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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. No but y’all aren’t as fat as the podcast would make me believe
  2. He’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t wear the face paint and horns in prison
  3. - It’s just practice for whenever a Republican loses a meaningful election. -give them a reason for more restrictive voting laws. -they can use “evidence” to try and have the state take over certain counties elections. - Also grift. Choose one or more of the above. Just spitballing here.
  4. You have to think owners are going to want something in the next CBA to put a stop to this. Like maybe a supermax deal drops to a regular Max deal if the player gets traded.
  5. Can’t die of COVID if you die of a snake bite!!
  6. All the antivax idiots will feel vindicated if the vaccine proves to be of little worth.
  7. I think there’s a ton of moderate suburban republican women that don’t care because there’s no way THEIR daughters would ever be in a situation to need an abortion because they are good Christian girls. THeres also probably a ton of “good Christian girls” that have had abortions that didn’t tell mommy and daddy.
  8. He I’m not sure either Simmons or Philadelphia understand the shit value of the contract. I’m gonna get my popcorn ready and see what happens here. Anytime I think a contract is untradeable it ends up getting traded. I’m curious as to what team is stupid or desperate enough to trade for Simmons.
  9. They should voluntarily shut down only in mtg district.
  10. lol. I’ve read about a couple small districts shutting down entirely for a week or two. But they allow sports to continue.
  11. Is it better than the bubba gump in San Francisco?
  12. The lake is 1:15 minutes from the door? or the lake house is 1:15 minutes from your regular house? Or did you mean hours?
  13. I’m pretty sure every time Ted sits down to tweet he thinks “what kind of hypocritical bullshit can I come up with today that will totally rule up the line” there’s no other explanation to his idiocy.
  14. at $90 a pop for maybes 15 minute phone call, no way they can take that level of grift away.
  15. Pretty sure mcds is batter fried nugget shaped chicken goo.
  16. There’sa new neighborhood I know of that had streets named after dashed cowboys. Like aikman dr and valley ranch, Emmett blvd, etc
  17. This was gonna be my next question. The plan is to do regular touristy shit. History museum, 9/11 memorial, Statue of Liberty, observation deck of some big ass building. I have the idea in my head of going out by myself after the kids are asleep and maybe checking out a comedy club or something.
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