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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. What else is he gonna do? Spend time with his wife and kids who are desperate for his attention? Lol
  2. If it goes to pod system would the west pod still be toughest root tootenest football pod outside of the nfl?
  3. Would be cool to hear what some former players feel about it. Get shark back!!
  4. Top 2 conference record out of the pod winners? You Can’t avoid the occasional rematch, but you are more likely to have ties for the pod winner
  5. Anyone else feel like if aggy had agreed to play UT a few years ago, Texas wouldn’t have gone talking with LSU and bama and Georgia and Florida, and this never would have happened?
  6. I’m cringing at what the refs will serve us up this next season.
  7. I thought aggys get pissed when people start mixing their politics with sports?
  8. Apparently that entire tour was a net negative financially for them both. But of course it’s not their money so why would they care.
  9. Judge is ready to give his ruling: “Ms Bauer the living soul is free to go, but the vessel PAULINE BAUER is sentenced to 2 years”
  10. Keeping personal medical records private is pretty much the definition of communism. Everyone knows that!
  11. She gonna burn the house down as she’s getting kicked out.
  12. Aww hell. If anything is a curse it’s that. Wish I had known this. I would have figured out how to bet and put a G on bucks after they were down 0-2.
  13. Dang coach Bud is now a nba championship coach! also Bryan forbes
  14. Wtf is nba reasoning behind these 2 day layoffs between games. Are they hoping people forget about the games?
  15. Shit, let them be a “sovereign citizen” then build a wall (lol) around their residence and cut them off from any US based utilities. Let them find out why it means to be your own country.
  16. “It wouldn’t have been the best coup ever, a big beautiful coup like never has been seen before. And we’ll get Russia and China to pay for the coup!”
  17. It’ll blow your mind to find out that Immamac is a aggy longhorn fan that sounds like Dan Ackroyd but also speaks Spanish.
  18. What’s the overlap of antivaxxers and those that drink Heineken? Can’t be that much.
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