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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. I will occasionally adjust the seat post mid ride to get a slightly different angle. It helps a little bit with tired legs, might help with sore legs
  2. The only ranking that matters is how much gas was burned and how much brake pad is left.
  3. Rankings are dumb. Texas wins out and wins the b12 then we’re in the playoffs. If they don’t, then whogivesashit.gif
  4. Just think . If Casey and the wr ever get the long game clicking Holly shit.
  5. If somehow traylor gets offered the aggy job he should ask for 10 years 75 million. No less
  6. I can’t pretend to know the ends and outs of how health insurance works but through my employers insurance we get rebates for doing things. Like $50 for getting a yearly blood test, $200 for getting colonoscopy $50 for mammogram, etc. all they have to do is jack up the premiums (which is probably already going to happen) then offer a $1000 rebate for the COVID vaccine.
  7. I get what you’re saying but I was somewhat skeptical if traylor even at utsa . He was never more than a position coach at any college level. He’s proved me wrong so far but ut was never going to take that chance
  8. I had a great fucking day too. Was a very diverse set of joy for old dingleberry. The ou loss would have. Been icing but the cake was still good.
  9. I really want to say “pooooooorrrraaagggyyyyy” but ark kicked out ass too so I’ll just add a “lol aggy”
  10. Fuck off. (With all due respect) once the b12 turns to dog shit is cusa that much worse that b12 and aac?
  11. I wonder if sec refs will allow holding ?
  12. “Why would you score 70 points ??!?? You only have to win by 1!!!”
  13. If ou loses this game I will set up a tent in my back yard and invite my wife inside… in honor of wulaw horn.
  14. This is fun Game but also feel like the type of game ou wins. Lucky Fuchs
  15. You have to think he doesn’t make that throw of it’s a tight game.
  16. Holy shit. You always think about speed and strength as the main traits you want for a RB. But Bijan makes me realize that balance is just as important. I feel like we’ve had RB that we’re just as fast but would fall down if a bird shits on them.
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