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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. We should really ask what they DO vote yes for. I’d be willing to bet they both had no idea what they were even voting for. They probably just saw a single democrat vote yes and assumed it was some lib green bull shit and decided to vote no. Isn’t mtg the one that’s starts every day trying to get the house to quit for the day?
  2. I still love the Chris rock joke. “Everyone should have guns but a bullet should cost fo hunnerd dollas. All the sudden there’s no innocent bystanders”
  3. I always think the same thing. It’s like every 2nd amendment person forgets half the amendment.
  4. I believe the saying is “everyone has equal rights to get their ass beat but some are more equal than others”
  5. It’s interesting because this doesn’t even make national news. I guess because only the gunman died. Crazy shit though.
  6. Well I pulled the chip and watched the video. I was able to locate the owner by identifying where it took off from. On a side note the last video was from July. So either the owner flew it a bunch without recording or this thing sat on a roof for 8 months through sun and rain and the freeze. The thing still powered up when i presssed some buttons.
  7. I’m surprised he stayed in the game this long. I remember he took like several weeks off from the Spurs several seasons ago. It was unknown if he’d make it back.
  8. NM, looks like that first Toyota v-8 used a belt. That’s pretty weird
  9. How do you know it need a new timing belt? I’m pretty sure modern Toyota engines all use chain.
  10. Yea I’ve heard of that. I guess I’ll see how things change with the tax code. Trump changed the standard deduction to like 24k.
  11. Ok, how about a special toilet or urinal with a small projector that will project a persons face in the bowl or urinal.
  12. I just thought of a brilliant business idea. For a set amount of money(let’s say $40) my company will send you a 500ml vial for which you take a piss in. Then you send back. Then employees will travel to various cemeteries pouring your piss on a grave of your choosing. A short video will be taken and sent, along with a certificate of authenticity and an affidavit saying your piss was discharged on their grave in the pattern you specify. Like a concierge grave pissing service.
  13. So are you saying these kids will eventually grow out of racism? It’s a lot different than drinking, smoking or sexing as a teenager. As you grow up those things become more socially acceptable. In don’t think you grow out of racism. Racism is not acceptable at any age. (Well maybe when you are 70 and your wife dies and your sons are pussys and a bunch of and Asian gangster move into your neighborhood)
  14. Something like someone shooting a congressional softball game? Because that already happened
  15. For that price and that many people, I’d look at a “hybrid” camper.
  16. I made separate accounts for each kid. Fidelity made it pretty easy to do, so why not? I’m not sure about how you’d spread you CC rebate across 3 accounts though. You could keep one and change beneficiary but there might be problems if they are both in school at the same time. Also the plan I chosen throttles the aggressiveness as they get closer to graduation.
  17. I think for #3 there’sa wheel of fortune tire thing where it randomly chooses Hunter, Hillary, antifa, AOC,
  18. Oooh. Now do the Mack brown style inverted “cursed” image
  19. FBI should encourage the “silent majority”’of sex predators to stage a support rally for Gaetz.
  20. “Out on the street”? Not the best choice of words.
  21. I’m just saying, your position of getting joe Biden in jail would be much improved if I had $200 in my pocket.
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