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Everything posted by TtomTerrific

  1. knowing aggy......the creator of this post had some obscure birthday in week 8 (manufactured) so that he could proudly pronounce that "during my 20's, the ags are more or less even with the sips for eyes on TV sets"
  2. what is your home group? If you don't mind me asking. I have been given the opportunity to see many of the groups that I wouldn't normally see and I gotta tell you....the recovery community in Austin is vibrant and healthy, to say the very least. A LOT of good sobriety is happening all around. I went to the Cherry Creek group and picked up a sponsor there...I LOVE it there and never thought that I would ever walk into a building in that part of town and find such good people. The Westlake Group, the Northland Group and the Serenity Group in Lakeway will probably be my circuit, but I have been known to show up at a Heroin Anonymous meeting at the Club 101 (I have never done heroin, but that is just lucky, not by design) and vaped my ass off and really had some good recovery happening around me in there. You never know with this, but I love trying to find out.
  3. The State Lunatic Asylum opened in March, 1861, with about a dozen inmates. Dr. D.B. Wallace, the superintendent during the 1870s, supervised the beautification of the grounds by the creation of 600 yards of drives and a chain of "artistic lakes and lily ponds."
  4. This was filmed out at Bergstrom when it was an airforce base in the early eighties.
  5. "Southeast Corner" apparently. "By 1892 a pavilion operated by the Austin Rapid Transit Company had been built in the resort area located at the southwest corner of Hyde Park. Next to the lake, it provided an ideal location for summer entertainment such as concerts, plays, and dances."
  6. kind of...he and I have discussed this before somewhere. I am an old Austin city nerd and I love that shit...particularly Hyde Park. Here is the old "Austin Rapid Transit Company" in 1892 on a lake in Hyde Park that ran through Austin Country Club
  7. Hancock was definitely the Austin Country Club...it's where Harvey Penick began his career. Hyde Park was the end of the earth...a ritzy neighborhood "Way out north" Speedway was the only road between Austin and Round Rock and it took all day by horse and buggy, navigating the washouts and the boulders in the road.
  8. played craps with that dude and his entourage at Ceasar's back before he was old enough to be in a casino.....listening them giggle like school girls about "throwing around hundies"....now he's forty fucking six. Jesus I'm old.
  9. so, they've kept the exact same on-ramp since?
  10. Wow at Barton Springs during the Civil War!
  11. <iframe width="300" height="250" src= </iframe>
  12. another note to self... when starting an illegal international sex slave ring, go for the highest scrabble total when choosing name of said cult.
  13. some video of Tricky Mickeys, Papers and the Chelsea Street Pub
  14. what the fuck goes on at Camp Mabry anyway?
  15. you're trying too hard, Timmy "you guys playin' cards?"
  16. and here it is....my "trigger" board. been a nice sabbatical. not sure about jumping back in.....life is really kind of cool not reading this shit.
  17. don't change this thread title....it fits the migration and the general tenor of the board right now quite well.
  18. well, to be fair, I have been on a , ahem, "extended vacation"....so, these have been rather intensive and 6 months worth of meetings have easily been crammed into those thirty days.
  19. Just left a Sunday night meeting. I have begun to enjoy these meetings and find myself looking forward to them, instead of having to be drug to them. Day 33.
  20. So, Brewster has just straight up copied the "silent" thing from Carrington? A guy in his fifties so desperately desperate is a sad thing to see.
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