entire thread... actually listen to an academic critical thinker and not Wolf Blitzer and some "non-opinion piece" I really don't want to re read and quote this whole thread let's hear what your issue is with any of this on substance.
  9. yes... they do... that's why they are mad
  10. you have a 450 page thread right here to reference.. do I really need to quote all of it again, to make it a 900 page thread to satisfy your level of "proof?" or you could just scroll back
  11. not limited to Shaggy... but you sure loved cheering with the pom pom at prosecutorial discretion and redactions... if not out right denying of special prosecutions... none of y'all "recused" yourselves from a God Damned thing
  12. I'm not going to start "sourcing" a God Damned thing while we are typing on a thread where all of the actors have put their flag in the ground... on the wrong side, again... and only want to continue to do so in lieu of genuflecting, self reflecting and improving so that the country might pull out of this flat spin. But, no... the arbiters of "stupid" will do the same shit again and rage at the disaster that they have wrought.
  13. doubles down on a losing strategy... gets a guy like Trump elected and as the temerity to accuse others of stupidity
  14. hobbes with the "stupid people" retort. . perfect take the loss, pussy
  15. we all saw Notre Dame burn, too... which has exactly as much to do with this discussion as your "point" but the "intellegecia" here picking out "opinion pieces from CNN" as shit "they will not read" while soaking in the rest of their necessarily "opinion, agenda driven" programing as source worthy material is at once hilarious and sad. I know... I know FOX NEWS! FOX NEWS!
  16. bwahahahaha.... as opposed to the other CNN segments that are not? surely you have the same mature, discriminating opinion of Fox News "opinion pieces" vs. "hard news"
  17. I did that... and it was a CNN link, of all fucking things, so the "Fox News" assholes who attempt to stop all discussion of them being abjectly wrong this routinely turn to keep themselves warm, while they are not attacking opposition opinion on a personal level to similarly keep warm while Rome burns
  18. solid work expected at this point and mostly popular with those of you who band together and who's dialogue completely insidious to the country a the common good.... but lowest case denominator lobbing of insults has always been your popular shtick here with the with the libtard pom pom crew... thanks for ruining the county, asshole
  19. waaaaayyy......wayyyyyyy to late. I had this message here for years and "prosecutorial discretion" and "if you don't like it, get more people to vote for your side, pusssy" were bandied about to the absolute glee of posters like Jimmyjazz and Wildcat...... self reflection is a mother fucker.....I get that.....sorry it sucks for them, but this is a boat race to the bottom now and they didn't care and now I certainly don't.....burn this bitch down..but don't act sanctimonious while lighting the match.
  20. take the loss, pussies.
  21. prove it to whom, Hobbes? You.....You the team who went full bore with this soley upon what you "wanted to happen?" stacked a "special prosecution" with your target's political opponents as "investigators?" allowed nothing else to move through Congress while your assinine "investigation" took forever to reveal what any unbiased observer KNEW what it would reveal? Now...you want more "proof" that you can ignore as you have done since this thing has started.? You want to repeat the same exercise that has gotten you, politcally, right where you are now....cuz this time, damn it....this tiime I can really mean it ....and hurl personal insults as a way of deflection and snarkiness, protected fully by the left wing moderation of this forum on this site. Fuck you Hobbes...you are a smart sumbitch but your are fucking wrong here. Jimmy Jazz...you are just a hypocritical race baiting dick.
  22. Is this the part where you put your fingers in your ears and yelll "yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaayayayayayay.....I can't hear you" while clearly ignoring your writings on this thread alone promising, nay, "knowing" the opposite conclusion would be forth coming....if only we would wait and stop all other legislation in Congress and reporting in the media...you, know, just until Mueller is NOT fired and is allowed to show us the burning bush that makes all of this better? That was you, Jimmy....you and those like you....right here on this thread and other places who have now some how doubled down on what would be an embarassing miscalcualtion for any reeasonable being...you are going back in....you were right damn it.!.....TURN THOSE MAMACHINES BACK ON!!!!!! TURN THOSE MACHINES BACK ON!!!! pro tip-----you think you hate Trump now, wait until he is a 2nd term lame duck and his fucking insanity really show up, a position you and your pals in denial are rushing him towards at warp speed now.
  23. example #17 in the last 3 pages, at least. you got nothing, you lost cuz your position sucks and your group think lashout bullshit is going to get you right back where you have always been....the parallels are striking
  24. yep...right on schedule....you show your complete ass for 450 pages on this thread alone...completely wrong and exposed, personally, as being the problem and the reason for the discord...and the personal attacks begin. wanna know how you've lost? other than, you know, you keep adovacting a losing positon? you argumentative skills suck and you are kind of a piece shit for attacking opposing view points in that way. I would say "disappointing"...but it's really not. It's acually completely expected. Your views suck, you are out of touch and your have ruined both parties with your adovcacy and made Trump our President, and you are going to to it again, you compelte fucking moron.
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