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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. Couldn’t they just install a more senior officer on the ship and make his life hell until he quits? “Yea I know you are admiral but I’m a super admiral, and imma need you to go clean the shitters, then go peel the taters.
  2. I think a lot of these kids like being able to hide behind them.
  3. Why do I get the feeling the real “crime” was it being a middle easterner? If he was cheating with just some random white girl no one would care. He’d just reaffirm his dedication to Jesus and be good Togo for another term
  4. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-create-happiness_n_621e9277e4b018aad3bfc933 claims democrats are trying to make Americans happy. I know, bold move cotton.
  5. Not to take away from the dude , but the dude making that full court pass deserves just as much credit.
  6. Wasn’t DoE one of the departments he pledged to eliminate during that debate where he forgot the third one?
  7. You’d think there’d have been at least one picture of him being there.
  8. Hell yea brother. If yew ain’t cheatin yew ain’t tryin!
  9. Then they just bring in immigrants. No not /those/ immigrants. Indian, Chinese, etc.
  10. Can’t it just be “hi I’m investigating some Greg abbot bullshit. Everything ok here? No abuse? Ok cool, thanks. “
  11. Ehh, it’s not their fault. All that does is keep them from legit abuse. I’d imagine the social workers or investigators or whatever are the most pissed.
  12. Can’t wait for the “report a trans kid” website to open up. I’ll be a good Texan and report myself for letting my boys play barbies with their sister.
  13. I’m surprised Tim had so few considering he was a pretty good passer and had the ball in his hands so much in his prime. He does have the double double record by a large margin so I guess he didnt totally suck
  14. Yep. Ask me how I know. and welcome to the blowout club. It suuucks. I know someone mentioned to air down on the sand, but I don’t think anyone mentioned to air back up once you’re on pavement. If you didn’t that could have caused the blow out.
  15. It’s pretty sterile but generally decent people. Except there is occasionally weird shit, like at least once a year there’s some crazy murder/suicide/hostage situation
  16. Frahlos pizza is pretty great. Or it was 10 years ago last time I was there
  17. This sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. The next batch of foam is going to come with a disclaimer on the can “do not insert this in any body orifice, doing so may result in bodily harm and being called a dipshit by your bros”
  18. I’m not watching the video, but was that dude pedo-fished on Facebook? Because that would be too funny
  19. Spurs. 2023.
  20. Then no one would get served anywhere
  21. Those NFTs will look nice in a cabinet next to my field and stream Ceramic plates and time-life books
  22. Can you point us to your companies application?
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