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Everything posted by MrPhlegm

  1. theres some vids out there. google fh18 or mg18.
  2. How a Californian could've ever survived in places like Alabama and Provo is truly impressive. One of many stupid takes by Neuheisel. fuck california
  3. underarmor they both used a x
  4. it was in Kississimmi. you want to take the body down 192 to the atlantic and dump it in the gulf stream there. further to the gulf. and theres the chance the body washes up in the keys if you dump in in the gulf. or you could dump him in one of several lakes that are nearby and save all that driving and let the gators have a snack.
  5. and put back Billy Goat Hill and the Bunker in left field. Saw David Windfield knock himself out cold against the bunker in left ran into it full tilt for Minn golden gophers. we won the game. Chief Siebert was awesome as always.
  6. what excaluber was given to arthur by a moistened bint rising out of the waters.
  7. if ya want whataburger then talahassee
  8. fla is coral gables. gainsville is shit
  9. FIU vs UM was a good one. not for the football games but for the running gun battles on campus.
  10. goddamn is that brazos co jail togs. and what do the 32 on the back mean? him iq?
  11. woah they all trans. whar the tits?
  12. wat? lighten up we makin fun of aggy. and corn aggy.
  13. except its a small world. and hall of presidents. which will be all kama lalala all the time.
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