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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. everyone of those "fake list" assholes happily allows Billy Lucci to swipe their credit card each month and has for years
  2. that's the guy....thank you
  3. I thought that it was during Ricky's run...but I am probably wrong...lot's of brain cells gone since then, but I remember the backlash at the family members clearly.
  4. very early days of the internet...Go Big 12 days still, I think, before Hornfans....there was a kid that flipped last minute from aggy to Notre Dame...I think he was a lineman or TE named "Morton" or something similar....anyway, this poor 17 year old had the temerity to want a world class education instead of aggy bullshit and his family got ROASTED by early aggy message board user. It was crazy and they may have moved over the deal. aggy can't help but showing their true colors at some point in the game. happens every fucking time.
  5. don't fuck with Anna Hiss, man. That's my ride of die bitch.
  6. surely they can tap all of that CEO money that's "theirs"...all of that "highest starting salaries for graduates in all the land" money. I love it when actual reality hits head long into aggy reality
  7. "make it biggern' the sips" ....the institutional tenet underlying any and all aggy planning and strategy is having its moment in the sun....I hope this gets proper debate in the legislature....Randy Duke will finally have his forum proper.
  8. don't give those nimrods another fucking dollar....they've wormed their way into the PUF, they have robbed their feeder schools of all of their funding for their dork fucking core campus, cooked their books for the US NEWS and World Report whatever and now they are coming with their hands out? Fuck them...for real this time.
  9. No, Billy.....I really don't know what you mean.
  10. Hopefully somebody showed him the guy on twitter laughing at their perceived "sip recruiting bias" I looked over there for it, knowing that I wouldn't find it as I am sure it has been taken down over there numerous times already, but you never know when you might catch it before looch does.
  11. man...this thread is delivering tonight. well done, all around.
  12. damn....Carrington and Del Conte be clowning on these mother fuckers!
  13. totally agree with Burton on Adimora.. possibly the first time that I have ever began a sentence with those four words in that order.
  14. they were listed on the original report correctly... the one with a sticky note on it from John Sharp for revisions to "make it bigger'n the sips'"
  15. that picture of the guy behind the curtain for recruiting dorks could not be more perfect. that is EXACTLY what I thought he would look like. the ugly spawn of social media, X-Box and vitamin D deficiency.
  16. and that their beloved Jimbo is a rape enabler.
  17. Yeah... I thought that the Hitler bit was a bit played, but everything is somehow happier today and I laughed, audibly, at that.
  18. I thought, that if we lost Sheppard, that our score would go up... is that still a thing?
  19. "Bo Darvill" on Texags spent last night signing off every thread with "he is a transfer.. he won't count"... up until 2am...still at it... he was all over it with the Iraqi information Minister act. I check back today... after some sleep.. and the threads are gone. we saw it.. asshole... you and that dumb fucking "David Puddy"... wrong again... no matter what you delete.
  20. we have already won a bigger game this year than they have ever played in in their history.
  21. iwas a time when one of those Texags Lea threads ended with me offering send bus tickets to Lea in Florida for him to ride to New Orleans to meet me half way to fight. I think that I remember that. Also, David Puddy has owed me 1000 dollars since Tucker's kick went through the uprights that night in Kyle Field... he of course, never paid me. Good Ole early century Texags... they are still there, 15 years later, posting around the clock about the sips... same guys all day, every day, for a decade and a half.
  22. worst thing to happen to Looch and his list is the advent of the screen shot.
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