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Everything posted by dingleberryswitzer

  1. I celebrate fried potatoes entire catalog.
  2. Did you take the black lab inc decals off of it? Or are we going to see it on an ISIS video in a few years?
  3. With all the booster email shenanigans ask him how much the boosters were involved in the day to day happenings of the team. Like we’re there just random old guys showing up trying to talk to the players or did they stay behind the scenes. Also who was the best and worst teammate he had?
  4. So I found a drone recently. It has what I think is an FAA license number written on it. Anyone know a way to lookup the owner? I’m willing to do a little work to get this back to the owner because it’s an expensive toy and I lost a drone a few years ago, so I know the feels. But assuming my quest is fruitless how hard is it to get a replacement remote? Its a DJI magic.
  5. “Who did you want to punch more, Charlie or Tom?” “Did you think Charlie would turn it around right up until the end, or did you see early on he doomed?”
  6. Can you tell us what coach the player played under? That would really guide my questions.
  7. When I first heard him say that It didn’t even register with me. I thought he was being sarcastic and snarky, but then again I’m a sarcastic snarky person so everything seems that way to me.
  8. Roof rack that never actually carries anything, plus a ladder in the rear hatch to access the roof rack
  9. The reality is Texas is successful because of the vast amount of natural resources specifically oil. You’d have to be really really stupid to fuck up Texas’ economy, and I fear at some point our politicians are going to hit that point. But, as long as people have their jobs, trucks and guns they’ll be happy.
  10. Shoot I got $7k. Is that enough for boats and hoes?
  11. Why didn’t they just plow him off the road? “ oh sorry didnt see you there,”
  12. Why would she want the JJ more than the others? Didn’t want two shots?
  13. Yea I get that ultimately it’s my responsibility as a parent to protect my kids, and I do plan to educate them on these issues. It’s just sad that I have to teach my kids to be suspicious if a classmate offers them some candy or a cookie.
  14. I agree it’s worst case scenario.
  15. Right, but now I have to worry about shitty parents that dont hide their weed or worse share with their own kids. I serious would have to tell my kids that they cant take any candy or baked item from a friend because it might contain drugs.
  16. As a parent of little kids it actually does worry me. The proliferation of thc candy and sweets scares me. My 4 year old wouldn’t know the difference between a regular gummy bear and a thc gummy or his gummy multi vitamin . Now sure this is my job as a parent to not have the thc in my house, but when my kids are in middle school and a friend offers him some candy they’re probably take and eat it. it’s a little different than the old school weed and liquor because smoking is gross and alcohol burns or taste like shit to kids. You have to put a little effort into getting drunk or high the old way, now a small piece of chocolate gets you high as a kite and I don’t even want to know what happens if an 12 year old with no tolerance eats the whole damn bar. Point being I’m cool with legalizing but there needs to be some restrictions on how thc products can be packaged.
  17. That dude looks like a cousin of mine except my cousin doesn’t have a stupid beard like that
  18. I’d probably look in the medical center because of med students. Pretty much a perpetual base of renters that shouldn’t be affected by economic changes. Plus they are more likely to have consistent income because of loans, more likely to not fuck up anything or have kids to tear it up. now if you are looking for something to rent for now and move into later it’s probably not the nicest place .
  19. Some prickly pear around my hood is still alive and well acting like nothing Happened. Others are starting to rot and smell.
  20. What are the wooden boxes? Forms for windows?
  21. Edit. Wrong thread. good podcast though, bout half way through.
  22. Got jabbed this morning. Feel good so far. I’m waiting patiently for the DNA mutations to give me super powers.
  23. Got jabbed by cvs this morning. Pretty easy. Waited in line near the lube and condom section. Was about a hour from parking to leaving.
  24. Spi is awesome. Not as nice as Cancun...
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