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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. “I was born not paying taxes and I’ll die not paying taxes.” Is that how this works?
  2. This is basically these peoples stance on everything. Oh, raising the minimum wage will trickle up and I’ll get a pay raise too? Nah, fuckem they don’t deserve $15 for washing dishes. Oh, they have a different name for their God, but are still good people and take care of their community and pay taxes and don’t really cause trouble ? Nah fuckem. Oh they like people with the same genitals but are happy and stable and would be good parents. Nah fuckem im miserable and they should be miserable too.
  3. I don’t know about you guys, but I can get a six pack from real ale that has 2 each of imperial stout, quad and a we heavy for $9. I haven’t bought anything different in several weeks. Is there anything with more bang for your buck?
  4. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/33153946/the-mysterious-fall-harrowing-story-nba-center crazy story about former Spurs great Aron Baynes
  5. Dang, if this isn’t “fuck around and find out” then nothing is
  6. At this point the problem would be building size. Classrooms are sized for ~30 kids. If you dropped ratios to 20:1 you then need 33% more classrooms or 33% more schools. Only solution would be to have like 12 hours of school and some kids/teachers go morning, some go afternoons
  7. I was wrong, she was 13 when she gave birth, so possibly 12 when the mailman delivered… Malone was 20.
  8. It’s tough because Malone impregnated a 14 year old and abandoned them… though choice, America loses.
  9. I’m gonna be honest: I’ve had a techivorm and cheapo drip machines and couldn’t tell the difference. One thing I’ll recommend is if you have hard water use filtered or distilled. I ruined my technivorm and a cheapo machine by using tap water.
  10. Starkel: actually played and started games Tate: 0
  11. Classes are all online through January too.
  12. The big 3 districts in San Antonio have already cancelled tomorrow. Seems premature but whatever
  13. Like, saying a dude didn’t die from a gunshot wound, he died from massive internal bleeding.
  14. What are all these shithole towns going to do when self driving cars are programmed to follow all traffic laws?
  15. That sound like some socialist bullshit to me. Surprised that hasn’t been repealed yet.
  16. I’d be “using” it to keep hidden in my closet for … just in case.
  17. So I’m looking into a basic shotgun for a noob. From my brief searching seems like the mossberg maverick 88 is the common answer. Any thing else I should look at in the $200 range?
  18. Makes me wonder what kind of agreements are in place with scholarship players. Do they HAVE to do media sessions? I know the coaches are obligated. Plus with NIL at what point do the players say “hey chip/bohl/whoever, if you want to interview me it’s gonna cost you”
  19. You could also say it says a bit about Hudson card
  20. What is less than a piece of shit? A piece of shit will eventually decompose into dirt which can be used to grow plants. Cruz is like the liquid that drains out of the bottom of a trash dump.
  21. He didn’t go because he didn’t want to get close to unvaccinated people
  22. Do they just thread on and off with Teflon tape? Any tips for checking for leaks at the connections?
  23. Well I’m not going to replace it with anything fancy. I don’t even really want any gas stuff . It’s just a pop up so to me it’s just a step up from tent camping . I don’t even use the inside stove not the outside stove quick connect, nor the water heater. But my wife likes to run the gas heater for the handful of nights a year where we cold weather camp without electric hookups.
  24. It’s about 10 years old. No idea the brand. I’ll check it out next time I go look at it. I just didn’t know if it’s common and just a part that wears out.
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