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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. I hate all that tech shit in cars. Fuckin push button start can kiss my ass solving a problem that never existed. That all may be an issue for luxury cars but I think there’s always going to be a small but significant demand for basic shit boxes .
  2. He should run for Governor off Florida. For the lulz of course.
  3. Are you implying the abortion issue? Because that’s like comparing apples and apple flavored horse dewormer, they are so very different. Main one being Only half the population can get pregnant and they can’t get pregnant by someone coughing on them in an elevator.
  4. I heard from a source that 100% of people admitted to the hospital had some sort of medical issue!! I would suggest you stay away from hospitals!!! Hospitals have a much higher death rate than.. say.. chick fil a
  5. Maybe they should look into what veterinarians give cows for liver disease.
  6. Not reading the whole thread but these guys have had 3 DCs in 3 seasons. Perhaps they are still thinking too much and not able to play fast. I don’t think a 4th would do anything at all except cause more confusion.
  7. I can’t wait for the “we play in the roughest toughest division in college football. We’re playing top 10 team almost every week”
  8. That is a good point! And much less aggy than “I’d rather lose in the sec than lose in the b12”?
  9. It can be both what you said and very aggy at the same time. we were making fun of aggy 10 years ago for saying similar stuff. Thujone made a few comics about it.
  10. Lost two close games to two top 10 teams. If you think about it that way it doesn’t sound so bad.
  11. Buy, Texas and Arkansas should be out. Maybe Florida
  12. I feel like there are so many average teams. If Texas would get it’s shit together that could be us with inflated ratings
  13. I see what your looking at but the sidline judge made a guess based upon where he thought the ball was since he couldn’t actually see the ball. Looks to me like another ref with a better view of the ball changed the spot.
  14. Do they even sell tickets to the south end zone? I was looking at tickets to the Kansas game and it says there are none available in that section.
  15. Now I’m trying to think of a successful p5 coach that spent most his time as a HS coach. Most of the big names worked their way up the college ranks. Gus Malzahn is the most successful I could think of.
  16. Obligatory: did they discuss their thoughts on the aggys ?
  17. Good for him to get in a national stage. it’s a double edge sword. If he continues to do well it gets utsa a higher profile which is good for recruiting but too good and he gets poached away. Only thing to hope is that he leaves it good enough to attract the next up and coming coach.
  18. Dang thought the sarcasm was obvious
  19. Sarks going to have to pull some strings but I’m confident he’ll get it done
  20. A straight shooter with upper management potential
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